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Messages - Giantsbran

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Stomaching Raw Meats
« on: May 08, 2014, 09:36:26 am »
Thanks guys.

Is it safe? Ive read some reports about people dying from eating raw liver.

General Discussion / Stomaching Raw Meats
« on: May 08, 2014, 07:38:14 am »
So I dont eat raw paleo. Right now I am doing a Ray Peat type diet (works great for me). But he does recommend to eat some raw grassfed beef/liver every week. I can eat the raw beef fine but the raw liver makes me vomit every time. How can I begin to stomach this? Right now it's just unbearable unless I cook it and drown it in spices/oils to mask the flavor.

Journals / Re: Sorentus' Journal
« on: May 06, 2014, 09:45:52 am »
By the way... It's weird reading this journal. I can't tell you how much I relate to what your going through man.

I'm in the exact same boat. A year ago I was competing in boxing, and powerlifting, now I can barely make it out of bed. Official diagnoses is CFS. I also have the severe GI symptoms and "pregnant belly". Have lost a good amount of the muscle mass I built up over the years as well. I'm going to give this diet a shot and am currently waiting to see a doctor who specializes in mold and other environmental issues.

My last resort will be to take Valcyte. It's shown some promise in treating CFS.

Have you tried an all raw milk diet? Thinking of giving it a shot sometime. I know there are plenty of dairy critics but I've read some amazing testimonials.

Journals / Re: Sorentus' Journal
« on: May 06, 2014, 09:42:02 am »
Sounds like SIBO

Have you tried rifaximin

General Discussion / Re: Where to get started?
« on: May 06, 2014, 08:20:11 am »
I came from the same brainwashing, but my conversion was instantaneous. You have said that
I'll ask you this: "How much worse are you willing to let your health decline?" I'd say that bedridden and shambles is far enough!

Are you familiar with the origin of veganism in the Western world? It started as vegetarianism a  mere 150 years ago - hardly a track record considering the natural diet of humans for a bazillion years. Vegetarianism was an ideological import from colonial India, where abstention from killing animals and using animal products was practiced as a form of religious asceticism. From there it rose to veganism in the last century.

If you are a religious ascetic, then I can see your reluctance to embrace a meat-including diet. In his autobiography, Gandhi wrote of abstaining from animal products against his doctor's orders when he was very ill, which was a noble thing to do, considering his religious convictions. If you really feel that way, then you can welcome your illness as a test of your faith.

Otherwise, do a "180" and give your body what it needs to heal and abstain from anything that might be making you this sick at 22 years of age.

I wasnt a vegan when I got sick. I ate a high protein diet but it was full of processed food and junk. It was similar to a "If it fits your macros" bodybuilding diet. I went vegan in an attempt to heal and found that I could only function on such a low fat high carb diet for a few days. My anxiety skyrocketed, body temp dropped extremely low (and its already way too low without veganism) and my digestive issues really flared up. Could never do it longer than a week at a time.

It really seems like the vegans have science on their side though. I just read a few weeks ago from a new study put out that meat consumption was as dangerous as smoking cigarettes.... Along with that there are hundreds that I have read from various vegan books and what not and to be honest based on the paleo info I've seen thus far, the vegans have far more evidence on their side. I mean hell just compare the appearances of those on both sides... Sally Fallon, Loren Cordain, William Davis, Barry Sears, Atkins, etc... these people are all overweight, and quite franky look far from healthy. Looking on the other side of the spectrum guys like Mcdougall, Esselstyn, Barnard, Fuhrman, these guys are all lean and look fantastic for their ages.

General Discussion / Re: Where to get started?
« on: May 06, 2014, 05:27:45 am »
Thanks for the replies. I am coming off of a raw vegan low fat diet. For a year I have fed my mind with John Mcdougall, T Colin Campbell, Durianrider, Neal Barnard, Joel Fuhrman, etc.... It is very hard for me to just turn that part of my brain off about how evil fats and animal foods are. It's definitely going to take some time.

General Discussion / Re: Where to get started?
« on: May 05, 2014, 11:34:34 pm »
Perhaps you guys can explain a few questions I have....

First- What studies show that consuming raw meat is any better than cooked meat?

Second- Why is it that the "blue zones" all eat a diet high in starches, grains, legumes, while relatively low in animal products (ikaria, okinawa, sardinia, loma linda, etc.)?

I have some more questions but lets start with those. I look forward to your answers! Thanks

General Discussion / Where to get started?
« on: May 05, 2014, 01:32:10 am »
I am a 22 year old battling chronic fatigue syndrome, along with several other ailments. I am bedridden and my health is in absolute shambles. I am very interested in trying out a raw primal diet but am not sure where to start. Any good books or websites you guys can recommend? I have terrible brain fog and its tough for me to sift through all the threads on this forum. To be honest Im still not even sure if this diet is legit. It seems very few people do it, and those that do end up quitting. It's tough to find stories of actual people who have recovered for serious illness using this diet.

Also most people I have talked too believe that a keto diet is not right for treating CFS. I was thinking of going low carb but using fruit and honey to stay out of ketosis.

Where should I buy my meat from? Will grass fed beef from whole foods be safe for consumption? Fortunately I have a place nearby where I can acquire raw dairy. Good sushi restaurants nearby where I can get sashimi too. I was also looking at ordering meat from, do you think this will be safe to eat raw? Thanks for any help.

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