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Messages - fireflysea

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Health / Best ways to get rid of parasites? Humaworm?
« on: June 04, 2015, 12:49:24 am »
What products would you guys suggest to get rid of parasites? It's made me really really I'll and it's time to do something about it

I used to have food grade hydrogen peroxide, which probsbly helped when used here and there.

There's a lot of products out there and I know about the three herbs used as well. There's also diatomaceous earth....I'm just wondering what you all have tried or recommend, etc and why? Thank you!!! :)

Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: December 24, 2014, 05:28:10 pm »

General Discussion / Re: What rawpalaeo foods are you eating right now?
« on: December 24, 2014, 05:25:55 pm »
I've been mega-overeating. Basically binging, so I am inflamed and not feeling top at allllll. It's so illogical, and yet so difficult to break the binge cycle.

Today was...
Coconut butter
a huge salad of baby greens, a small avocado, cilantro, raw grass fed beef, fresh oysters, Himalayan sea salt all mashed together
Baby carrots
Green juice with a tiny hint of grapefruit
Green powder

3300 calories. Only exercise was a 2-3 mile walk :(. I think I may have an intolerance to coconut (and possibly also the beef), as once I eat some it crave it and eat it daily til Ill. It's ridiculous I keep going In and out of this cycle, mostly in unfortunately.

Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: November 21, 2014, 01:04:51 pm »
Tove Lo
Pretty lights
Michal menert
Die Antwoord

General Discussion / Re: Raw freeze dried pet food?
« on: November 04, 2014, 01:23:38 pm »
It's fine for a few months but I would not make it the center of your diet because you will develop vitamin deficiencies, in fact I suspect that you're already deficient in one of the B-Vitamins and a lot of your issues are coming from high levels of homo-cysteine that are not being properly converted (when is the last time you saw a Doctor?).

Another goodie would be canned sardines which are packed with nutrition. Cheap, easy to carry and easy to store.

Thank you crista! I would in reality probably just use it as a supplement to add to other meat or seafood etc, because it has a variety of organs in it and otherwise it's hard to get good quality organ meats here/in my life right now. But yeah I'm not drawn to eating them all the time :))
I used to eat tons of sardines, in fact they were at least a once-per-day food for me for a good stretch of time! I lovvvvvvve them so much. But haven't found a source yet and cannot stand the taste of cans unfortunately. I do also eat everything raw, tho if it helped me I'd be open to the cans. During a two month cooked experiment a LNG while ago I developed a deep aversion to canned food, even wil/organic/bpa free contents and cans. It just makes my head feel strange and gives me such a strong metal aftertaste. I'm really sensitive to certain types of metal too, even just wearing it or being near it. Lol it's weird.  I have found smelt tho and made a delicious ceviche with it. What do you think of ocean smelt?

General Discussion / Re: Raw freeze dried pet food?
« on: October 28, 2014, 09:33:11 am »
I'm asking your opinions, but that doesn't mean I ever just rely on other people's opinions to make my decisions or gauge my own health. Yhis was meant to be a discussion, was curious to see if other people have tried it and things like that. Not everyone has access to perfect optimal food all the time, whatever that means, and just because something is though to be in alignment with "paleo" doesn't mean that it's a healthy food for everyone. When I eat fresh ripe organic fruit, for example, I feel very bad these days. I'm intolerant to nuts snd seeds. Everyyyyything irritates my digestion these days. I've been raw for 8 years now, only in the past two years did I start even TRYING more processed "raw" and "paleo" foods. Otherwise I ate only whole fresh foods and my health was even worse than it is now, so idk I haven't found the sweet spot for how to eat best for me personally, so I'm experimenting. Please be respectful of that, as I am respectful of any questions you may have or decisions you make.  Thank you for any input! :)

General Discussion / Re: Raw freeze dried pet food?
« on: October 27, 2014, 07:40:31 am »
Wait, you guys, lol what about my original question? Haha I'm asking about raw freeze dried pet food made with wild and pasture raised animal products and a smal amount of organic fruit and veg

General Discussion / Re: Raw freeze dried pet food?
« on: October 26, 2014, 11:34:37 am »
If anything, it's probably worse than lightly cooked food. That's just a guess.

Really? Can you elaborate on this? They have a frozen variety as well but I'd need a place to store it

General Discussion / Raw freeze dried pet food?
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:39:53 am »
Of course I know fresh is always optimal, but for someone who has very poor digestion, is prone to sickness, has a lot of inflammation, and also doesn't have a stable place to live and thus to store/prepare food, what do you all think of raw freeze dried pet food? I found one that is made with grass fed, cage free, and wild meats/seafood and organic fruits and veg (like 95% of the ingredients comes from tje meats/organs). I feel like it's a good way to get a variety of amino acids and nutrients ( uses muscle meat, heart, bone, kidney, liver, gizzard, etc depending on which flavor). It does also contain pumpkin seeds and added vitamins and minerals which is unfortunate but not the worst. I'm having a lot of health problems leading to massive daily bingeing (on raw foods only but still not good), so much inflammation, digestive dysfunction, extreme bloating/distention, IBS, weight and body fat gain from bingeing, and inability to like interact socially, etc etc etc. I figure this would be easy to bring about since I don't have a stable home, would simplify my food intake, and ensure a variety of amino acids/nutrients from the diff meats and organs.

Thoughts? Anyone else eat pet food? The ingredients are supposedly human grade and the freeze dried patties taste DELICIOUS

Ps sorry for any typos, writing this from my phone

Primal Diet / Re: Coconut cream vs coconut milk?
« on: October 21, 2014, 02:31:00 am »
Well I tried juicing the coconut meat from mature brown coconut (2 of them) and made a fairly decent yield of coconut cream that tasted good. An interesting note is that everywhere I had read info on making the cream or milk from coconut, there was always warnings about possible spoilage, mold growth, etc. with detailed descriptions of what to look out for.

I ignored it mostly because I thought it was like any other vegetable or fruit, if it smells bad or looks rotten, it probably is.

Anyways I discovered a bad coconut that wasn't too spoiled. It had slightly yellow meat(on the underside) and the water was murky. The water tasted ok... I made cream from this meat(before I realized it wasn't a good coconut) mixed with the meat from a fresh coconut. Moral of this story: Look out for spoilage from coconuts, even on the underside of the meat where it touches the husk before you pry it off.

What happened when you ate the moldy coconut cream? This afternoon I opened a mature coconut and the water tasted bad. I tried a chunk of the meat and it was soft and easy to chew but definitely tasted like mold but not necessarily BAD flavor? For some dumb reason. Because it was soft I was like well maybe it will digest better. As if mold would help ones digestion lol. I can be so dumb sometimes.  I blended the meat with water, pomegranates, and a handful of berries like berries and cream. Anyway just curious how this might effect me. And how it affected you?

General Discussion / Re: What rawpalaeo foods are you eating right now?
« on: October 10, 2014, 03:20:47 pm »
Raw grass fed bison, beef, and lamb
Organic black grapes
A few organic dates
Raw green powder
Andddd wayyyyy too many homemade raw coconut macaroons a friend made to share with me!  (shredded coconut + coconut butter + raw unfiltered honey+ raw vanilla powder + Himalayan sea salt + raw almonds which I'm
Intolerant to which was stupid, oh and some with raw cacao)

General Discussion / Re: do you eat salmon skin?
« on: October 10, 2014, 03:14:22 pm »
Ohhh Joy2012, what is your sauce recipe!? I want to tryyyy

General Discussion / Re: Meat addiction?
« on: October 09, 2014, 05:17:49 pm »
True it's been years since I've had red meat, prior to this last two months. Within the two months I've had phases where I don't want it and phases where I can't get enough. But lately it seems to be I can't get enough no matter what lollll. I was just curious if there is something in the meat that can be addicting or make one overeat it. I'm happy to eat it Im just curious if it's something others hsve experienced and something I may need to watch out for. I noticed too my taste for seafood has diminished this month, and that is usually my favorite food I can never get sick of. I wondered if maybe it had to do with eating meat so frequently. I had intended to fast but haven't yet. I'm bigger than normal and it doesn't feel good lol, tho I know that's from all the fruit and from irritating my IBS with fruit and bingeing (on raw food but still) this past month and a half or two.

Tylerdurden, I've found this to be true too. But fruit is an old habit and perhaps addiction. I feel awful when I eat it too. I need to kick it to the curb for a while and stick with lemon water, cucumbers, and vegetables when I crave produce instead. Do you eat fruit at all?

General Discussion / Meat addiction?
« on: October 09, 2014, 12:18:25 pm »
So I've been raw for 8 years. When I first started incorporating animal foods I tried raw seafood, eggs, and dairy...narrowing it down to mostly seafood. However, a few months ago I started craving red meat and tried ground wild venison, then local raw grass fed beef. At first I didn't like it. Then suddenly I started craving it. Now I've been wanting it daily. I don't eat it every day but I crave it. I can eat a pound at a time. Why is this? Too much meat? I can get raw freeze dried human grade dog food made with grass fed beef and wild salmon that incorporates all the organs to balance out the amino acids.
Since incorporating fruit back into my diet I'm hungrier, more bloated, more food-oriented, and more prone to binge. The meat seems to balance the sugar and stabilize my brain more than fats like avocado, which in combination with fruit just makes my blood feel sticky.

Anyway is there a reason I'd get addicted to meat? I'm eating only local grass fed or wild. I literLly love meat and crave it but idk if it's doing me well or not. For example I also love figs and will eat and eat them, but figs do NOT like me.

General Discussion / Re: What rawpalaeo foods are you eating right now?
« on: October 09, 2014, 12:10:55 pm »
Raw ground bison
Dulse seaweed
Raw mustard
Wild Shrimp
Coconut water

General Discussion / Re: do you eat salmon skin?
« on: October 09, 2014, 12:08:15 pm »
I've not found it very appealing or palatable. It looks pretty but it's hard to chew and the scales or something about it makes my lips itchy, it seems. I usually eat the salmon then feed the skin to the pups. They lovve it.

General Discussion / Re: Group Fast anyone?
« on: September 26, 2014, 06:44:11 am »
I actually haven't started fasting yet  l) but am weaning off sugary fruits by eating protein and coconut meat. I'm actually reeeeally craving fresh vegetables for some reason but I haven't done much about it. I'm in sort of a very stuck and difficult space in my life right now too, which I think has a big part in my health problems coming back. I'm going to have a beef/avocado meal tonight though I'm not so sure beef effects me well. I had king salmon for lunch, dried coconut meat and kombucha for a snack, few sips of fermented veggie liquid, a few bites of asparagus, and snacked on more dried coconut meat (way too much, like 800 calories worth I reckon). About to go for a long walk before dinner, and wake up to fast tomorrow.

I've realized a lot of the symptoms I've been having since moving in to my friends place are hypothyroid symptoms (weight/fat gain, sleeping tons, achey and tired, depression, lack of motivation, puffy face, swollen throat, exhaustion for no reason, muscle pain as if I just exercised hard core, bad joint pain, etc) . So today I bought some raw desiccated thyroid from organically raised cows,. I took a LOT of it but I'm starting to feel better! The swelling in my throat actually went down. I wonder if this is related to the fact that she has highly chlorinated/fluorinated city water? I'm so sensitive to that because I grew up on deep well water in a very forested clean area.

Hopefully fasting will help. I'll have to buy water from the supermarket and put fresh plants in it overnight to re-oxygenate it. I guess cold showers instead of warm too. I'm going to start my fast tomorrow and go at least 3 days. Wish me luck!

General Discussion / Re: Group Fast anyone?
« on: September 24, 2014, 11:13:08 am »
I def hear you and agree with much of what you are saying. My reason for fasting is not to force my body to do anything unhealthy for it, but rather to regain clarity and direct ease inflammation so that it can have some space to heal and rebalance a bit. I'm not really having diluted fruit juice, I plan on water and one glass of diluted vegetable juice (celery juice is very delicious and soothing to me). I really enjoy periodic fasting as a way to rebalance and refocus on all levels. This month binge was a major reminder that I do not want to live this way or focus on eating and spend all my money on food again ever. And after a fast I tend to be all the more careful and aware of this. My poor body has endured a lot and I'm only 23. It's sad but I have to work with what I have. It's challenging for me to process food in any amount. Sugars and fats tend to be most difficult for me. Sometimes I walk in to the store and want to give up because idk what to eat or buy. I've thought of myself as an intuitive eater when I'm not in full on binge mode (but even then actually), but sometimes I really just can't decide what to eat because Nothing seens to effect me well. Ah well! Anyway right now no food actually REALLY appeals to me at all and I have zero hunger. My glycogen stores feel overfull, I'm 10 lbs over my usual weight, I have flu like symptoms, I'm bloated, exhausted, antisocial, puffy, etc. Hence, a little fast will do me well and help me regain balance. :)

General Discussion / Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
« on: September 24, 2014, 07:02:08 am »
Because I do not eat any sugar / carbs. Except some green veggie here and there and wild herbs and wild berries and very little raw wild honey and I do eat raw nuts - I do carbs seasonally. I avoid carbs in winter. I eat a little bit in summer but also then have days where I am zero carb.

high sugar intake and stress (also exercise!) gives you higher AGE level in your body too

I eat around 3000 calories / day, high protein, high fat, do zero exercise, am 38 yo in a few days and 166 cm

I still have muscles, even if being that sedentary and eating so many calories
I feel very strong and healthy
(pic from a few weeks ago)

Just wanted to say you look fantastic Inger!!! :)

General Discussion / Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:59:36 am »
The foods you mentioned are all processed foods. Paleolithic people wouldn't eat almonds that have been stored for months (so are available year-found), coconut butter that has been separated from the coconut meat, blended foods like macaroons and date-coconut balls, etc. Pretend you are a hunter-gatherer. Eat that way.

Exactly lol, what I was saying is I DONT eat those things! The only time I have was at one point when I slipped into a binge

General Discussion / Re: Group Fast anyone?
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:54:47 am »
water fast needs to be done in a pristine environment.

diluted juice fast in the city.

my wife and i are scheduled to do some diluted orange juice fasting saturday to monday.

Awesome! I am starting Wednesday (tomorrow) with the new moon! I will have some diluted juice and some water (also herbal teas and green tea here and there)

General Discussion / Re: Group Fast anyone?
« on: September 24, 2014, 06:53:19 am »
Thanks everyone!
I actually don't so much have an actual eating disorder, but rather am still suffering the negative health effects of having been raw vegan for 7 years (esp the last few years of that which were fruitarian....lead to blood sugar issues and bingeing) as well as the intense physical stresses/illnesses my body has gone through since I was about 12. So force feeding, over feeding, sugar and fat roller coaster, and the way sugar now effects my sociability/mental health and causes inflammation. I also have really bad IBS (whatever that really means) which lands me in the hospital every so often.  When I overeat OR eat normal amounts but eat foods that i have sensitivities/intolerances to my gut (and also my body overall) becomes severely inflamed, often for days. Yet the blood sugar waves leave me so allll I'm thinking about is food and because it's very hard to communicate or feel normal and able to be social at all anyway (or focus on anything), I end up eating and eating. It is only once I'm  physiologically effected this way that I ever fall into bingeing.  But at one point the bingeing lasted. For months daily . Once I fasted for several days, and my inflammation went down and my brain felt like it worked again, I had zero urge to binge. That's what I'm looking to achieve with this fast, a reset to nip the bingeing cycle in the bud. It seems to be the only thing that brings down the physiological symptoms so I can function again and get back into a flow.  Ketogenic is very hard for me because I'm a mixed type  metabolically. I have a very small frame and naturally high metabolism even tho I'm quite out of shape right now. Too much meat or fat and I feel very clogged and heavy. I've felt best on a diet of fresh pressed (no fruit) green-lemon juices, seafood, seaweeds, acai and raw olives for fats (I guess I do better with monounsaturated fats?), cultured vegetables, and occasional raw vegetables and non sweet fruits if I can take food enzymes with them. Add in some occasional red meat and veryyyyyy occasional avocado and coconut I guess. It's a very hard diet for me to afford, maintain, and ensure getting enough variety/calories with. I also so better the less fiber I eat and the more liquids. I also make sure to get natural salts when I crave /need them.  If anyone has other good recommendations for keeping it low glycemic let me know. Once I hit those fruits it's a roller coaster.

General Discussion / Group Fast anyone?
« on: September 23, 2014, 02:50:10 pm »
Starting with the new moon this Wednesday I'd like to do an all liquids/mostly water fast. I'm not going to be super strict but I want to stick to liquids. Anyone want to join me for any length of the way and support one another through it? I REALLY need to fast right now but have had little motivation to actually begin. In the past I've done a 14 day water fast, an 11 day water fast, and a 33 day water fast. Maybe a few 1 or 3 day ones that I don't remember lol.

If anyone else is feeling the need for a fast let's do this!!! ;D

General Discussion / Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
« on: September 23, 2014, 02:44:12 pm »
Thank you love! Such good points :). I've been raw for 8+ years so I actually don't even know how to eat "normal" foods anymore. I binge on raw foods, lately to the point of it being quite scary. I usually don't eat really anything processed, raw or not, but when in binge mode as I've been all month since I ate some almonds (I'm allergic/intolerant), I will sometimes eat more processed raw foods if they are around out of "desperation" (like coconut oil, coconut butter, raw macaroons, date-coconut balls, etc). I've gained 10 lbs of fat this month, it's a very high weight for me. but the part that actually bothers me is that I FEEL intensely swollen, achey, and fly like every day. Fasting really helps calm my inflammation but I know it can lead to bingeing again.

General Discussion / Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
« on: September 22, 2014, 11:47:52 am »
Wow Inger that all looks delicious!!!! Mmmm I love those greens, I've had them before, here they are often called "sea beans". Omg oysters are my favorites! Wonderful that you can harvest oysters and sea beans yourself!!!! You chose a wonderful place to live it seems!
I really want to fast for a bit but the bingeing initiated after I ate something I am intolerant to (which kills the villi in my intestines, which means lack of micronutrient absorption, which is the only thing that leads me to binge these days when my body is like wtf where are my nutrients).  So maybe if I focus on seafood and meat only (with maybe a but of raw fermented veg or acv/lemon juice and green juice) for a bit first my inflammation will go down and I'll be able to fast after. We'll see!

Unfortunately I'm intolerant to most nuts so those are off the menu for me, tho recently I had a handful of almonds and cashews to retest my sensitivity and wound up in the hospital! Agh.  I do love coconut tho and it's not te best for me but I do eat it!  I' really don't know how to stop the bingeing at this point. I keep thinking I'm so done and then wind up doing it again . Wah! But I just need to get myself together lol.  I know when I do have fish and no carbs and stuff I always feel better and less inflamed.

Thanks for the ideas and delicious photos inger!!! <3

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