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Messages - Bairdo25

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I read through all these posts really fun reading guys. Im more into the sport/strength training side of this. Havent started eating paleo again. Its hard to get grassfed products here and when I did it the first time I got really sick from eating raw liver. My dad and sports coaches were pissed cuz I missed a bunch of prakys and games. My temp was like 102 at one point pre bad. I think the reason was because it was my first week eating paleo and I didnt have any fat in my diet. Id go to the grocery store and get steak, salmon, scallops and liver and eat it raw. The morning after eating liver I was sick as a dog in the rear. Do you think I introduced the organs too fast. Or was this just a detox that peaked with the liver? Anyways Im starting to wonder after reading all these posts if on a paleo diet that its actually detrimental to hold onto large amounts of muscle. It will be interesting once I start eating paleo again wheather it makes a difference. I build muscle really easily so it may be a good example because I know there are alot of hardgainers examples already up. My training now is shifting to no weights just plyos and bodyweight gymnastic stuff. When I do the paleo I wont have any fruit I dont think its worth it. Just rushin writin this post but let me know your thoughts look forward to contributing here later guys.


General Discussion / Re: Eye color change updates
« on: November 02, 2010, 03:07:35 am »
Raw Meat, Organs and Fat of grassfed animals read some of Lex Rookers articles for percentages. He mixes 15% organs and 85% meat to make up the meat part of his diet. While in total the meat makes up 35% of his calories while 65% of his calories are from fat. Remember though that fat is 9 grams a calorie while protein and carbs are 4

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Raw food outlets in Ontario
« on: July 13, 2010, 12:42:29 am »
Im looking to buy grassfed meat and fat in Ontario. Any Canadians here, its hard to find.

Is this 400 gram figure coming from people on a normal cooked food diet or field tested rpd on people like rfulc? I think with the quality of raw food hes most likely eating it wouldnt really matter I mean he gained 10 pounds in less than a week thats beastly and his body is putting it to good use any more updates on his progress? 50 more pounds?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: 2 days in questions
« on: March 29, 2010, 03:02:24 am »
I know its possible to get fatty meat but are there any sources outside of just meat where you could get fat? 

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: 2 days in questions
« on: March 29, 2010, 01:29:54 am »
Thank you guys thats what I was looking for.

Where do you get your vitamin water from? I live in the country and have a well then we brita filter it not exactly what youd call vitamin water

If you can handle raw carbs is it better overall and will you get more health benefits than not having any carbs?(probably a huge debate lol)

What kinda carbs should I have, veggies, fruits, dried fruits, juices(I read aajunus recommends veggie juice) any in particular? Im from Canada so coconut is a little more expensive unless you got the oil or something like that. I absolutely love coconut though every time I travel we get locals to cut some.


Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / 2 days in questions
« on: March 28, 2010, 05:41:55 am »
Hey guys just started the paleo diet yesterday went straight cold turkey actually dont mind the taste when I woke up I had a steak and it tasted delicious. my diet both days has been steak and scallops so far. yesterday steak around lunch time and some scallops for dinner today I had  steak for breakfast and am eating scallops at the moment. A couple things Ive noticed

1. The only side effects Ive noticed is being a little headachey and my body feels different its hard to explain kinda like tired at times but energized at others..
2. I have a strong craving for other foods but am not hungry for the raw food is this normal and will it subside?
3. Im a little thirsty not enough fat in my diet? Ive read on here that you dont drink as much water of rpd should I drink things other than water?
4. when I sleep it is very satisfying,with lucid dreams

Thank You B.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / bodybuilding and eating
« on: February 23, 2010, 03:50:42 am »
In conventional bodybuilding it is crucial if youre looking to gain weight that you exceed your daily expenditure of calories. I havent worked out while on a RFD. But generally many bodybuilders recommend there meals are comprised of 40%carbs 30%fat and 30% protein or very close to this, some might say more protein and that you should be eating 6 or 7 meals a day to spread out the nutrients! Many people on this site claim eating once or twice a day! On a raw paleo some people would go 0 carb while others have said eating some carbs around the workout works for them. I still believe though that if one were to consume more calories than they are losing that on a diet like this you would achieve spectacular results! People eating once a day could most likely manage more food and this could be the one thing holding them back.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: NEW-B
« on: February 09, 2010, 01:13:37 pm »
What health benefits have you heard of and what are some youve experienced

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: NEW-B
« on: February 08, 2010, 11:46:36 am »
awesome thanks! Im determined to go cold turkey when I do this so I wanted to make sure I had some facts straight first. I find it interesting how ther is a detox process, maybe this is why people who have had raw food never do it again cause their body detoxes and they unknowingly think it will go on forever. What kind of side effects should I see? Also what kind of carbs fruits, veggies or both and what kinds typical celery and carrots or exotic ones?

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / NEW-B
« on: February 08, 2010, 03:34:45 am »
Hi everyone.

This is my first post and Ive read alot of posts inside the different forums and find this site Very Interesting. I have tried raw meat before out of curiosity mostly and never noticed any side effects. That got me interested and I ended up stumbling upon this site :P. The one thing Im having trouble with is all the conflicting advice and how naturally everyones diet is going to be somewhat different. What Im getting from it is that dairy and grains are a for the most part a no no( I did read somewhere that aujonus does drink raw milk). Also that grassfed and as organic as possible is the best choice( the most untouched or natural). The trouble comes when Im thinking of starting and I read things like you cant eat just meat or you need to have 50%veg-50%meat or some posts say nuts and seeds. To me it seems to make sense that you would somewhat need at least a little bit of fruit or vegetables for extra nutrients,would I be able to get those from a wide variety of meats ie game,lamb and types organs and such or am I conditioned by society to think that you need fruit to be healthy and thats not really the best option? Again Im just starting havent even bought meat to eat yet or anything. Advice would be greatly appreciated thanks! :)

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