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Messages - rawswede

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Health / Re: The Hidden Disease: Testosterone Deficiency
« on: August 26, 2014, 01:01:37 am »
Hehe oh I'm all on your side,  no need shooting through roof xD..

Me myself don't have (as far as i know) a problem with estrogen dominance, no external signs at least..

21 year old guy that find it interesting to research dietary effects on your body (in all imaginable ways).
I havent settle completely when it comes to diet.. experimenting quite a lot, but the "raw paleo" template have been appealing to me since i first came over it..

My hope posting this question (stupid or not?) was that some of you people here could come up with rational logical answers and explanations to why this issue really isn't a problem..... resulting in some outrageous accuse of people being vegan trolls :s find that a bit funny.. XD and a bit sad....

Thanks for the calming information Inger, and of course the best thing is to try things out yourself to se results :) But the question still remains..  I just want to say that i am absolutely not an expert in this field but the question as far as i have read aromatase is an enzyme that you can find in estrogen producing cells like in the fat tissue among others? Maybe it doesn't affect you the same way when you consume it as appose to when your own body produces it ?

Here is a link to a thread where the subject is discussed, this might explain the question better than what i do?


Maybe they just got it wrong?

As far as my understanding we all (especially men) like to minimise the hormone estrogen in the body... The enzyme aromatase acts as an transformer of testosterone into estrogen. Aromatase is primarily found in the fat cells of the body, and therefore.. in the fat of humans and animals. Wouldnt it then be unwise to consume lots of animal fats in the context of minimizing estrogen in the body?

From wikipedia: Adipose tissue is the greatest peripheral source of aromatase in both males and females, contributing to the production of estradiol.

So my thought or maybe fear was just that you may increase the aromatase activity by consuming tissues containing large amounts of aromatase? maybe i have just got it wrong?

greetings from sweden .

--------------------- NOTE BELOW THAT THIS aromatase concept is BULL SHIT -------------------------

The original poster of that question is making up BULL SHIT.  Theorizing BULL SHIT.  And by our experiences is similarly BULL SHIT.

"So men...If you don't want to have clogged arteries, if you don't want to be feminized, If you don't want to have an enlarged prostate and a non-existent sex life, you will completely cut animal fats out of your diet. The largest source of animal fat is dairy products, the second source is obviously meats; cows, chickens, fish, turkey, etc."

"When humans eat the body-fat of animals they are eating aromatase enzymes (because body-fat contains high levels of aromatase). As a result their levels of estrogens rise in their body."



That original poster is a complete VEGAN TROLL.  Meant to make people UN HEALTHY.

Yes the original poster in that thread got it WRONG because he is an obvious VEGAN TROLL.

The very reason we do not have a RAW VEGAN or RAW FRUITARIAN section here in our forum because by all our experiences here shows cutting out animal food in people's diets DO NOT WORK.

And what is also insane is cutting out FAT for some vegan troll fantasy about aromatase is similarly outright FALSE. Let me say it again.  BULL SHIT.

General Discussion / Estrogen and fat consumption? - aromatase BULL SHIT
« on: August 21, 2014, 05:18:17 am »
Hi folks, my impression is that there seems to be a lot of people with good knowledge regarding nutrition in relation to hormones on this forum, so i have a short question to ask. As far as my understanding we all (especially men) like to minimise the hormone estrogen in the body... The enzyme aromatase acts as an transformer of testosterone into estrogen. Aromatase is primarily found in the fat cells of the body, and therefore.. in the fat of humans and animals. Wouldnt it therefor be unwise to consume lots of animal fats in the context of minimizing estrogen in the body?

Greetings from Sweden, and hoping for answer :)!  btw sorry for the bad english.... i guess :P.

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