all I can say is thanks a lot HIT IT RAW. My strength has skyrocketed in my lifts and I am stronger than ever. Even stronger than I was when I was a chubby 200lbs. Now Im lean and 170lbs, trying to gain some lean muscle mass.
Full ATG squat: 295lb x 10 reps
partial squat: 315lb x 5 reps
1 leg calf raise: 70lb x 8 reps each leg
Chins: 80lb x 7 reps (almost
Overhead Press: 115lb x 8 reps
Bent row: 145lb x 8 reps
Real Ring Dips: 45lb x 8 reps
Deadlift: 325lb x 3 reps
Notes: my quads are either weak compared to my glutes/hamstrings or I am just not used to partial squats. I could only do a little more than my full squat weight and only got 5 reps. The whole motion seems weird stopping half way down, but I suppose I'll get used to it. I do see the benefit of them though, as I really feel the stress on the quads as opposed to the hips, glutes, and hams in regular full squats. Maybe this lack of quad strength and more ham/glute strength explains why I used to deadlift 405 while squatting only 350 at the time for singles.
My overhead press has gone up considerably, HIT IT RAW, you were exactly right, lowered the weight and now Im almost back to the weight I was struggling to get 3-4 reps with.
Just a couple questions, doing rowing movements just feel wrong to me. When I do all other lifts, I feel my muscles contract and work really hard, but I feel with bent rows, it is way too easy to cheat and not get the full benefit. I was wondering how you do bent rows. I lowered the weight 45lbs today and did bent rows more strict with 145lbs but didnt really feel much different. My goal is to put my maximum effort in this lift without cheating and it seems hard to achieve both. Do you pause for a second or more at the top of the row? Do you do slow negatives? This is confusing the shit out of me.
Also, I am getting stronger in my calf raises, but it seems that 1 leg calf raises are hard to control without cheating, is there an alternative calf raise you use. I suppose if I had a leg press machine, it would place the best stress on the calves, but I dont so IDK what to do. I could maybe try standing calf raises with a barbell in a squat rack with a 4 inch box to stand on. Thanks for all the help.