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Messages - lorelf

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Welcoming Committee / Re: Tips for transitioning to raw paleo?
« on: January 12, 2015, 03:51:14 am »
goodsamaritan - Yes, my mind hasn’t quite gotten used to the idea of raw meat yet.  I’m lucky that raw milk is readily available where I live (near Spokane, Washington) but unlucky because it doesn’t seem to agree with me!  I love the taste of it though.  The Wai diet is intriguing, and probably most similar to the approach I’m taking now, since I’m consuming a lot of fruit.

eveheart - It is encouraging to hear about your healing on the RPD.  My health deteriorated on a vegetarian diet too, compounded by a stressful lifestyle and some other issues.. symptoms of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, etc… and I am only 30 years old!  I read (and followed) the Perfect Health Diet for a while, and they theorize that the body becomes sick for 3 reasons: 1. Nutritional deficiencies, 2. Toxins, and 3. Chronic infections.  I think eating a raw diet helps with reducing the toxin load, and including nutrient dense raw animal foods helps boost one’s nutrition.  So, I have hope that I’m on the right path here.

cherimoya_kid - Something about chicken always grossed me out, whether cooked or not.  Luckily, I love fish, lamb, and beef and am focusing on them.  I haven’t found much information about eating insects raw, but our ancestors probably did this a lot.  I wonder if anyone has experimented with this?

A_Tribe_Called_Paleo - I’m not uncomfortable eating meat if it is cooked, but raw is more difficult than I anticipated, for sure.  Raw fish is easy, I’ve had that plenty of times in Sushi restaurants.  I’ve considered searing my meat and leaving the inside raw (I always preferred my meat rare anyway).  Something about cooking the meat makes it feel heavier in my stomach though.  Even though I can only eat a couple of ounces raw meat so far, I am surprised that I don’t feel weighed down after eating it.  I found a recipe for “Steak Tartare” which consists of raw ground beef, raw egg, and some spices such as garlic, onion, ground mustard, and turmeric.  I ended up cooking it a little bit, but it was definitely close to raw when I consumed it!  It seems to help to have the meat a little bit warm rather than cold right out of the fridge.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Tips for transitioning to raw paleo?
« on: January 11, 2015, 11:39:22 am »
Thanks for the tips everyone.  :D

I'm sorry if I came off wrong.  I am a genuine person just trying to figure out the best diet for myself and become healthier... not a "troll."

I had some egg yolks today and enjoyed the taste more than I used to.  I also went shopping and bought some beef bones with marrow, beef liver, and more ground beef.  I'm feeling better about transitioning and having patience with myself.  It is true that I'm used to a low-fat diet, so it seems like a good idea to increase the amount of fat I eat slowly.  When I tried a higher fat diet in the past, I did enjoy the satiety that went along with it, and I'm looking forward to that again and hopefully finding a good balance with the food I'm eating.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Tips for transitioning to raw paleo?
« on: January 11, 2015, 04:42:59 am »
Thanks Nummi  :D

I am sure I could use more minerals.  I drink about 12 cups of water every day, sometimes more.  It is reverse osmosis water, and I use "Concentrace" minerals to remineralize it.  When I juice a lot, I definitely feel a decrease in cravings, perhaps it is due to the easily-absorbed minerals in the veggies.

I have been supplementing with magnesium glycinate for a long time, and have supplemented with iodine in the past.  Lately I've just been using Lugol's solution to drop some iodine on the skin and hope my body absorbs it.  I'm wary of taking it internally.

I am so used to a high-carb diet, it is difficult to know if my body actually does well on a lot of fruit, or if I am just addicted to sugar.  In the past, when I've tried a low carb diet, I always feel terrible.  However, that was on a cooked paleo diet, and perhaps raw paleo would make me feel better.  For raw animal fats, I'm going to see if I can get some bone marrow (delicious!) and also count on the egg yolks and fat in the meat I eat.

Thanks for the reminder about sauerkraut.  I have experimented with fermented foods in the past (I currently brew kombucha, but I guess that isn't technically raw or paleo).  I am going to get some sauerkraut going soon.

Could you describe a typical day - what you eat, how much, when, etc.?

Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it!!

Welcoming Committee / Tips for transitioning to raw paleo?
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:00:44 pm »
Hi Everyone,

I tried a raw vegan diet (80-10-10) several years ago... I loved the way I felt on the diet, but it was impossible to stick to it.  I've recently decided to try a raw diet again, but I know that including animal products give me a better chance at long-term success.

I'd like to transition as quickly as possible, but am currently finding myself facing cravings.  I also just don't have the desire to eat much raw meat... I can eat about an ounce or two before I just don't want any more.  Ideally, I'll be eating a lot of fruit during the day with green juice, and then egg yolks and meat later in the day.  Should I just tough out the cravings and hope my appetite improves?  Would it be best to allow myself some cooked food and gradually increase the raw food over a period of time?  In terms of cooked food, which foods cause the least harm?  Potatoes, steamed veggies... what else is there?  I'm trying to stay away from grains as a rule.

Thanks for the advice, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to introduce myself!


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