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Messages - Stig of the Dump

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General Discussion / Re: A.L.F. Where to find them and how to get them?
« on: February 18, 2011, 12:38:11 am »
One more picture that says a lot about how my mouth opening has improved.

As I said (unfortunately no picture), I couldn't quite (or only just with some pain) get a teaspoon into my mouth sideways, before I started this.  Now I can get it in with about a thumb's width (nearly 2cm?) to spare (as graphically demonstrated just a minute ago, picture below!  ;D ):

General Discussion / Re: A.L.F. Where to find them and how to get them?
« on: February 17, 2011, 09:49:26 pm »
Wodgina, do you want to give me a throwaway e-mail address and I'll e-mail you the website of my orthodontists?  I'm sure they'd be happy to chat with you, or your orthodontists to clear anything up.

EDIT:  Wodgina, I've just found the PM system and PMed you with it.

General Discussion / Re: A.L.F. Where to find them and how to get them?
« on: February 17, 2011, 09:47:47 pm »
Here's a better one:

General Discussion / Re: A.L.F. Where to find them and how to get them?
« on: February 17, 2011, 09:43:11 pm »
As you can see I'm a bit fatter! :lol:

EDIT:  I was super healthy in the first shot, doing a long (49 day!) fast.  My tongue says it all.

As for my mouth opening, I still struggle, but much, much less.  I would say it has gone from terrible to merely bad, and hopefully by the end it will be somewhere close to "average"!

General Discussion / Re: A.L.F. Where to find them and how to get them?
« on: February 17, 2011, 09:42:36 pm »
Wilco.  Here is that photo:

General Discussion / Re: A.L.F. Where to find them and how to get them?
« on: February 17, 2011, 08:40:21 pm »
Wodgina, I chatted with my orthodontists about photos.  I could tell they were a tad uncomfortable, especially as they are only in the first stages.  But maybe I can get a camera (I think there's a little webcam on my netbook) and show you at least a picture of my teeth from the front so you can see the gaps they are creating, and an old photo of me as my teeth were (same teeth, but no gaps), for comparison.

In fact I'll do it now, live, as I post.

Here's "my teeth before" and "my teeth now": (see 2 attached files).

(Sorry my teeth have gone a bit yellow.  I've been a sugary tea-drinking alcoholic for a year!  But they'll go back when I stop being so daft.)

The orthodontists explained that only ALFs as designed by their creator (Darick Nordstrom?) actually work - and that they have a bad reputation because a lot of "new-age" practitioners have made their own cheaply, and don't understand the metallurgy required for it to function.

I used to regularly eat in McDonalds years ago.  Once I was sitting there in a McDonalds, fat and lathargic, when a super-healthy, vibrant mate of mine saw me through the window, laughed and pointed, and came in to join me.  He didn't want a Big Mac.  With a twinkle in his eye he said that he liked to come into fast food joints now and then "to watch people eating their depression pills".  -d

For some reason, what he said stuck, and I've never had one since.

General Discussion / Re: A.L.F. Where to find them and how to get them?
« on: February 13, 2011, 07:12:03 pm »
Stig, awesome, thanks for giving us the update. I just got my appliance about 2 weeks ago. It's not an ALF... pretty sure it's a schwartz appliance, looks like this:

Are you sure that the movement is around 1cm? That's huge! That must make a massive difference for you. I think the target for me is 2mm lateral width and about 2mm bringing the maxilla forward (haven't gotten the head gear yet). Not counting braces (optional since my bite is fine) it should take 4-6 months or so. I am expanding at around 1/16mm every few days. Even at just 3/16mm movement so far I've noticed subtle changes, like the ones you've mentioned. My diet is also mostly cooked paleo/wapf with extra carbs and the occasional sad/junk. Also eat some raw paleo (eggs,liver) now and then.

I've been meaning to make some plasters (dentist will have before/after, but want to get some in-betweens). So far I've been taking a photo every few days and my goal is to do some sort of time lapse video once treatment is done. Cheers.
That's great letifer - my device is quite different looking to yours - more plastic.  No I'm not sure about the width increase - I'm probably rounding up - but it is in that scale, ie. sort of little finger width, as there is room to insert two new "replacement" teeth in each row.  My palates were unnaturally shrunken - with just 23 teeth rather than the usual 32, and some crowding on those even.  So a lot of the "growth" is really just unwinding the worst of it.

Yes, I guess mine have been moving about 1mm a month.  You can certainly see it in my mouth if I look in a mirror - the upper palate is so much "roomier" - it was tiny before.  (For a while it bothered my brain and I found swallowing difficult - but I got over that.)  Plus I couldn't open my mouth properly before I started - I couldn't even put a teaspoon in sideways (measuring the opening top to bottom)!  Now I can put in a normal big spoon sideways, with some room to spare.  (For comparison, my Dad who has all his normal teeth can put an apple in his mouth whole.  I still, certainly cannot do that.)

General Discussion / Re: A.L.F. Where to find them and how to get them?
« on: February 11, 2011, 10:00:36 pm »
I'm seeing my orthodontist next week so I'll ask them about putting photographs/models on the web.

General Discussion / Re: A.L.F. Where to find them and how to get them?
« on: February 11, 2011, 09:28:32 pm »
BTW, I'm "guesstimating" the expansion of the back teeth.  The upper ALF has a little width-adjustment loop, about half way to the back, and they have gone from being tight, to open about six or seven millimetres (over the course of two ALFs).  I'm guessing that that translates to nearly a centimeter change right at the back of my teeth.

Certainly everyone I know says I look subtly different.  Basically my teeth are pushing out into my cheeks and lips.  At first they get sore and chewed, with little bite ridges inside my cheeks and lips, but then the fleshy parts respond and expand.  I had a tiny mouth like a rosebud before, now I have a small mouth, but much more normal.  Plus I had creases around my mouth, which are still visible, but no longer actual folds of skin.

General Discussion / Re: A.L.F. Where to find them and how to get them?
« on: February 11, 2011, 09:05:55 pm »
Hi wodgina

I don't have "before and after" photos, but my orthodontist does.  I've seen them, and because there is no scale, they are hard to compare, although you can see the gaps appearing between teeth.  (To my eye - the general feel is that things appear to be deteriorating - moving from a nice (but very small) horseshoe of teeth with no gaps, to a more spread out curve with lots of random gaps.  But that appearance is deceptive - it all feels a lot better and roomier, gaps and all.)

More interestingly, I have plaster models of my original teeth/palatal arches.  I think when we are finished we will take more physical models for the retainer, and we'll actually be able to measure the increases between the two plaster models.  Maybe my orthodontist could photograph both sets of models side-by-side, so they can be directly compared in a photograph.  I'll ask them, but I don't know when that stage happens - it might not be until the very end, in about two years.

EDIT:  Also we are using something called a modified ALF.  It has a lot of plastic structure that the teeth bite on to provide sideways movement forces, and is a lot meatier than the wire ones I see in the photos on sites about ALFs.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Meat Eating Family On Farm
« on: February 11, 2011, 06:17:12 pm »
Too much of a good thing, IMO.  (That "getting up in the night to eat" thing is a little crazy.  Does she think cave people would have done that?  Setting their 'Flintstone-style' alarms?  ;D )

Against their own wishes, Mother Nature probably put cave people through long periods with no food, or when food was thin on the ground.  Intermittent fasting simulates this.

(An even easier method is to eat when you're hungry (and awake!) and not eat when you don't.)

Still - good luck to them.  They are on the path.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Fixing narrow palates and cranial deformities
« on: February 11, 2011, 05:44:24 pm »
Worth a bump.  I have just written an update on the other thread about approaching my first year of using ALFs:

General Discussion / Re: A.L.F. Where to find them and how to get them?
« on: February 11, 2011, 05:42:32 pm »
I was just revisiting this topic, and I thought I'd give you all an update.  I've had my modified ALFs fitted just under a year now, and treatment is ongoing.

They most certainly work, and there is no question of them being 'over-hyped'.  I can't measure the changes precisely, but just by eye, I would guess that the upper and lower palates have been expanded in the order of just under a centimetre.  Certainly major tooth gaps have appeared where the bicuspid teeth were extracted that are very nearly tooth sized, and I know my dentist is beginning to consider moving on to the next stage.

(The next stage would be to use fixed braces to align both arches perfectly, and fit dentures for the missing teeth.  (I've decided against dental implants, as regrowing teeth from stem cells is a technical possibility on the horizon, and dental implants, once bonded to the jaw, are effectively irremovable for life (or until we have mature surgical nanotechnology).)  Then the whole "perfected" arch structures will be pulled forward with night-time traction gear, using a Biobloc to bring the lower jaw with it.)

Everything has improved:  my nasal breathing; jaw aches and tics; how wide I can open my mouth; how I look; and I even stand up taller (about half an inch).

But the main change is mental.  i used to be very anxious.  Now, although I still behave from habit as if I were anxious, I actually very rarely feel anxious any more.  The behaviour is all just dead habits - and so it is beginning to crumble and fall away.

(For completeness, I've also been having cranial osteopathy.  My diet varies from bouts of SAD, to cooked paleo, to raw paleo.  Still very inconsistent, but better than 99% of the population I'd guess.)

Just to add some detail, I think they fasted them in a jar, kept in the dark, with air holes and damp cotton wool/a rag to keep them alive, moist and comfortable.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: How much running?
« on: January 18, 2011, 09:55:03 pm »
If you want something fun, a proper adult hula-hoop is fantastic.  I often do it whilst watching TV and i barely notice I'm exercising.

Another great one is a small rebounder - again great for watching TV.  In fact, if I'm getting excited watching some sort of telly-crud like America's Next Top Model, or The Biggest Loser, I can bounce around like a maniac, shouting insults at the crazy judges/contestants.

I remember reading somewhere that the SAS eat worms on survival training in the UK.  Basically they dig them up, then fast them for a few days until they've stopped excreting soil.  (Same with eating snails safely, I believe - fast them until they stop excreting.)  Then, of course, they cook them and put them in soup.  One guy described worms as tasting like bacon rinds.  He said it was actually one of his favourite meals - to his wife's horror!

I suppose RPDers could fast them until they are empty of soil, then dry them out on a stone in the sun, and have them like beef jerky.

I also read in that Victorian book I mentioned on another thread about insects, that rustic old Victorian gardeners would pop certain grubs in their mouths and eat them as they dug them up.  (I can't remember which ones, but I've just repurchased the book (I gave the old one away), so maybe I can find out soon.)  Plus, when they were ill they would eat a live woodlouse rolled up in a ball, and call it a "pill".

General Discussion / Re: What is Your Favorite Yummy Fruit?
« on: January 18, 2011, 07:12:08 am »
I've never eaten a Durian, so my favourite is a Cherimoya (a custard apple).  It tastes like ice-cream to me.

(I'm with Mark Twain on this one; he called the Cherimoya "the most delicious fruit known to men.")

Hot Topics / Re: Heil Tofu.
« on: January 15, 2011, 06:09:59 am »
Are those his? They are horrible on all levels. Good thing he didnt.
No, I was just kidding. ;D  I think he did some sort of innocuous watercolours.  Quick Google, and here's one:

Quite nice, actually.

Hot Topics / Re: Marcel Dicke: Why not eat insects?
« on: January 15, 2011, 05:14:19 am »
I read a fascinating Victorian book on this topic.  Well worth a read (UK Amazon link - might be best look to buy in your own country for cheap delivery):

I think he also talks about eating slugs and snails.  This article cautions against doing that raw:

(Although, reading it again, it says the same illness can be caught from unwashed fruit and veg!)

Hot Topics / Re: Heil Tofu.
« on: January 14, 2011, 08:48:28 pm »
Imagine how the world would be if he had become an artist instead. :P

Hot Topics / Re: If God gave you the perfect diet?
« on: January 13, 2011, 09:14:34 pm »

Hot Topics / Re: World class athlets
« on: January 13, 2011, 07:13:14 pm »
The key to this whole debate is statistics.

One of the mainstays of Paleo diets is that we are not adapted to modern food.  Well adaption is a process that occurs over time.  In a few hundred million years, given enough competitive pressure ("death without progeny" for the "failures"), everyone would be very well adapted to pizza and coke.  Perhaps athletes are the first few people "breaking through" genetically - "mutants", as goodsamaritan suggested, for want of a better word.  (And ignore the negativity in that word - if it is a positive adaptation, it is a great place to be - we are all ultra-lucky "mutants".)

Perhaps some sort of futuristic superintelligence, that could trace and understand the relevance of every atomic movement in the body, could even see and comprehend the changes.  We can't, nor have we even looked.

Much more important is the pure statistical argument.  I'd guess at an outside there are a million paleo eaters in the world; maybe ten thousand raw paleo eaters; very few long term.  I'd guess nearly all of them were forced onto it through health problems of some kind.  (I used to joke that everyone in health shops looked unhealthy; same reason.)  The number of second generation raw paleo must be countable on one hand (and are likely the descendants of the same people with health problems).

Now what are the odds that that handful of people could compete with the cream ("cream" doesn't even cut it - you can see cream - try and see fifty thousand or so "elite" athletes in a milk bottle of 7 billion parts!) of a worldwide gene pool, when that cream are likely to have indeed made some of the early adaptations needed to deal with the worst of their environmental (dietary) change?  To all intents and purposes: Zero.

(Meanwhile, I'll make the best of myself.)

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Alarming new study on tap water
« on: January 13, 2011, 03:50:41 am »
Maybe look at one of these:

Or maybe a water distiller.

Welcoming Committee / Re: I just thought I'd say hello ...
« on: January 12, 2011, 04:15:33 pm »
Thank you both.  Nice to see you too.   ;D

Ioanna, there is some sort of strange supernatural guidance going on (no matter how daft "getting drunk" sounds, it felt like a unique, purposeful life passage - hopeful one that needs no repetition), so it doesn't surprise me that there might be psychic forerunners.  All through my life I feel as if I've suddenly been delivered into new bands/groups of people, who all seem to be there for a reason.

It's a fleeting thing - it doesn't last - but just for a while, everything seems to be running hot.  Synchronistic, times of blossoming.

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