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Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: June 30, 2011, 02:36:38 am »

Squat ATG:      305lbs x 9
Partial Squat:   315lbs x 4
calf raises:       70 lbs x  8
Chin ups:         80 lbs x  6
Press:              120lbs x 8
Strict row:        165lbs x 8
ring dips:           45lbs x 8
Deadlift:           325lbs x 3

Another killer workout. Went up on squats, and the overhead press. HIT IT RAW, you were soooo right about the overhead press. I pressed 120 for 8 no problem. Back to 125 next week, hopefully get 8 or close. I am so happy for this cuz Ive never been this strong in the press.

Ring dips and chin ups are stagnant. Maybe need to lower the weight and work up, or just keep trying for a couple more weeks.

Workout duration= 37 minutes. Way too long, but I was talking too much.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: June 16, 2011, 10:30:00 pm »
You are right about bent over rows but the problem is, it is a great multi joint compound lift and it is a very natural movement. Do you know Brooks Kubic? He's an intelligent powerlifter and strength trainer. I listened to a whole lecture by him on the importance of the back because it is the strongest muscle other than legs. He claims that any exercise with the feet on the ground while using the back, like rows is the most natural of movements and allows one to generate the most force and work many muscle groups.

My problem is I just dont know how to row without momentum. I saw that some people let the bar touch the ground with every rep, making it harder to use momentum. I may try this with my next workout. You are right on target with switching up the order of my exercises man. I am now stagnant on chins, getting only 7 reps each workout and its been about 3 weeks straight of this with very little progress. Do you think that cycling rows/pullovers before and after chins is a good way to make my chins/ back stronger. In other words, if I did either rows or pullovers before chins for a while, then switched back to chins before pullovers, wouldnt I get stronger this way. I used to do stuff like this in the past. I would place squats at the end of my workout if I wanted to get stronger in them. I would prefatigue my legs, then squat at the end. After a month or two I would go back to squatting first in my workout and I would gain a significant amount of strength.

I feel that this program works, but when there are plateaus, one may need to just change the order of the exercises to get results again. My squats are getting stronger every week with ease so I would not put them at the end of my workout til I started to plateau in them. Any thoughts???

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: June 16, 2011, 06:19:07 am »
Wow!!! ;D all I can say is thanks a lot HIT IT RAW. My strength has skyrocketed in my lifts and I am stronger than ever. Even stronger than I was when I was a chubby 200lbs. Now Im lean and 170lbs, trying to gain some lean muscle mass.

Full ATG squat:       295lb x 10 reps
partial squat:          315lb x  5 reps
1 leg calf raise:         70lb x  8 reps each leg
Chins:                      80lb x  7 reps (almost 8)
Overhead Press:      115lb x 8 reps
Bent row:               145lb x 8 reps
Real Ring Dips:        45lb   x 8 reps
Deadlift:                325lb  x 3 reps

Notes: my quads are either weak compared to my glutes/hamstrings or I am just not used to partial squats. I could only do a little more than my full squat weight and only got 5 reps. The whole motion seems weird stopping half way down, but I suppose I'll get used to it. I do see the benefit of them though, as I really feel the stress on the quads as opposed to the hips, glutes, and hams in regular full squats. Maybe this lack of quad strength and more ham/glute strength explains why I used to deadlift 405 while squatting only 350 at the time for singles.

My overhead press has gone up considerably, HIT IT RAW, you were exactly right, lowered the weight and now Im almost back to the weight I was struggling to get 3-4 reps with.

Just a couple questions, doing rowing movements just feel wrong to me. When I do all other lifts, I feel my muscles contract and work really hard, but I feel with bent rows, it is way too easy to cheat and not get the full benefit. I was wondering how you do bent rows. I lowered the weight 45lbs today and did bent rows more strict with 145lbs but didnt really feel much different. My goal is to put my maximum effort in this lift without cheating and it seems hard to achieve both. Do you pause for a second or more at the top of the row? Do you do slow negatives? This is confusing the shit out of me.

Also, I am getting stronger in my calf raises, but it seems that 1 leg calf raises are hard to control without cheating, is there an alternative calf raise you use. I suppose if I had a leg press machine, it would place the best stress on the calves, but I dont so IDK what to do. I could maybe try standing calf raises with a barbell in a squat rack with a 4 inch box to stand on. Thanks for all the help.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: June 10, 2011, 04:04:29 am »
Well, I dont really know and direct or indirect action of the coconut oil taking effect on thyroid, I have not read that far yet. I do know that it may have something to do with both the medium and short chain triglycerides providing direct thyroid energy and the fact that it is the highest source of saturated fat in nature being about 97%, therefore a PUFA/estrogen/inflammation antagonist. It is also being used in cancer clinics as an anti angiogenesis drug in the form of MCT's that prevent estrogen from causing angiogenesis of tumors.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: June 09, 2011, 11:16:59 pm »
Yeah true, but my gym doesnt have a leg press machine, is there a substitute? I was thinking lunges or something of that nature. I do eat eggs, but am trying to avoid too much because of the PUFA content, so I only eat about a couple a day. Honey could deff work. I am trying to be pro thyroid while putting on muscle. Dude you gotta read on some of Ray Peat. He claims that since coconut oil lowers cholesterol, it is a good thing. Reason why it is good is because its not that it lowers the production of cholesterol in the body, but it kicks the thyroid into gear so it whittles down cholesterol into hormones, so that means coconut oil increases pregnenolone, progesterone, DHEA, testosterone, DHT but not estrogen because estrogen is a thyroid antagonist and prevents thyroid function, and while the thyroid is in gear, estrogen is being suppressed. This makes sense because as we go through andro and menopause, our metabolisms get slower (hypo thyroid) and we begin to produce and accumulate more estrogen as out testosterone plummets. Supposedly if we can increase thyroid output and thereby increase hormonal output, we will stop this process from happening. Very interesting shit because I always thought of low serum cholesterol being a bad thing, but it really could mean that the cholesterol you do have is being put to use for hormones and bile.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: June 09, 2011, 06:06:57 am »
I know those workouts man. You give so much on the first 7 exercises that the deadlift just isn't possible anymore. Very good means the intensity was very high! You are making good progress man. Nice to see that the presses are going up fast on the new rep ranges. If you wouldn't have lowered those you would still be doing 3-4 reps with the same weight. You're gonna be big! Bw gone up much yet?

Thanks alot man I owe you big time. I have never been this strong in squats before and I know thats really what matters. My BW has gone up 5 lbs from 165 to 170lbs which is good, but I would really like to be in the 190 range. I know that diet plays the biggest role here. Been reading a lot of ray peat lately and am going to utilize some of his philosophies during fall season to pack on 20 lbs.

Right now I am eating 1.5-2lbs raw beef a day, 1 quart of raw milk, a few pieces of fruit, and 4 oz of raw beef fat, I have remained the same weight for about a month so I know if I want to gain, Im gonna have to up something, and it wont be meat because of how expensive it is so Im thinking add some coconut oil and some more raw milk.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: June 09, 2011, 02:21:52 am »
Squat ATG:          285x10
Calf Raise:           60  x16
Chin:                   80  x7
Press:                 110 x8
Row:                   195x6
REAL Ring Dip       45x7
Deadlift               325x1

Total duration= 27 minutes
Today's workout was NUTS!!! The first set of ATG squats killed me and I almost failed on the tenth. Then at the end of the workout, my legs and back was so fatigued I could only deadlift for 1 rep with good form.

Notes: real ring dips are much harder and take much more balance. I felt the triceps fatigue a lot quicker on these. I will try to work my way up to my previous weights when I was doing ring dips with half the hang length. My bent rows are getting really sloppy and I am thinking of lowering the weight like 40 lbs and just focusing on form and less momentum. Other than those lifts, everything else is in good form.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: June 02, 2011, 10:33:47 pm »
nice workout man! Another factor in the dips may be that you did 8 presses this time. This might have exhausted the triceps and pecs a bit more than you are used to.Making good progress keep it up!

True man, but its for sure that the rings that hang further are wayyy harder. It kind of makes me excited because now I get to work with a more challenging set of rings, which makes the exercise harder and better for muscle and building even strength and size in the triceps and pecs/shoulders. Rings get all of the stabilizers as well.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: June 02, 2011, 06:38:19 am »

Squat ATG:      275x10
Calf raise:         60x12
Chin:                80x7
Press:             105x8
Row:               185x8
ring Dip:         messed up
Deadlift:        315x6

I started doing ring dips today that were in a crossfit gym I now workout at and they were much harder than my ring setup at home. My rings only hang about 4 feet, whereas the ones in the gym I now workout at hang about 8 feet, which means they require a lot more balance and are wayyy harder. I prob will decrease my weights in dips about 40% and work my way back up from there. I am not about ego at all and personally would rather get the benefit from a real olympic setup with more muscular benefit.

General Discussion / Re: Sleeping 10-12 hours a night
« on: May 30, 2011, 03:55:27 am »

Do you think it is ok to eat fish?  What is the PUFA content like in fish?

The PUFA content in fish is high and if you follow any biochemistry, it will cause a switch over from glucose oxidation to fatty acid oxidation. I know the philosophy doesnt make sense, but this has been shown to be true, and not only in vitro.

However, dont take my word for it, I am no genius, nor am I an expert, I just know some biochem and animals other than  red meat, esp pork will have too high a PUFA content and affect thyroid function.

General Discussion / Re: Sleeping 10-12 hours a night
« on: May 29, 2011, 05:38:17 am »
Been reading a lot about thyroid lately for energy metabolism. Try eating some thyroid raw, but more importantly avoid PUFA, poly unsaturated fatty acids, or anything other than beef, beef fat, dairy fat, coconut fat (such as oil), and saturated/monounsaturated fat in general. Any animal other than beef, venison, or red meat animals generally has enough PUFA to cause fatty acid oxidation in your body. Saturated fats dont typically do this, and neither do monounsaturated fatty acids. Pork and pig is the highest source of PUFA, with duck/chicken as close seconds. PUFA oxidation prevents glucose oxidation, and glucose oxidation is needed for proper thyroid function. Dont be afraid of carbs, and glucose, you need them for your thyroid. A sluggish thyroid will cause daytime drowsiness and could be your problem easy. Get off the low carb bandwagon if you are on it, and make sure you eat clean carbs from fruit and veggies.

Sure, you may not believe the philosophy of it all but neither did I until I got bloodwork and confirmed that this stuff does work. These are studied in science also, not just philosophies like many paleo promoters purport. We wouldnt have had access to many PUFA animals like ducks, pigs, and chickens anyway in my opinion. Most of the history shows us hunting large game from red meat animals. Besides red meat animals are also the only ones that nobody is allergic to. If you cheat on your diet, be careful of all processed food, which contains waaayyy too many PUFA like any corn, soy, or other processed oil.

I eat coconut oil because the medium chain triglycerides are pro thyroid. I buy mine from nutiva who never go over 104 degrees, so it is basically raw. Dont believe anyone that tells you that it is bad for you if over like 96 degrees. Sure, thats why in thailand, where most of the globes' coconut oil is produced is typically over the 100's in the warmer seasons. Its the same idiocy as saying dont eat an animal if you are stranded in the wilderness because the animal died and freezes on the ground so it is bad.

General Discussion / Anyone eat raw deer/venison?
« on: May 29, 2011, 05:24:13 am »
Anybody eat raw deer/venison. I was talking to a hunter who ate raw grassfed cow/cattle but said he would never eat raw deer/venison because of parasite issues being a wild animal. I think this is just bullshit though. Just thought I'd ask for others' experiences.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: May 26, 2011, 06:35:20 am »
Drop that overhead press weight to 105 lbs so you get 8 reps. Than increase to 115 next time than 125 next time. Obviously you don't have that much fast twitch in the press muscles or you would have improved by now. Don't be to proud to reduce the weight. I've made that mistake in the past.

Other than that your doing great man keep it up.

Good idea man, so far, you've been giving me nothing but good advice so next workout will be 105. Other than overhead presses, I am gaining good.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: May 26, 2011, 01:28:38 am »

squat ATG:            275lb 9 reps
Calf raise 1 leg:       60lb 10 reps each
Chins:                     80lb 6 reps (almost 7)
Overhead Press:      125lb 3 reps (WTF sucks)
Bent row:               185lb 8 reps
Ring Dips:                80lb 5 reps
Deadlift:                  305  6 reps

Health / Re: Do women have lower sex drives these days???
« on: May 24, 2011, 11:43:53 am »
    My sex drive was rather low when I was young.  First of all, there's germ theory, so it was scary-  "what about possible diseases, what about germs"? and so forth.  Religion could make you wait too.  Women can be considered worthless if young, single, not yet married and non-virgin in some cultures.  I was very thin, so I think that my hormones may have been low due to barely any body-fat at all.  For me I think I had lack of family support etc too, so that's not very good for self esteem, which in turn may not get some women ready for sex. 

    Your girlfriend, you say she wants to give you pleasure, but not to keen on getting pleasure herself.  I'm sure there could be many reasons.  And, if she is not used to pleasuring herself, perhaps she like you say is just not at that stage yet. 

    Some children start masturbating at very young ages, have naturally strong sex drives (and opportunity) etc.  By the time they are twenty I'm pretty sure they'll be pretty sexually active, or at least more ready for it.  Like I said about me, I was very thin, and probably very low hormones.  You might guess I may have had a lot less experience getting pleasure than many others.  Then I was a young single mother (lol don't ask how that happened), and for one reason or another I kind of didn't wind up having any sex drive till close to thirty.  I think the sex drive not really getting going till that age is within normal range for women in our culture though.

    Maybe she needs more time.  Or maybe she has psychological problems.  Or maybe you two are not compatible in that way.  It could be you two are having a very good and important relationship the way that it is now, and are not meant to marry and spend many years together.  Could be this is a learning experience with her, a beloved cherished one, and you two will wind up with others who you are meant more to be with for life.  I don't mean offense.  I would love to see what's best for you to happen.


Whoah, dont get too far ahead of this. She has been with guys before, longest was 11 months and still has never even done anything, not even breast grabbing/holding. I was the first penis she ever saw. Only thing she has done before me was kiss another guy. She has always been uncomfortable with her past boyfriends, and refused completely in having sex with them. Once I came along, I made her comfortable with me because I never gave her any pressure. She started acting very sexual around me within weeks of dating and then we started hitting it off, doing everything except sex. I recently asked for her honest feelings about sex and she said she really wants to do it with me but she is afraid of the pain, which I completely understand. I may not know what it is like for a girl for the first time, but I can imagine that it may not be the best experience.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: May 23, 2011, 11:19:51 am »
yeah sounds fun. I do something similar but clearly not the same. I'll certainly give it a shot soon. I'm moving to a new place that has a gym in the building which is going to be SWEET. Its small and likely i'll be there by myself most times so I can do crazier stuff. Most guys at Golds have never seen a power clean and therefore just walk up all close to me while i'm about to violently throw steel in the air...CF is crazy in its own way and 'high intensity' but yeah this sounds worth experimenting with.

I assume you are always doing your absolute max in reps for those lifts? makes sense to me to do that combined with the occasional 3s, or 1s at max perhaps...

I did 8 weighted dips with a 75 lb hanging dumbbell today.. that was probably a PR. rings would have killed me. :)

Yeah, the rings are tough, but it doesnt take that long to get used to them. It really is all balance and after some discipline using them often, all the stabilizer muscles get used to it.

Health / Re: Do women have lower sex drives these days???
« on: May 23, 2011, 04:01:38 am »
according to av oranges+avocados is an aphrodisiac. If you use deo quit. Your natural pheromones will help but not if they are suppresed/masked by deo. Does she exercise? if not it may be a good way to balance (sex)hormones. 8)

When she exercises her sex drive goes up.

Health / Re: Do women have lower sex drives these days???
« on: May 23, 2011, 04:00:02 am »
in regards to the question..its possible that some women today have less sex drive but not something i've experienced much. Although I wasn't around years ago it seems like alot of arguments suggest people are overstimulated into having/desiring more sex by both society and 'toxins' or whatever..which I think is generalizing. Certainly since sex is a major source of pleasure itself theres all sorts of potential for it to be over or under-active to fulfill some need or be absent due to physical issues or traumas of other kinds.

If you hadn't said you have had no actual intercourse and that she was a virgin I might be on board..but it sounds very much some kind of psychology around the issue. Never had sex with a virgin myself, but certainly if there is any kind of build up or pressure in a situation it makes things more challenging in the physical in my experience. It might be a matter of some of the..uh..'work' above but I think its going to be more a matter of convincing the mind that either your bond is genuine..or that she should just get over these hangups and try something very normal with someone she trusts. If you continue with this person I can only guess sex will be more enjoyable. If after 10 or so times you still have dry patches (sorry) then maybe troubleshoot her diet etc...

I personally am for better or worse not a virgin, and maybe with my experience I intimidate her, but I am a good guy and am pretty patient. I reassure her that everything is okay and when she's ready is best for the both of us. I try really hard to not give her any pressure. And to be honest, this girl is the coolest girl Ive ever hung out with. I really enjoy spending time with her and she feels the same way about me. Totally the opposite of superficial and respects a strong man with character, which is what women should respect.

Health / Re: Do women have lower sex drives these days???
« on: May 22, 2011, 02:24:59 am »
It takes time to warm up virgins.
You'll need foreplay like licking her t*ts and licking her... down... there...

And maybe then she'll be ready.

Enjoy yours and her youth!

Oh and she is fairly keen on giving me pleasure but seems to have zero interest in me giving her pleasure, which IMO is not healthy. I usually end up getting mine without being able to give her pleasure when I offer, which she frequently refuses. I would have a much more enjoyable experience if both of us had a great time and I could pleasure her. I guess I just need to be more patient because she is not at that step yet.

Health / Re: Do women have lower sex drives these days???
« on: May 22, 2011, 02:14:08 am »
Yeah, foreplay is hugely important.

I also recommend the book "hot sex" to really lay things out and look at it from several different vantage points.

Also having been raised in a fundamental baptist household where sex has a very rigidly defined purpose and outside of marriage is sinful, I can tell you that it really weighs on your psyche. I'm guessing you're well aware of that since I recall you saying that you are or were christian. And my current girlfriend who is quite the nymph still struggles with guilt to this day. I certainly did until I started eradicating my limiting beliefs, but I had to wipe Judeo Christianity from my mind as a possibility before I could fully immerse myself in the sexual experience.

The mind/psyche is a huge part of sexual relations, and controls a lot of the body's biochemical processes. So if she's not getting wet, I would start with the mind. Really have her flesh out her feelings about sex. Have her write them down and try to determine if there are any unhealthy beliefs contained within. We are sexual creatures, all creatures are (with some exception of course! black tip sharks, et al), sex is a gift and a good and wonderful thing. It is pleasurable, life affirming, and from our point of view, really doesn't involve disease as long as all parties are living heathfully (proper foods, healthy minds). To see it as something 'other', or sinful, or private is, if you look closely at history, simply a product of human reason/belief systems getting in the way and seeking to control people.

I cannot recommend that book enough. Ejaculation/orgasm should not be the end goal. The whole entire experience from the anticipation all the way through should be viewed equally importantly. You should be able to spend hours on occasions in touching and kissing and massages, oral and manual stimulation, with toys and role play, etc. It should be an adventure each time, and it only ever grows old if you approach it the same way on every occasion.

Being relaxed is a huge part of it too, stress can absolutely murder the experience. Massages, aromatherapy, mood lighting, and perhaps a little meditation (breathing out the worries and daily responsibilities) can be all it takes to make the experience a good one.

Can we assume you're both sexually attracted to eachother? I've dated girls who I could have fun with and be best friends with but was not attracted to, and that does not exactly facilitate arousal!

Also don't focus on this problem in the sense that you're stressing out about it, you will give it power. Instead, seek to remedy it, but in the mean time, just use a natural lubricant and keep her well lubed up, lubrication will make or break the experience, the difference between smooth gliding and sandpaper (which may be uncomfortable for us fellas, but is pure hell for the ladies).

Try bringing her to orgasm several times manually or orally before actual intercourse. Or try bringing her to orgasm first, then a short period of penetration then back to manual/and or oral. She can use a vibrator on her clitoris during penetration as well, this will help immensely with the added bonus that she'll probably experience multiple orgasms and perhaps female ejaculation. However try not to become dependent on this, it should be used for augmentation, not the center of the experience.

Women are incredibly sexual creatures, I'd say more than even us fellas, which maybe runs contrary to popular opinion, maybe not. And though I do believe our modern day habits of harried schedules, ubiquitous vectors of toxicity and religious dogma/societal mores have a huge impact on both sex's libito, I would not say women specifically are less sexual than their forebears.

Good luck, and that book can be found on audiobook (a pleasure to listen to) via torrent or purchased obviously.

The problem with religion today is it's constant misunderstandings and misunderstood limitations. I feel that it was way easier and much more appropriate back in the day to "wait til marriage" because during Jesus' time etc... people got married in their mid and late teens, just when their sexual urges begin. This is also not to mention that people got married months, sometimes weeks after they start their relationships. I feel that starting a marriage at this time is obviously not a good idea in today's day in age because people are just way more immature than back then. However back in those times it would have been very healthy, and possibly easier to maintain a healthy marriage due to the fact that everything happens when it should. Nowadays we have plenty of christian and other religious couples who are very frustrated because they are ignoring/ dismissing their sexuality and urges. This creates tension and frustration which IMO is not a healthy way to start a relationship/marriage. I feel that it is great showing each other you can wait for a long time for each other if that is what you want to do. If anything, waiting for sex with the one you love is a show of patience, dependability, and faithfulness. However, in all practicality, with most relationships of today lasting at least a couple years before marriage, it just isnt a wise idea.

Am I christian? Yes. Do I feel that a man should be with only one woman? Yes, and they should be faithful to each other. I also feel that if you find the right person you don't need to wait to have sex. I have spoken with many pastures who on the fence about this topic because, its just as bad when two people have a shit marriage and end up getting a divorce because they waited for sex and never found out they weren't compatible sexually. These are my beliefs and opinions, as I respect those of others.

Health / Re: Do women have lower sex drives these days???
« on: May 22, 2011, 02:01:08 am »
Do you ever get into hot kissing, necking and petting?
Hot enough to fog up a car?
Just short of intercourse?

Yes, and my woman is very willing to do other things as well, however sex makes her nervous.

Health / Do women have lower sex drives these days???
« on: May 22, 2011, 01:21:25 am »
hello, I thought with the new post of grandma's being stronger, I would also add a post questioning a huge concern of mine. It is no doubt that with the increase of exogenous estrogens in our environment, accompanied with other hormonal disruptors, men have become worse in both libido and sexual function than ever before. However, now that I have been in a relationship with a girl that I love for almost 8 months, I am realizing that she too seems to have a very low sex drive. I love this girl very much and we both established that while sex is a very important aspect of our relationship, it is not the foundation. Anyway, I try so hard with my girl to "get her" to want to have sex with me and she has a hard time "getting wet" for sex that it is very frustrating for both of us.

Now either she is lying, or something is really wrong with her, but when I probe her questions such as "can I do anything to help you improve this," or "is it something with me that is the problem," she tells me that everything is great with me and that she thinks I am very sexy. She is always complimenting me on my physique and how good I look with very little, if any, clothing. Problem is, she never asks for any sex (or sexual acts), never offers any, and seems to try to change the subject when I ask her. I have been getting very frustrated lately as I feel a healthy relationship should be when both partners want sex, not just one. Problem is, every time I ask her she tells me that she really wants to have sex. I am at a loss for words.

Oh yeah and I failed to mention that she is a virgin with a mother that is a strict catholic, which has its pitfalls. My girlfriend and I have talked about having sex many times and she says that she really wants to do it with me. She says she doesnt buy into all that no sex before marriage balogna that homosexual priests preach.

However, when we "attempt to" she seems to get all scared, and she is not physically or psychologically ready for it. Many times, this drove me to feel very uncomfortable, and even guilty to the point where I even lost an erection over it. We are both 20 years old and should not have any problems.

Now, if this is a low sex drive issue, I dont want to give up on her because I myself have had low testosterone and low sex drive in the past but in the past year took my T and sex drive waaaayyy up and regularly feel urges and want sex all the time. Since I have reawakened I want to put myself to good use.

Anyways, enough talk about my issues. I dont expect anyone behind a computer screen to really help me anyway. My real question goes out to both guys and gals on the forum; Do women have lower sex drives than they used to? What is the cause of low female libido in her young years.

It is obvious what the cause is after menopause= low testosterone/ healthy estrogen ratio /progesterone/dopamine

To me it just seems wrong for any woman to experience low sex drive in her young years where she should be reproducing. Thoughts???

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: May 21, 2011, 09:22:32 pm »

you are making great progress man. keep it up.

Thanks a lot KD, I am doing HIT it Raw's style workout and I think I like it more than anything I've ever done. I like the idea of giving your workout your all, not prefatiging yourself or doing several sets that are basically warm up sets. This way I can train at my absolute freshest state. I love HIT

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: May 20, 2011, 05:19:13 am »
Squat ATG:         265lb x10
1 leg calf raises:   50lb x15
chin ups;             80lb x6
Press:                125lb x5
Bent Row:          180lb x8
Ring Dip;            75lb  x8
Deadlift;            295    x6

Workout time=27 minutes 30 seconds

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: May 14, 2011, 01:32:32 am »
Friday: HIT workout= 25min 50sec

Squat:              265x7
1 leg calf raise    50x12 (each leg)
Chins                 75x8
Press                125x4
row                  175x8
ring dip              75x7
deadlift             285x6

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