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Messages - political atheist

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Have you ever fallen in love or had sex?

You see, when you force innocent souls against their will, without their permission/consent into this 'heavenly' dimension of a lifelong suffering and DEATH to satisfy your sadistic/megalomaniacal/loser/purposeless/bored to death/virtue signalling/ emotion-instinct driven(like a wild animal/beast) nature, you actually become THE ROOT CAUSE of their death since children are NOT immortal.

I love children so much that I will NOT force any child against his/her will into this heavenly dimensions to experience all the 'gifts' and 'wonders' of life such as a lifelong suffering from all points of views and sooner or (if lucky) later: DEATH.

I am NOT going to cause the DEATH of anybody or anything but YOU and other breediots caused and ARE causing and WILL cause the death of billions of children. ;)

I hope you realise that the root cause of the suffering and death of your children is: YOU.

I often wonder how can you sleep at night and live with yourself during the day KNOWING that your children will DIE because of YOUR boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, irresponsibility, hope syndrome complex, hopium addiction, low IQ, megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, drama queen/king complex syndrome, hero complex syndrome, God complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome, ignorance, arrogance, entitlement complex syndrome, needing a retirement plan.

Breediots are quite astonishingly evil and the ROOT CAUSE of ALL problems since the beginning of time.

Bill Gates deceives and maims people through poisonous pharmaceutical and medical malpractice so that they suffer unnecessarily and become his cash cows.  How is that God's work? How is that better then being a breeder?  I really think your viewpoint is from lack of experience.  Maybe if you lived in a different culture or even out of the city you would find people who truly love life and their children and families just for them being not doing anything in particular.  It is unfortunate that some people do suffer but another view is that our souls come into this world to rectify what suffering has occurred in the past and break generational cycles etc.. some people do experience great joy and happiness in their lives.

Pumping out units, aka forcing innocent beings against their will, without their permission/consent, into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of: misery, suffering, struggling, taxes, ‘insurances’, bills, rent, forced draft if you are a male, regulations, usury, famine, hunger, bullying, greed, toil, struggling, pressure, ‘targets’ to achieve, violence, despair, anxiety, persecutions, tribulations, mental/physical torture, slavery, kidnappings, gaslighting, poverty, terrorism, nepotism, humiliation, oppression, decay, genocides, democides, extortion, terror, exploitation, discrimination, abuse, terrorists wearing uniforms-badges/white coats-stethoscopes/suits-ties pretending to be your gods/saviours/friends, pain, birth defects, rejection, conflict, hate, imperialism, racism, envy, jealousy, brutality, crime, corruption, cancers/diseases/physical/mental degeneration caused by the poisoned air/food/water and finally DEATH, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, irresponsibility, hope syndrome complex, hopium addiction, low IQ, megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, drama queen/king complex syndrome, hero complex syndrome, God complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome, ignorance, arrogance, entitlement complex syndrome, needing a retirement plan. Stop being a sadist, sadomasochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

Any argument for the positive value of suffering goes out the window when you experience unbearable pain. And the last thing you care about is ‘character development’. Unpleasant facts don't work on normies/breeditos. That's the bitter truth. It doesn't help to be polite and kind. Those who have decided to buy into the narrative are immune to facts and logic.

So what are we supposed to do instead?

Definitively we should NOT force innocent souls against their will, without their permission/consent into this place.

Your question pretty much proves the the points made above.

People are bored to death, miserable and WANT to use and abuse LEGALLY defenceless humans, aka children.

When one asks the right questions to breediots, the TRUE answers/motives WILL come out from their imbecile mouths soon enough. 

One retard who thought he is very intellectual in his late 50s, when I asked him these questions, he boldly told me: ''you see those people walking on the sidewalk? None of those would bring me my pain medications if I Asked them, but my son will.'' ... wow , I was speechless, I thought to myself, now that is very moral, ethical, logical, non-selfish motive for breeding.

Another breediot told me 'wouldn't you want your child to become a millionaire and then the child will make you a millionaire as well?'.

Another breediot told me 'children are a retirement plan, somebody to take care of us when we are old.'.

Another imbecile breediot told me ''the only reason I bred was to find a reason to wake up.''.

Sooo this is what we are dealing with, a world full of breediot with personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, irresponsibility, hope syndrome complex, hopium addiction, low IQ, megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, drama queen/king complex syndrome, hero complex syndrome, God complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome, ignorance, arrogance, entitlement complex syndrome, needing a retirement plan.

..and we wonder why children are committing suicide in record numbers.. they are figuring out the their breediots parents forced them into this place for their OWN needs/entertainment and megalomania syndrome complex, nothing more.

Mr. Bill Gates is right. He is doing God's work. He is helping breediots leave this place before they forcefully create more UNNECESSARY, MEANINGLESS suffering and death.

99% of people will never stop to question the nature of existence in the first place. So all you are doing is telling water not to go over the fall. It's along way down, big splash at the bottom, then it is all down hill from there. People do not get to choose what they experience. Every human drive causes humans to procreate. Water is not going to flow uphill.

Pumping out units, aka forcing innocent beings against their will, without their permission/consent, into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of: misery, suffering, struggling, taxes, ‘insurances’, bills, rent, forced draft if you are a male, regulations, usury, famine, hunger, bullying, greed, toil, struggling, pressure, ‘targets’ to achieve, violence, despair, anxiety, persecutions, tribulations, mental/physical torture, slavery, kidnappings, gaslighting, poverty, terrorism, nepotism, humiliation, oppression, decay, genocides, democides, extortion, terror, exploitation, discrimination, abuse, terrorists wearing uniforms-badges/white coats-stethoscopes/suits-ties pretending to be your gods/saviours/friends, pain, birth defects, rejection, conflict, hate, imperialism, racism, envy, jealousy, brutality, crime, corruption, cancers/diseases/physical/mental degeneration caused by the poisoned air/food/water and finally DEATH, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, irresponsibility, hope syndrome complex, hopium addiction, low IQ, megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, drama queen/king complex syndrome, hero complex syndrome, God complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome, ignorance, arrogance, entitlement complex syndrome, needing a retirement plan. Stop being a sadist, sadomasochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

Any argument for the positive value of suffering goes out the window when you experience unbearable pain. And the last thing you care about is ‘character development’. Unpleasant facts don't work on normies/breeditos. That's the bitter truth. It doesn't help to be polite and kind. Those who have decided to buy into the narrative are immune to facts and logic.

Everything Wrong With The Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less:

Sandy Hook Summary:

If you ever wondered, children are future: DEAD rotting bodies in the cemeteries, pharmaceutical/medical industrial complex’ life long clients/victims, losers, prison/military industrial complex clients/victims, fascists, satanists, totalitarian single digit IQ nobodies, communists, marxists, bolsheviks, leninists, SJWs, BLMs, socialists, mercenaries, toxic drug dealers I mean ‘doctors’ for big pHARMa, lawyers/judges who deny us justice, accountants/tax collectors who rob us, uniformed people who ticket/harass you for no reason, teachers/news anchors who brainwash/indoctrinate everybody with totally retarded/nonsensical/idiotic LIES pretending to be your benevolent  parents, ‘law’ makers, inventors of more toxic chemicals contaminating everything you eat/drink/inhale/wear/rub on your body/live in/use/enjoy/spray on yourself and in the air, religious freaks wearing funny clothing and head coverings spreading ‘peace’, modern brown shirt members, prostitutes/escorts/sugar babies, sugar daddies/sugar mamas, female rapists, pimps, health forum users trying to figure out what they have 100s of health symptoms and how to recover from them, welfare/benefit queens/kings, cartel members, starving people, broke(n)/bankrupt people from all points of views, hitmen/hitwomen/assassins, murderers, witches/warlocks who curse others, murderers wearing uniforms-badges/white coats-stethoscopes/suits-ties, control freaks, power tripping psychopaths in positions of ‘authority’, abused people, abusers/users, drunkards, drug addicts, drug dealers, alcoholics, homeless, gang/mafia members, suicide victims, bullies, bullied people, torturers, tortured people, mentally and physically handicapped people, orphans, psychopaths, sociopaths, serial killers, victims of organ harvesting and human trafficking, single mother victims, permanent residents of hell, dead soldiers, racist group gang members, prostitutes, residents of hell, debt slaves, suckers to participate in the rat race that enables the world wide criminal syndicate(royalty, bankers etc.) to stay rich and become richer.

Not ONE person unfortunate enough to be born escapes suffering or causing suffering. Sentient life is a construct of the most unimaginable, incomprehensible evil there is. To reproduce is the most vile, immoral crime/sin possible. Try asking people why they wanna have kids and I guarantee none of those reasons have the child's wellbeing in mind. Most of the reasons are for the parent's own fulfillment.

Having kids is purely a selfish desire, no one has kids for the sake of the children, they do it for their own wants and "needs".
Breediot losers are THE root of ALL evil and ALL problems.
THE root cause of ALL of your past, current and future problems were, are and will be your breediot parents. You do not owe anything to your breediot parents, THEY owe you everything since they forced upon you the ‘wonders’ and the ‘gift(s)’ of ‘life’.
Work like a slave, retire right into the grave.

Breediots are creepy, sociopathic narcissists and losers who want to legally posses, use and abuse human beings. If they could not create one, they might be out prowling the streets, looking for someone they could steal or thinking about committing suicide? Their desire/fantasy for a child is selfish and evil and never do they actually consider the child itself or whether it even wants to be in this world OR a part of their purposeless, pathetic, boring, dark, lonely, depressed lives.

There is a reason why fefails can't be enlightened. Never in history fefails were, could or wanted to be enlightened.

No enlightened person would consider anything to be serious.

You are shouting at grass; "DON'T SEED"! Such idiocy is not enlightenment.

I also want to know, are you plant or mineral?

Why does anyone need to have babies? It's not a NEED. It's a pathetic desire that u think will make u happy. Find other ways to make yourself happy. There are a few things in this life that we are certain of. 1. The human being born did not ask to be born 2. The human being born will face death 3. We are slaves in a corrupt world 4. Life is full of horrors, diseases and illnesses Why do we need to keep reproducing?!?! Its like a hamster on a wheel that just keeps running, doing the same repetitive crap. A never ending cycle that just needs to stop. Become an anti-suffering/death-ist!!!!

Antinatalism isn’t conditional. Never has it been ethically justifiable to impose unnecessary risk, suffering and death without consent. Breeders selfishly want a toy-child to distract them from their mundane lives.

An older, also childless couple once said to me that having a child means that you can stop torturing yourself with the question "What is the meaning of life"... Partly because you now have an answer right in front of you, and partly because it won't stop screaming long enough to let your mind wander into philosophical territory anymore!

The reproductive process is so intricate and amazing who would you want to dumb it down to "a human being didn't ask to be born"  that is viewing the experience from a really unintelligent pov....yes a 5 year old would understand that but I'm not 5 and my comprehension has grown along with my experience.  Maybe your limited viewpoint stems from your 5 year old self suffering your parents delusion. Time to grow the fuck up.   

Why did your parents have you? Because they didn't have a dog to kick when they were stressed by the ‘gifts’ and ‘wonders’ of ‘life’. ;-)

The Gnostics who were Jews taught we are on a hell plane and told people the way to end it was to stop procreating. This brought the Roman church down on their heads and they were exterminated by the hundreds of thousands and many driven underground. Largely through the efforts of Carl Jung and Philip K Dick, the Gnostic teachings have once again entered Occidental Consciousness and we can see the Roman Church imploding as its obvious to most people by now they are predatory paedophiles who do not practice what they preach. Throw in the Zionist and their Talmud it is clear to see that evil is running amok and the Demons are in control.

A: Coming into existence is always a serious harm and problem, for everyone that can be harmed.
B: Not coming into existence is simply never a harm, and never a problem, for anyone ever.
C: Moreover, every "good" in life is made of fixing a bad - everything you think is a good is entirely based on having to fix the needs and deprivations DNA installed inside you. These needs and deprivations continue to pose the danger of ultimate harm/anguish toward you (and everyone else): and that always stays looming whether you do or don't satisfy these installed needs. You have no winning move. These are the real implications of DNA evolution... and reality. The objective truth of utter peril. The one the DNA delusion has done just about every cheat, trick, and lie possible to keep you running despite it.

"Be lucky you were born" Would you offer that cliché glibly to all humans? Even those born in destitution and hardship? Or those whose grisly fate is to die young from cancer [ or insert your favourite vile disease ].
"If we do not come birth our children they will grow them" Last comment - as social media discussions are pretty useless. It's mostly monologuing and talking past other people. Who is "they" ? Look at your statement carefully. You are implying that, "our children" reside somewhere, waiting to be born. That is a fundamentally incorrect viewpoint. There is no pre-birth self. There is no spirit. There is no " you or I " in god's holy waiting room (or however one conceptualises this notion). We arise through a biological process and the person we think we are, is not present, for many years, until we gain the adult mind. Regardless of whether or not, an agency would choose to bioengineer a human or human(s) is an entirely separate discussion. The argument is - "should we birth other sentient life" - when we understand the premise of the game here. Consume - reproduce - repeat ... which "always" involves suffering & death & the only reasons people present to support the continuation of life, are either selfish or built upon highly speculative and fanciful narratives. Most people are incapable of engaging with the subject, rationally.

"if you choose to see the world that way" Yes - we can choose to see "the world" through different lenses. However, the world, is "one way" only. A clear understanding of what we are part of here, appears to elude most people. Probably for good reasons, as the actual truth is rather crude & grim. You are a biological process, expressing itself, within a vast pool of finite resources. Amongst a bewildering array of other processes, likewise expressing themselves. We strive to maintain our individual integrity and pass on our code. To do so, we must consume (which involves competition) - we must fuck (to pass on the code) - then we die. That's the game. The only game in town.

Pumping out units, aka forcing innocent beings against their will, without their permission/consent, into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of: misery, suffering, struggling, taxes, ‘insurances’, bills, rent, forced draft if you are a male, regulations, usury, famine, hunger, bullying, greed, toil, struggling, pressure, ‘targets’ to achieve, violence, despair, anxiety, persecutions, tribulations, mental/physical torture, slavery, kidnappings, gaslighting, poverty, terrorism, nepotism, humiliation, oppression, decay, genocides, democides, extortion, terror, exploitation, discrimination, abuse, terrorists wearing uniforms-badges/white coats-stethoscopes/suits-ties pretending to be your gods/saviours/friends, pain, birth defects, rejection, conflict, hate, imperialism, racism, envy, jealousy, brutality, crime, corruption, cancers/diseases/physical/mental degeneration caused by the poisoned air/food/water and finally DEATH, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, irresponsibility, hope syndrome complex, hopium addiction, low IQ, megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, drama queen/king complex syndrome, hero complex syndrome, God complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome, ignorance, arrogance, entitlement complex syndrome, needing a retirement plan. Stop being a sadist, sadomasochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

You are the only one preaching suffering and death.  I guess you are unable to understand life and joy.  I didn't take it personally, it is obviously your defective functioning from your personal experience that is creating your point of view, which I do not share.

Trying to show a female truth/facts/reality is like trying to show it to a wall... and that is an insult to walls.

Everything I wrote is easily verifiably by a 5 year old.

Everything you wrote are pre-programmed coping delusions based on emotions.

I present uncomfortable Facts over feelings. ;)

But since all women of any age are right about everything all the time, trying to reason with fefails is futile.

There is a reason why fefails can't be enlightened. Never in history fefails were, could or wanted to be enlightened.

Having kids is purely a selfish desire, no one has kids for the sake of the children, they do it for their own wants and "needs".
Breediots are THE root of ALL evil and ALL problems.
THE root cause of ALL of your past, current and future problems were, are and will be your breediot parents. You do not owe anything to your breediot parents, THEY owe you everything since they forced upon you the ‘wonders’ and the ‘gift(s)’ of ‘life’.
Work like a slave, retire right into the grave.

Breediots are creepy, sociopathic narcissists who want to legally posses, use and abuse human beings. If they could not create one, they might be out prowling the streets, looking for someone they could steal or thinking about committing suicide? Their desire/fantasy for a child is selfish and evil and never do they actually consider the child itself or whether it even wants to be in this world OR a part of their purposeless, pathetic, boring, dark, lonely, depressed lives.

God forbid anybody deprives the elites of future wage slaves and cannon fodder. I  mean where will the 1% elite get their adrenochrome from if breediots don’t breed?Baaaaaaaaa.........................… also, big pharma must be provided with new/fresh lab rats for ongoing medical experiments!

'Life is so meaningful'' aha and what is meaningful about it Karen? *cricket noise, because meanwhile same people end up with alcohol and downing anti-depressants because they themselves realize life is meaningless, even after performing their hobbies which include scrolling TikTok and watching the Kardashians, so much life fulfilment!

Don't take it personal. PA repeats the same thing in every thread.

IT IS personal to ALL breediots. Forcing, imposing  a lifelong of suffering, misery and death IS PERSONAL, CAN'T BE MORE PERSONAL THAN THIS LITERALLY.

Q: Why did our parents manufacture us?

A: Because of: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, hope syndrome complex, hopium addiction, low IQ, megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, drama queen/king complex syndrome, hero complex syndrome, God complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome, ignorance, arrogance, entitlement complex syndrome, needing a retirement plan.

Why does anyone need to have babies? It's not a NEED. It's a pathetic desire that u think will make u happy. Find other ways to make yourself happy. There are a few things in this life that we are certain of.
1. The human being born did not ask to be born
2. The human being born will face death
3. We are slaves in a corrupt world
4. Life is full of horrors, diseases and illnesses

Why do we need to keep reproducing?!?! Its like a hamster on a wheel that just keeps running, doing the same repetitive crap. A never ending cycle that just needs to stop. Become an anti-suffering/death-ist!!!!

Are you even human?  Just being alive in a healthy body feels amazing.  Breathing, moving, feeling the sensations on the body, dancing, stretching, using your voice, walking, touching soft soil or sand on the feet and hands, touching leaves or soft grass, feeling the sun on the skin, feeling wind or rain, smelling these things, smelling earth, flowers, hair, skin.  It's like you are AI asking these questions to understand the human experience, lol.  I can remember bliss, joy, laughter, etc from my childhood as well as uncomfortable emotions, both equally valid, one does not outweigh or negate the other, I still experience a range of emotions but, by far and as a healthy and conscious adult, the good outweighs the bad.  I didntnpump out units til 38 and for a long time considered everything you were saying about how selfish it is to bring babies into an imperfect world, but because I also experienced great joy and the many ways we can live in this world I was fortunate enough that the souls chose me to incarnate their blissfully joyous selves through my body.  Once I had children I felt even more ridiculous that I listened to the overculture of guilt and shame and scarcity exactly as you are preaching and thankful I overcame such pessimistic, ignorant and selfish rhetoric...

ALL of your posts proves just how diabolical breeders are, forcing innocent souls into this dimension of hell on earth, just because the breeders are lonely, purposeless with zero meaning in life..

I almost forgot, breeders also need someone to use, abuse and boss around, breeders just need to satisfy their god complex syndrome and megalomaniacal complex syndrome and breeders also need a punching bag in the form of a child/children so they can steam off on somebody, legally, their frustrations caused by the daily 'gifts/wonders' of this wonderful life we all live in this heavenly dimension of pain suffering and death...

Miserable people breed because they want spawn to share in their misery. Misery loves company. The screaming and screeching of babies everywhere is evidence the babies are upset that their selfish parents forced them into a very evil world.

Breeders don't give a crap that their selfish spawning causes all the problems in the world.

Raw Weston Price / Re: For Perfect Health.
« on: September 12, 2022, 02:31:57 am »
Current narratives are trans which ends in castration, feminism which has reduced birth rates, veganism which causes infertility, vaccination that has been used to reduce fertility, climate change which discourages procreation because apocalypse and the new population control ideology antinatalism.

I don't breed, but point out that shouting ideologies does not reduce or prevent suffering and caring about suffering too much is useless because it's effect is zero.

I have not seen one person I know, have kids and suddenly become happier people. Don't add a child to your miserable life with the expectation that kid give your life meaning. Then get disappointed and resent it when it doesn't. So many traumatized little kids out there with parents that use them like accessories.

Raw Weston Price / Re: For Perfect Health.
« on: September 10, 2022, 08:26:49 pm »
Suffering doesn't matter, it is not a serious issue.

Caring too much about suffering could be symptom of expanded consciousness, you could work on shrinking your consciousness to reduce your own useless suffering.

A healthy human is a fertile human, why would an antinatalist support healthy eating?

Any argument for the positive value of suffering goes out the window when you experience unbearable pain. And the last thing you care about is ‘character development’. Unpleasant facts don't work on normies/breeditos. That's the bitter truth. It doesn't help to be polite and kind. Those who have decided to buy into the narrative are immune to facts and logic.

Raw Weston Price / Re: For Perfect Health.
« on: September 10, 2022, 12:03:27 am »
From the perspective on Non-Duality I could agree that humans are not animals, as all duality is a dream. But the experience of existing is 100% duality. Unborn or dead is non-existence, being alive is existing. All experience is dual, there cannot be only non-existence. Humans don't know facts, truth or reality. Yeah I consider myself an animal in the dream state, what do you consider yourself? Plant? Mineral? Spirit?

Pumping out units, aka forcing innocent beings against their will, without their permission/consent, into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of: misery, suffering, struggling, taxes, ‘insurances’, bills, rent, regulations, usury, famine, hunger, bullying, greed, toil, struggling, pressure, ‘targets’ to achieve, violence, despair, anxiety, persecutions, tribulations, mental/physical torture, slavery, kidnappings, gaslighting, poverty, terrorism, nepotism, humiliation, oppression, decay, genocides, democides, extortion, terror, exploitation, discrimination, abuse, terrorists wearing uniforms-badges/white coats-stethoscopes/suits-ties pretending to be your gods/saviours/friends, pain, birth defects, rejection, conflict, hate, imperialism, racism, envy, jealousy, brutality, crime, corruption, cancers/diseases/physical/mental degeneration caused by the poisoned air/food/water and finally DEATH, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, drama queen/king complex syndrome, hero complex syndrome, God complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome, ignorance, arrogance, entitlement complex syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, sadomasochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

Raw Weston Price / Re: For Perfect Health.
« on: September 09, 2022, 04:29:26 pm »
The fact, truth and reality is that humans are animals that procreate. Now you are saying that humans are not animals and that procreation is immoral, you have zero grasp of reality.

The fact, truth an d reality is that YOU can consider YOURSELF an animal, that is your opinion of YOURSELF. Good for you.

I will stay with facts, truth, reality in that there are simply ZERO ethical/moral/unselfish/logical/rational reasons to impose/force innocent souls against their will into this dimension of lifelong suffering and death.

Raw Weston Price / Re: For Perfect Health.
« on: September 09, 2022, 12:40:21 pm »
To be informed about reality people have to look at it impartially, being emotionally invested in suffering is not clarity. Existence is the will to exist, there is nothing existing against its will. Humans are not moral, ethical, logical, rational or unselfish, we are animals, lumps of thinking matter, meat pockets of urges, it is disgusting but we don't really know anything about it. This existence thing is not serious, it is not a personal attack.

Well, YOU can consider YOURSELF an animal, that is your opinion of YOURSELF. Good for you.

I will stay with facts, truth, reality.

There are simply ZERO ethical/moral/unselfish/logical/rational reasons to impose/force innocent souls against their will into this dimension of lifelong suffering and death.

Raw Weston Price / Re: For Perfect Health.
« on: September 08, 2022, 04:13:47 pm »
Animals reproduce. Humans are animals. Every aspect of human experience is designed to cause reproduction. Anti-natalism certainly sounds cool when watching True Detective but when reading up on it I found a kooky religion. The statement that experience, or the way things are, is immoral, all religions do this. The void spits things out, humans don't choose to exist and humans are not going to choose to stop existing, there is nothing immoral. If humans did choose to stop existing, the void would continue to produce life. Clearly there is existence, experience and non-experience, there cannot be non-existence only. People with brain cells need not rage against what is.

So why would any moral, ethical, logical, rational, unselfish man or woman want to force innocent souls AGAINST THEIR WILL into a dimension of a lifelong unimaginable suffering, misery and finally: death ?

Are you even human?  Just being alive in a healthy body feels amazing.  Breathing, moving, feeling the sensations on the body, dancing, stretching, using your voice, walking, touching soft soil or sand on the feet and hands, touching leaves or soft grass, feeling the sun on the skin, feeling wind or rain, smelling these things, smelling earth, flowers, hair, skin.  It's like you are AI asking these questions to understand the human experience, lol.  I can remember bliss, joy, laughter, etc from my childhood as well as uncomfortable emotions, both equally valid, one does not outweigh or negate the other, I still experience a range of emotions but, by far and as a healthy and conscious adult, the good outweighs the bad.  I didntnpump out units til 38 and for a long time considered everything you were saying about how selfish it is to bring babies into an imperfect world, but because I also experienced great joy and the many ways we can live in this world I was fortunate enough that the souls chose me to incarnate their blissfully joyous selves through my body.  Once I had children I felt even more ridiculous that I listened to the overculture of guilt and shame and scarcity exactly as you are preaching and thankful I overcame such pessimistic, ignorant and selfish rhetoric...

If you ever wondered, children are future: DEAD rotting bodies in the cemeteries, pharmaceutical/medical industrial complex’ life long clients/victims, prison/military industrial complex clients/victims, fascists, satanists, totalitarian single digit IQ nobodies, communists, marxists, bolsheviks, leninists, SJWs, BLMs, socialists, mercenaries, toxic drug dealers I mean ‘doctors’ for big pHARMa, lawyers/judges who deny us justice, accountants/tax collectors who rob us, uniformed people who ticket/harass you for no reason, teachers/news anchors who brainwash/indoctrinate everybody with totally retarded/nonsensical/idiotic LIES pretending to be your benevolent  parents, ‘law’ makers, inventors of more toxic chemicals contaminating everything you eat/drink/inhale/wear/rub on your body/live in/use/enjoy/spray on yourself and in the air, religious freaks wearing funny clothing and head coverings spreading ‘peace’, modern brown shirt members, prostitutes/escorts/sugar babies, sugar daddies/sugar mamas, female rapists, pimps, health forum users trying to figure out what they have 100s of health symptoms and how to recover from them, welfare/benefit queens/kings, cartel members, starving people, broke(n)/bankrupt people from all points of views, hitmen/hitwomen/assassins, murderers, witches/warlocks who curse others, murderers wearing uniforms-badges/white coats-stethoscopes/suits-ties, control freaks, power tripping psychopaths in positions of ‘authority’, abused people, abusers/users, drunkards, drug addicts, drug dealers, alcoholics, homeless, gang/mafia members, suicide victims, bullies, bullied people, torturers, tortured people, mentally and physically handicapped people, orphans, psychopaths, sociopaths, serial killers, victims of organ harvesting and human trafficking, single mother victims, permanent residents of hell, dead soldiers, racist group gang members, prostitutes, residents of hell, debt slaves, suckers to participate in the rat race that enables the world wide criminal syndicate(royalty, bankers etc.) to stay rich and become richer.

So the problem of your outlook stems from your parents.  Not everyone had your childhood.  You sound bored and spoiled and like you haven't had enough life experience to know that you are not doomed to view life from the perspective of your childhood.   Maybe you also live in psychical pain along with your very evident emotional pain.  If I were in your position I would seek new experiences and also probably psilocybin therapy or emdr.   You are traumatized by your childhood and it is ruling your adult life.

Pumping out units, aka forcing innocent beings against their will, without their permission/consent, into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of: misery, suffering, struggling, taxes, ‘insurances’, bills, rent, regulations, usury, bullying, greed, toil, struggling, pressure, ‘targets’ to achieve, violence, persecutions, tribulations, mental/physical torture, slavery, kidnappings, gaslighting, poverty, terrorism, nepotism, humiliation, oppression, decay, genocides, democides, extortion, terror, exploitation, discrimination, abuse, terrorists wearing uniforms-badges/white coats-stethoscopes/suits-ties pretending to be your gods/saviours/friends, pain, birth defects, rejection, conflict, hate, imperialism, racism, envy, jealousy, brutality, crime, corruption, cancers/diseases/physical/mental degeneration caused by the poisoned air/food/water and finally DEATH, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, drama queen/king complex syndrome, hero complex syndrome, God complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome, ignorance, arrogance, entitlement complex syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, sadomasochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

Raw Weston Price / Re: For Perfect Health.
« on: September 06, 2022, 08:49:40 pm »
Hi all,

I'd just like to update you on my diet and give a few health tips.

First of all my diet:

I haven't used added salt in my diet for the past year and I'm thriving despite it sometimes topping 40°C during summer in Brisbane (Australia).
(Rock/sea) salt is a protoplasmic poison and only necessary for herbivores.
A diet with an adequate amount of animal products e.g. the milk in my diet, should provide an ample supply of electrolytes including sodium.
No wild carnivore licks salt!

My current daily diet is 3L of raw unhomogenised grass-fed milk and 500g of raw grass-fed diced beef (any raw grass-fed red meat should do; I eat the diced beef immersed in milk twice per day for easy palatability).
This is all one needs.
It is especially essential though that the milk isn't heat-treated as otherwise one risks being deficient in vitamin C as it is destroyed by pasteurisation etc.
The beef also has (low) amounts of vitamin C though if one is also consuming a significant quantity of milk this may not be enough as the milk contains some quantity of carbohydrate (lactose being second only to water in it's constituents) which depletes vitamin C so it's essential that the milk's own vitamin C isn't destroyed.

Humans are facultative carnivores. It is inadvisable to eat plants because they are all (except for the fruit and nectar which have evolved to be eaten so that the plants can successfully reproduce) toxic, even for herbivores. This is why plants aren't extinct (they rely on toxicants (natural pesticides) because unlike animals they can't flee or fight to avoid predation). This is one of the things that causes ageing (another being cooking, which denatures food making it toxic).
It is a popular fallacy that ageing is inherited but this is obviously not the case (as sexual selection would weed it out as the longer lived would be able to produce more offspring and/or spend longer looking after said offspring thus favouring the proliferation of their genes relative to those that aged; thus ageing must be due to environmental factors the most likely being chemical warfare by the plants that they consume).

Health tips:

There are three pillars to good health: diet (already covered), sleep and abstinence.

I try to get as much sleep each night as physically possible as it helps recovery from the day's stresses and strains by allowing the blood vessels to recover by temporarily narrowing and/or shortening (hence why the normal position to sleep in is curled up on one's side) allowing maintenance for structural integrity.
Hence why the very sleep deprived can die from strokes.

Abstinence: to maintain good health one should only be sexually active when one is trying to reproduce as sexual activity is inflammatory (and thus also risks vascular integrity) involving the release of prostaglandins which the body uses to mitigate the cancer risk from the gametes (sperm or ova) which contain pluripotent stem cells which can differentiate into any cell type and are thus potentially carcinogenic if anything should go awry.
Also one should obviously not consume alcohol or drugs as these are obviously harmful (even pharmaceuticals as one is disrupting their body's biochemistry potentially causing harm).

As a bonus if one is completely sexually abstinent one can make rapid progress in yoga.

That is all.
HTH. :)

Best regards,

Why would anybody with one properly functioning braincell reproduce?

FYI reproduction = forcing innocent souls against their will into a dimension of lifelong suffering, misery and finally DEATH

You have really convinced yourself this is the only possibility and that your experience and knowledge must be the epitome of truth?  You really think I am the selfish, lonely, psychopath when you are here explaining that there is no way to experiencing anything other than suffering and that everyone should also feel shame and guilt and a magnitude of other unfavorable emotions because they exist and don't share your same viewpoint??  There are cookies in hell?  Do you eat a raw paleo diet?  I hope, for your sake, because your perspective on life sounds miserable, that you are able to get some help in seeing existence in a different manner.   If the global elites she farming me, so be it, I still enjoy so much freedom, I farm my own animals, I grow flowers and plants, chickens, rabbits, I enjoy my family and I don't live in constant guilt nor would you be able to shame me into it.  I am not ignorant of unaware that people suffer but there are also so many other ways of being and fluctuations in experience.  You sound bored and stuck. Your probably live in the city amongst the zombies.   Get out of there, go to the forest, be with the beings that actually decide if you live or die.  The trees, the clouds, the sun, the soil.   Sounds like you are just a puppet of your handlers.

children being slaves to there parents it’s really humiliating I remember when I was young my father telling me if I don’t obey him he will keek me out of the house.Parents are to blame for their children's suicide.Yes they are and they are also to blame for suffering to old age.someone tell me what is so great about life? what is so wonderful and urgent about it that makes humans want to cling to it and gift it to others so wilfully? what exactly would the unborn be missing out on? and why is it so absolutely important that they don't? are they better off here than in peaceful nonexistence? what exactly is so magnificent and imperative about life that we need to drag more souls here to experience it? and why haven't the living found it yet?

had a friend make this argument to me "wouldn't you want your kid to be a millionaire and make you millions?" No, I don't need to create my own personal wage slave plus my parents created enough for us to live on, I also have my own business and I live by my means most of the time, it just takes a little bit of discipline. It also assumes your child will live that long or even you will live that long among many other assumptions. If you can't plan for your retirement by yourself then surely a child is not going to do you any better, and now they have to continue that stupidity cycle.

Pumping out units, aka forcing innocent beings against their will, without their permission/consent, into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of: misery, suffering, struggling, taxes, ‘insurances’, bills, rent, regulations, usury, bullying, greed, toil, struggling, pressure, ‘targets’ to achieve, violence, persecutions, tribulations, mental/physical torture, slavery, kidnappings, gaslighting, poverty, terrorism, nepotism, humiliation, oppression, decay, genocides, democides, extortion, terror, exploitation, discrimination, abuse, terrorists wearing uniforms-badges/white coats-stethoscopes/suits-ties pretending to be your gods/saviours/friends, pain, birth defects, rejection, conflict, hate, imperialism, racism, envy, jealousy, brutality, crime, corruption, cancers/diseases/physical/mental degeneration caused by the poisoned air/food/water and finally DEATH, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, drama queen/king complex syndrome, hero complex syndrome, God complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome, ignorance, arrogance, entitlement complex syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, sadomasochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

Everything Wrong With The Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less:

Sandy Hook Summary:

If you ever wondered, children are future: DEAD rotting bodies in the cemeteries, pharmaceutical/medical industrial complex’ life long clients/victims, prison/military industrial complex clients/victims, fascists, satanists, totalitarian single digit IQ nobodies, communists, marxists, bolsheviks, leninists, SJWs, BLMs, socialists, mercenaries, toxic drug dealers I mean ‘doctors’ for big pHARMA, lawyers/judges who deny us justice, accountants/tax collectors who rob us, uniformed people who ticket/harras you for no reason, teachers/new anchors who brainwash/indoctrinate everybody with totally retarded/nonsensical/idiotic LIES pretending to be your benevolent  parents, ‘law’ makers, inventors of more toxic chemicals contaminating everything you eat/drink/inhale/wear/rub on your body/live in/use/enjoy/spray on yourself and in the air, religious freaks wearing funny clothing and head coverings spreading ‘peace’, modern brown shirt members, prostitutes/escorts/sugar babies, sugar daddies/sugar mamas, female rapists, pimps, welfare/benefit queens/kings, cartel members, starving people, broke(n)/bankrupt people from all points of views, hitmen/hitwomen/assassins, murderers, witches/warlocks who curse others, murderers wearing uniforms-badges/white coats-stethoscopes/suits-ties, control freaks, power tripping psychopaths in positions of ‘authority’, abused people, abusers/users, drunkards, drug addicts, drug dealers, alcoholics, homeless, gang/mafia members, suicide victims, bullies, bullied people, torturers, tortured people, mentally and physically handicapped people, orphans, psychopaths, sociopaths, serial killers, victims of organ harvesting and human trafficking, single mother victims, permanent residents of hell, dead soldiers, racist group gang members, prostitutes, residents of hell, debt slaves, suckers to participate in the rat race that enables the world wide criminal syndicate(royalty, bankers etc.) to stay rich and become richer.

Not ONE person unfortunate enough to be born escapes suffering or causing suffering. Sentient life is a construct of the most unimaginable, incomprehensible evil there is. To reproduce is the most vile, immoral crime/sin possible.

After reading your take on living I can only wonder how and why are you still alive?  Do you exist just to tell other people how pointless and horrible their existence is?

Human Farming: The practice, by nation states (The Crown), of the parasitical exploitation of its population. Evolved from the slavery, subsequent feudal and Monarchical/Federal models of civilization, human farming is practiced globally through the use of social programming. This programming is achieved through education systems and religion, propaganda through mass media and terror tactics (covert/overt military force). It enables the ruling class of a nation to systematically and continuously reap taxes (the produce) from the human 'herd'. Great care is taken by the farmers to preserve the appearance of 'normality' to its livestock as those that become aware of the manipulation are often 'lost' if not successfully rehabilitated via penal/psychiatric means. The farmers also motivates the herd to consume the products and services available on the farm to stimulate an artificial economy for the purposes of reinforcing the herds cohesion. This is done to continually maximize productivity. Due to the inherent un-sustainability of the practice, human farming eventually reverts to a totalitarian system of slavery and the cycle begins again."

Imagine being a workhorse to survive and yet bringing a kid into this world to suffer the same destiny as you. Even if the world fell into the lowest cruelest part of a hell breediots would still breed there and give their babies to the torment. Breediots just want a slave(s) who is gonna do what they tell him/her or else they will whoop his/her ass.

Breediots owe their children their deepest apologies for forcing these innocent souls to experience pain, suffering, and death, i.e. the ‘wonders’/’gift(s)’ of life. Every child born is doomed/cursed to experience these things. ALL of them.
Imagine setting an apartment complex on fire, then you are expecting respect for calling the fire department That's the natalist/breediot ‘logic’. Children should be legally allowed to drop a lawsuit on their parents for bringing them into a deficient place that begins and ends in misery then death. Breediots don't face any consequences for forcing someone into existence. They are groomed from the moment they're born to believe that life is a good thing.

Because bringing children into the world only to have them compete, suffer, and die is a great idea. Put unrealistic expectations on them, as well, while you're at it.

Breeders have no right to complain about problems since they are the ones creating more of them.
Sheeple slaves being made comfortable to be a slave by buying things that make the slave masters richer.

The 1- 10% want you alive for max 40 years so you can be a workhorse that they can use and abuse for 40 years. They care about their bank accounts and cause you as much suffering as possible from ALL points of views.

With every breediot post, like yours, they expose themselves as the selfish, psychopathic, lonely megalomaniacs they really truly are. With every post of yours you are proving everything I am posting. You and other breediots are the personification of evil, perpetuating suffering and death here AND in hell, since 8- 9 out 0f 10 people end up in hell burning forever for the sole reason of breediots WANTING a slave/a child for entertainment, for somebody to be bossed around/beaten up and use and abuse. I am sure when some or all of your kids end up in hell will be very thankful for your selfishness... and if you too end up in hell with them, you will be able to bake some cookies without an oven, ;) I bet you will be proud of yourself and accomplishments of sending others to hell to burn for eternity for your utter selfishness and stupidity.

Having given birth to 2 shining and happy beings, I would say that birth gives the potential for suffering and that some suffering is inevitable but that is not all there is to life.  In fact the magnitude of other possibilities is worth the suffering.

Please give me an example of more useful or constructive hobbies?  How can these even exist if we are doomed to suffering just by being born, what would actually be the use, do these constructive or useful hobbies somehow lessen the suffering? That does not seem and possibility according to your above logic because these would only serve the sufferers who are doomed to suffer, which is your whole issue with children.  If you truly believed your own logic you would just tell people to die and also just go die yourself because there is no potential for useful or constructive hobbies for the born, only suffering. 

You are literally on the false scarcity and eugenics virtue signaling program and you don't don't know it.

Pumping out units, aka forcing innocent beings against their will, without their permission/consent, into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of: misery, suffering, struggling, taxes, ‘insurances’, bills, rent, regulations, usury, bullying, greed, toil, struggling, pressure, ‘targets’ to achieve, violence, persecutions, tribulations, mental/physical torture, slavery, kidnappings, gaslighting, poverty, terrorism, nepotism, humiliation, genocides, democides, extortion, terror, exploitation, discrimination, abuse, terrorists wearing uniforms-badges/white coats-stethoscopes/suits-ties pretending to be your gods/saviours/friends, pain, birth defects, rejection, conflict, hate, imperialism, racism, envy, jealousy, brutality, crime, corruption, cancers/diseases/physical/mental degeneration caused by the poisoned air/food/water and finally DEATH, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, drama queen/king complex syndrome, hero complex syndrome, God complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome, ignorance, arrogance, entitlement complex syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, sadomasochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

Everything Wrong With The Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less:

Sandy Hook Summary:

If you ever wondered, children are future: DEAD rotting bodies in the cemeteries, pharmaceutical/medical industrial complex’ life long clients/victims, prison/military industrial complex clients/victims, fascists, satanists, totalitarian single digit IQ nobodies, communists, marxists, bolsheviks, leninists, SJWs, BLMs, socialists, mercenaries, toxic drug dealers I mean ‘doctors’ for big pHARMA, lawyers/judges who deny us justice, accountants/tax collectors who rob us, uniformed people who ticket/harras you for no reason, teachers/new anchors who brainwash/indoctrinate everybody with totally retarded/nonsensical/idiotic LIES pretending to be your benevolent  parents, ‘law’ makers, inventors of more toxic chemicals contaminating everything you eat/drink/inhale/wear/rub on your body/live in/use/enjoy/spray on yourself and in the air, religious freaks wearing funny clothing and head coverings spreading ‘peace’, modern brown shirt members, prostitutes/escorts/sugar babies, sugar daddies/sugar mamas, female rapists, pimps, welfare/benefit queens/kings, cartel members, starving people, broke(n)/bankrupt people from all points of views, hitmen/hitwomen/assassins, murderers, witches/warlocks who curse others, murderers wearing uniforms-badges/white coats-stethoscopes/suits-ties, control freaks, power tripping psychopaths in positions of ‘authority’, abused people, abusers/users, drunkards, drug addicts, drug dealers, alcoholics, homeless, gang/mafia members, suicide victims, bullies, bullied people, torturers, tortured people, mentally and physically handicapped people, orphans, psychopaths, sociopaths, serial killers, victims of organ harvesting and human trafficking, single mother victims, permanent residents of hell, dead soldiers, racist group gang members, prostitutes, residents of hell, debt slaves, suckers to participate in the rat race that enables the world wide criminal syndicate(royalty, bankers etc.) to stay rich and become richer.

Not ONE person unfortunate enough to be born escapes suffering or causing suffering. Sentient life is a construct of the most unimaginable, incomprehensible evil there is. To reproduce is the most vile, immoral crime/sin possible.

Having kids is purely a selfish desire, no one has kids for the sake of the children, they do it for their own wants and "needs".
Breediots are THE root of ALL evil and ALL problems.
THE root cause of ALL of your past, current and future problems were, are and will be your breediot parents. You do not owe anything to your breediot parents, THEY owe you everything since they forced upon you the ‘wonders’ and the ‘gift(s)’ of ‘life’.
Work like a slave, retire right into the grave.

God forbid anybody deprives the elites of future wage slaves and cannon fodder. I  mean where will the 1% elite get their adrenochrome from if breediots don’t breed?Baaaaaaaaa.........................… also, big pharma must be provided with new/fresh lab rats for ongoing medical experiments!

'Life is so meaningful'' aha and what is meaningful about it Karen? *cricket noise, because meanwhile same people end up with alcohol and downing anti-depressants because they themselves realize life is meaningless, even after performing their hobbies which include scrolling TikTok and watching the Kardashians, so much life fulfilment!

Who is more evil, the god that does nothing regarding evil and suffering or the breediots that keep bringing more people to experience evil and suffering and death? They both are but I am leaning more on humans. With the full knowledge of the suffering and agony that awaits people here, they keep bringing more and more and more humans to this place. they just do not give 2 F… and they dare to say they love those humans. That is not something you do to someone you say you love. They keep doing it for irrational stupid reasons. God did it once, humans will keep doing it forever. That is beyond evil.

Wow your life sucks that bad that that is your viewpoint?  I guess it's good you know better not to breed.

These brain dead mindless zombies refuse to see that the root cause of ALL suffering is birth.It's just utterly pointless. Everything is either a distraction to prevent you from seeing it, or a cope.

There are too many idiots that start a family and don't realize the enormity of all the costs that come with a family. They either have the kid due to irresponsibly having intercourse with no protection or truly thought parenting would be an easy cakewalk. But they don't realize the extra expenses and costs that come with raising a kid.

Natalists always try to convince me that it's my duty to procreate, with the lamest cliched emotional arguments, like "bro, you've got to have a kid to keep your bloodline going" and "you've got to have a kid, there's no ultimate happiness like raising a kid". It seems to me thinking and the application of logic are like kryptonite to these people.

They do not have the ability to fathom that I simply do not want to bring a child into this crappy game called life. It's a crappy state of affairs in that irresponsible idiots and morons breed innocent kids into this world, whereas the smarter logical people have taken the time to ponder and reach the logical conclusion that this society is not conducive to bringing up children.

The majority of people creating the future generations are idiots instilling warped values into their slaves, I mean children.

Pumping out units, aka forcing innocent beings(against their will, i.e. without their permission/consent) into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of: misery, suffering, struggling, taxes, bills, rent, regulations, bullying, gaslighting, terrorism, nepotism, humiliation, extortion, terror, terrorists wearing uniforms-badges/white coats-stethoscopes/suits-ties pretending to be your gods/saviours/friends, pain, birth defects, physical/mental degeneration caused by the poisoned air/food/water and finally: DEATH, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, **megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, drama queen/king complex syndrome, hero complex syndrome, God complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, sadomasochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

**obsession with the exercise of power

Everything Wrong With The Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less(there were kids snitching on their parents who went to DC on Jan 6th ;-):

Sandy Hook Summary:

If you ever wondered, children are future: DEAD rotting bodies in the cemeteries, pharmaceutical/medical industrial complex’ life long clients/victims, prison/military industrial complex clients/victims, fascists, satanists, totalitarian single digit IQ nobodies, communists, marxists, bolsheviks, leninists, SJWs, BLMs, socialists, mercenaries, religious freaks wearing funny clothing and head coverings spreading ‘peace’, prostitutes/escorts/sugar babies, sugar daddies/sugar mamas, female rapists, pimps, welfare/benefit queens/kings, cartel members, starving people, broke(n)/bankrupt people from all points of views, hitmen/hitwomen/assassins, murderers, witches/warlocks who curse others, murderers wearing uniforms-badges/white coats-stethoscopes/suits-ties, abused people, abusers/users, drunkards, drug addicts, drug dealers, alcoholics, homeless, gang/mafia members, suicide victims, bullies, bullied people, torturers, tortured people, mentally and physically handicapped people, orphans, victims of organ harvesting and human trafficking, single mother victims, dead soldiers, racist group gang members, prostitutes, residents of hell, debt slaves, suckers to participate in the rat race that enables the world wide criminal syndicate(royalty, bankers etc.) to stay rich and become richer.

Having kids is purely a selfish desire, no one has kids for the sake of the children, they do it for their own wants and "needs".
Breediots are THE root of ALL evil and ALL problems.
Work like a slave, retire right into the grave.

Ecclesiastes Chapter 4 2 And I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive. 3 But better than both is the one who has never been born, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun.

Finally Alex Jones admits publicly who owns and funds him.

Search the following on YouTube and listen from 30 seconds into the video: Look Into It w/Eddie Bravo episode 13 featuring ALEX JONES is now LIVE only on Rokfin

Also, this might be interesting as well: Sandy Hook Hoax:

Primal Diet / Re: Raw non steamed dates
« on: July 18, 2022, 12:30:01 am »
raw non steamed dates?

if ur in the states, check out the date people.

Any sources from UK and or Europe?

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