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Messages - thetasig

Pages: [1]
Primal Diet / Re: Are you sure that dairy isn't paleo?
« on: November 30, 2015, 03:38:42 am »
I can read there there is a definite controversy going on here with regards to dairy. I tend to rely on the concepts that AV has presented. He used raw dairy foods to help folks heal from any number of health issues (and I witnessed a number of situations over the years). But he also indicated that when one is quite healthy, dairy really isn't helpful/harmful. One thing not mentioned here is the amazing changes in a baby's gut bacteria after having mother's milk. It is the "correct" milk and mix of bacteria suitable for the being that is the baby. After the gut is well-seeded with the bacteria (in addition to those from the birth itself), the baby is normally weaned and goes after more solid and serious growth food. I guess I have to accept clarified or raw butter as one, perhaps, non-paleo component (not really sure when butter started being made, but surely not before the agricultural revolution). Still, AV was a strong proponent of the use of dairy to turn bad health into good. Heck, my avocado isn't Paleo, but it has strong healing qualities. But one should clarify - only raw milk could be considered as being potentially Paleo.

Off Topic / Re: Sea-breeze ain't what it used to be
« on: November 30, 2015, 03:18:22 am »
I noted a comment about EMF and phones and electric cars. One thing that is telling about cell phone technology is that the service persons who come out to repair and refurbish cell phone tower antennas, are not permitted to get within 10 feet of them (front, back, or sideways) without first turning them off. This is very appropriate and helps to preserve the service person's health, but the companies who make and utilize those towers don't also acknowledge that any people who live nearby are getting a steady stream of microwaves beamed at them (and some citizens live within 15 feet of said antennas). However the FCC in the U.S. has written laws that forbid a citizen to object to placement of a cellphone tower due to "health-related" problems. Now with electric cars also having internet "phone home" technology built into the core of their operation, drivers will have even more exposure to EMF. Genotoxicity is a real, demonstrated effect, but, as yet, no specific other health threats have been shown. For me, the changes to the genome are bad enough to be a bit worrisome.

Health / Re: Chroniccaly flakey skin..:( HELP!
« on: November 30, 2015, 02:49:50 am »
An interesting idea from AV for me was to also include vegetable fats like avocado. I also eat a ton of animal fats like duck breast (the skin is very fatty) and sometimes suet or the butcher fat trimmings from the local grocery (grass-fed meat only). Most of the ideas mentioned here are good ones. One thing not mentioned is Ayurveda. I am a classic Vata dosha (body type) in Winter, which means (among other things) dark, dry, and cold skin, etc. Read up on proper foods for your own body type and concentrate on those. All of the ideas AV had contributed to my finally getting rid of dry flaky skin (but it took several years). Just as an aside, I do take fish oil supplements (krill, etc.) and a friend who also started taking the oil, noticed dry skin disappearing over months.

Off Topic / Re: Sea-salt no longer usable
« on: November 30, 2015, 02:38:17 am »
I trust ancient sea salt such as that from the Himalayas. But you are correct that newly dried ocean salt is now tainted.

Those of us familiar with Aajonus Vonderplanitz's iris photography and examinations/readings, understand that the eyes are truly a window on both the soul and the body. You can see the health of a person in the iris and the rest of the eye. So "good on ya" for helping your body clean out and restore itself.

Welcoming Committee / Re: herro
« on: November 30, 2015, 02:20:27 am »
I have known Aajonus Vonderplanitz since he started the raw food movement here in the Los Angeles area, and was saddened at his untimely demise. So that's my long-term background (about 26 years or so).

Some ideas on your questions:

Gamey/High meats: Quite different. Gamey is straight from a (hopefully) healthy animal that has eaten proper food. It does have a rather distinct aroma (better description than "odor"). High meat, on the other hand, has been left to ferment and is rife with bacteria. If you want to experience the high meat, I suggest starting with fresh raw meat and adding a small piece of the high meat to that (1/2 inch or so) and then on subsequent days, adding a little bit more. I got up to eating about 4-5 tablespoons without any fresh meat. Results were marvelous, no discomfort (except the smell), no gut problems, better toilet, and clearer thinking (my brain likes that food). Don't forget to brush your teeth after eating to avoid affecting your friends (unless you are solitary or nomadic). I happen to enjoy grass-fed bison meat, which is gamier than, say, grass-fed beef. One thing to keep in mind is that one's taste will change over time - what is gamey now will taste "normal" after several months.

Freezing fresh grass-fed meats can be done for several weeks or a month or more. Freezing kills many of the normal bacteria on the fresh meat, so it does lose it's smell a bit. I do this when availability is low and buy in bulk (say, five bison skirt steaks will last easily two months, but beef only about one month). I let the meat rise to room temperature before cutting it up to eat so some of the bacteria can recoup their losses.

Introducing yourself to raw meat: just mix fresh, cooked meat with a small portion of raw meat and eat it together, increasing the amount of raw meat over several weeks. Your taste will change and you'll eventually like it better than cooked.

Eggs and meat cooking - boiling is always better since the temperature will not get above the boiling point of water. Sauteing is a “no-no” due to the carcinogenic compounds created. I recently cooked a duck breast in the oven on "drying" temperature of 120 degrees F. It took awhile, and then the outside (skin) was a bit done, but the inside was pleasantly pink. Since those are range free ducks and fed organically the proper foods, I often just eat them raw. But it helps to experiment.

Even though they are farmed here in the U.S., oysters are still raised in the ocean. I go for the ones that are up north off the shores of Canada, Alaska, and Washington State, etc. I have never found any problems with those - delicious and good for men due to the zinc they contain. However, on fish and crustaceans, I am more circumspect.

First, deep sea fish are better than lake fish (here in the U.S. due to much pollution). But some saltwater fish have high/higher concentrations of mercury. And, while I could use a chelating mix of herbs to handle the mercury, I'd rather not have to deal with that. So the list of mercury-containing fish is:

HIGHEST: (never eat) Marlin, Orange roughy, Tilefish, Swordfish, Shark, Mackerel (king), and Tuna (bigeye, Ahi).
HIGH (eat no more than three 6-oz servings per month): Sea Bass (Chilean), Bluefish, Grouper, Mackerel (Spanish, Gulf), Tuna (canned, white albacore), Tuna (yellowfin)
LOWER: Bass (striped, Black), Carp, Cod (Alaskan), Croaker (White Pacific), Halibut (Pacific and Atlantic), Jacksmelt (Silverside), Lobster, Mahi Mahi, Monkfish, Perch (freshwater), Sablefish, Skate, Snapper, Sea Trout (Weakfish), Tuna (canned, chunk light), Tuna (Skipjack).
LOWEST: Anchovies, Butterfish, Catfish, Clam, Crab (Domestic), Crawfish/crayfish, Flounder, Haddock, Hake, Herring, Mackerel (N. Atlantic, Chub), Mullet, Oysters, Perch (ocean), Plaice, Salmon (Canned, Fresh), Sardines, Scallops, Shad (American), Shrimp, Sole, Squid (Calamari), Tilapia, Trout (freshwater), Whitefish, Whiting.

Beware if the fish is “sustainably raised” - that means farmed and usually fed the wrong kinds of foods, with the exception of oysters.

Finally, on marinades. Ceviche is a very good way to start eating raw (uncooked) foods. The marinade starts to break down the food immediately in a chemical reaction similar to cooking but without the heat. Marinades do not destroy any of the nutrients, but does tend to stem the growth of normal bacteria in the food. If you have a family to deal with (re: raw foods) and they are not comfortable with raw protein, a ceviche is perfectly suitable as an introduction - the food is safe after marinating (well, was safe all along) and tasty too. Lots of good recipes out there. I find ceviche is very easy to digest - just as easy as the raw versions (chicken, red meat, fish, etc.). As a side note, I did find that my digestion was much easier when I moved to raw protein than cooked protein, and, of course, my health was very much better as a result. [Thank you, Aajonus]

Choose your food sources carefully - go to farmer's markets, ask questions (what do you feed your animals? Are they out on the grassland feeding there? Do you ever feed any grains to them? And for fowl, do you feed them an omnivorous diet? (I once saw some wild chickens on Hawaii feeding on a dead boar. So don't be charmed by the idea that the chickens are fed an "organic, vegetarian diet" as it is actually an unhealthy diet for many fowl since they eat bugs and meat in the wild when available.

Start off slowly eating raw (mix with cooked for awhile until your tastes change). Go even slower when trying high meat (and it is okay to hold your nose while eating – LOL).

I constantly ask around about good sources of food and use mail order when necessary. The Bison comes from a totally grass-fed farm in Wisconsin (no grains, no vaccines, organic methods, free-range), the chicken and duck and eggs come from a local farm (free-range, mixed diet, organic), fish are chosen seasonally, and from the good list of lowest mercury, and vegetables (when eaten) are all certified organic. I am fortunate here in Southern California as there are many farmer's markets and good, wholesome, and well-grown foods to choose from.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Why are vegetables bad?
« on: November 30, 2015, 01:18:39 am »
I'd like to suggest that not all vegetables are bad (in my experience, only a few give me indigestion). By way of explanation, I went on a ketogenic diet for about 1.5 years and lost 40 pounds of fat (the "spare tire" nearly disappeared). Check out Mark Maunder's site "The Basic Ketogenic Diet. As well as explaining how to do it and the benefits, he also includes along list of foods that include many vegetables, such as radishes, celery, asparagus, and the like (interesting that he excludes kale and some others). Keep in mind that ketogenic means burning fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. So eat protein, but also eat good fats (avocado, salmon, duck breast, etc.). AV pushed raw meat and good fats for good reason - one's good health.  Cheers.

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