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Messages - Felicie

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Raw Foodism wikipedia page
« on: September 08, 2008, 07:26:04 pm »
It should be OK to eat raw tomatoes and cucumbers. As far as I'm aware, they're the only fruits classed(wrongly) as vegetables.

I thought tomatoes are in the nightshade family and should be avoided by paleolithic eaters. Not so?

General Discussion / Re: Where to buy high meat jars on the net?
« on: September 07, 2008, 06:27:25 pm »
There's nothing wrong with using a little salt for just taste-reasons if you're a newbi to the diet - we all have to start somewhere, after all. I merely suggest that you look around for equally tasty alternatives(other people use raw ginger/garlic/onions/pepper/cayenne-pepper, among other raw spices).  You can still use the salt occasionally in small amounts, just make sure it's sea-salt or rock-salt, not iodised table-salt.

Yes, I did throw out all table salt and stocked up on "designer" sea salt.  :) But I'll try other herbs and spices as well to see if I could reduce my salt dependancy eventually. Can one use an Indian spice, asafoetida? It tastes slightly salty. It's supposed to be good for digestion.

General Discussion / Re: Tongue
« on: September 07, 2008, 06:22:53 pm »
When I first started the diet, I had extremely loose teeth(they'd been about to fall out, as a result of years of dairy-consumption, SAD diet, raw vegan diets etc.)
My teeth became extremely strong aftera year or so on the diet, so that the above methods were no longer necessary.

My gums bleed and recede. I do hope that they will become stronger eventually.

General Discussion / Re: Where to buy high meat jars on the net?
« on: September 07, 2008, 06:16:15 pm »
Both Aajonus and Palaeodieters frown on the use of salt, though some RPDers have recently claimed that salt is needed since most RPDers do not usually have access to raw  blood which contains natural salts in it. I don't suppose the occasional use of salt is too bad, but I wouldn't advise making salt a frequent part of your diet. I use salt perhaps once or twice a year with my raw meats.

It's good to know, because I've been salting my salads a lot, since they taste bland to me otherwise. I've also been making my own dressing out of dry salted fish, cold-pressed olive oil and lemon juice. Maybe I'll ease into low-salt eating gradually.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Foodism wikipedia page
« on: September 07, 2008, 06:12:08 pm »
It said to avoid alfalfa sprouts on that page. Wow, I didn't know that!!! I've been eating a ot of alfalfa sprouts lately, because I'm cutting down on tomatoes, bell peppers, and other "sweet" vegetables to reduce the carbohydrates.

General Discussion / Re: Where to buy high meat jars on the net?
« on: September 07, 2008, 06:01:15 pm »
Is "high meat" - spoiled meat?

Is it O.K. to eat surströmming on this diet? It is rotten herring that I really like. It's not cooked, but it's salted. Are salted things OK?

General Discussion / Re: Tongue
« on: September 07, 2008, 05:55:21 pm »
I personally cut out rather big pieces(just small enough to still fit in the mouth and swallow without too much hassle, after 0, 1 or 2 quick 1-second chomps/chews with the teeth

But how do you manage to swallow large pieces? Don't you choke on them?

Chewing tongue (the kind of tongue that I bought) a couple of times wuld not have made any difference. That meat was quite literally unchewable. Perhaps a younger person would have had sharper teeth, I don't know...

General Discussion / Re: Tongue
« on: September 06, 2008, 01:29:41 am »
Thank you. So you basically swallow very tiny pieces of the food that is hard/impossible to chew. I could try it next time. It's to bad for me though, because I like chewing the food. That's how I enjoy the taste and texture of what I'm eating. Swallowing without chewing is sort of like taking vitamins.

Getting really fresh kidneys and other parts is a problem. I'll need to be inventive and try to find access to fresh meat. Ask around to see if anyone knows a farmer.

Nicola, forgive me for being personal, but you look absolutely glowing on your avatar. Whatever you are eating must be agreeing with you. :)

General Discussion / Tongue
« on: September 05, 2008, 03:22:30 pm »
I bought some veal tongue the other day but was unable to eat it raw. It was just too tough. I physically couldn't chew.

This brings me to my question about organs. I love all organs when they are cooked. I love both the taste and the texture. But how can one adopt organ meat to this diet? Some organs are just too tough to chew when raw, such as tongue. Others you need to boil a couple of times before cooking in order to eliminate an unpleasant taste or smell (such as kidneys - to rid of the urine aftertaste). Another thing I miss is "non-choice" cuts of meat, such as legs, which are also too tough when raw. I used to love to cook things like beef shanks or ox tail. They have so much collagen. I felt that eating these parts of collagen-rich meat literally rejuvenated my skin. Now I no longer know how to prepare and eat them.

Any advice? Thanks.

General Discussion / Re: Testicles
« on: September 05, 2008, 03:14:09 pm »
I used to eat fried lamb testicles all the time. They tasted great when cooked. I don't dare to try them raw yet.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Zero carb Euphoria
« on: August 01, 2008, 07:14:33 am »
I did a bit of research and seems cramps can be brought on by a acetylcholine deficncey, it's not the minerals in the pickles but the acetic acid from the vinegar combining with choline (B vitamin).

I've always connected cramps with the lack of magnesium. When I got cramps (especially during pregnancy), I would start taking magnesium pills, and the cramps would be gone right away.

It's interesting that acetylcholine defficiency could also bring on cramps. I haven't heard about it. have you considered taking L-tyrosine as a supplement. I recently started taking it in order to help me quit smoking. It is said that people who are addicted to smoking are also defficient in acetylcholine. The tyrosine pills really helped. They both made it easier to go through the withdrawal as well as relieved the "foggy brain" syndrom.

Health / Hypothyroidism
« on: July 19, 2008, 08:20:59 am »
Has anyone on this board had a problem with a sluggish thyroid? What about taking natural thyroid supplements while on this diet?

Welcoming Committee / Hi!
« on: July 19, 2008, 08:19:24 am »
Hi, I just started this diet 2 weeks ago, hoping that it would help me overcome some health problems. One of the big problems - constipation. So far, no change. :'(

I went cold turkey. I've been eating fatty steaks, eggs, and fish. Raw lamb tasted disgusting, for some reason, even though I love cooked lamb. So I didn't repeat the experiment. I also tried lamb hearts - they were even worse. I didn't mind the texture - I can get used to that - it was something about the aftertaste that didn't agree with me. Perhaps I should try beef heart. Maybe it doesn't have the same aftertaste. But the worst thing by far was bone marrow. I was kind of excited to try marrow, because it is one of my most favorite dishes when cooked. It turned out that raw marrow is nothing like the cooked one. It was grainy, not creamy, and it got stuck to my palate. I know that organ meats are supposed to be very good for you, better than flesh. But I went back to steak so far.  :-\

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