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There is no problem with breastfeeding for too long. Many cultures won’t wean until past 3. There is a consensus of around two years to be optimal. My girlfriend wasn’t weaned until 4 years old and she has the best overall health of anyone I have known.
Welcoming Committee / Re: Phenix's onboard
« Last post by Jion Jion on November 26, 2024, 01:54:22 am »
Dear Phenix,

I feel delighted to see your post ! I also live in France (in Rambouillet, near Paris).
I have been eating raw meat for 5 years and would love to connect with like-minded people who understand the point of eating raw animal foods !
Would you like to meet some time? Or do you know anyone interested in raw foods in Paris region by any chance?

Regarding your health, what are you eating these days precisely ?

Best regards.
Parenting / Re: Until what age should one breastfeed if the mother doesn´t eat healthy
« Last post by Wolf on November 24, 2024, 03:26:12 pm »
I'd also like to know the answers to all these questions, too.. I have a nearly 9 month old baby
Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Which meat is it ok to eat raw?
« Last post by Phenix on November 22, 2024, 11:13:03 pm »
Hello Lucie.

This is an old thread but I am interested to read the paper in which is described the study you cite in your comment. Would you have a link for getting or reading this paper?
You will hardly get any paper about these experiences (if they ever took place), because if the cited "AV" is Aajonus Vonderplanitz (official name : John Richard Swigart), he was not a scientist, just a self-declared nutritionist (with no academic background)...
Personals / Re: What happened to Iguana?
« Last post by Phenix on November 22, 2024, 06:37:09 pm »
He hasn't been active since February 2022, so 2.5 years.
Hello dariorpl.

The short answer is : he died that year.
I'm still trying to find more details, such as the date or the cause of his death (some blood problem ?)...

I barely knew him : I never met him ; I discussed with him several times by email, and once by phone, more than 8 years ago.
I know a few people who met him (some of them spent some time with him in Portugal), and one or two who were friends with him.

I'll keep you informed when I'll get more infos.
Sorry for those who appreciated him.
Welcoming Committee / Phenix's onboard
« Last post by Phenix on November 22, 2024, 06:28:28 pm »
Hello raw-paleo world.

I'm a middle-aged French guy, living in southern France.

I'm on a raw-food diet since more than 2 decades, including animal products (mainly meat, and fish, seashells, eggs). 99% raw.
I'm close to "instincto" or sensorial raw diet : I know well the theory, and rather well the practice.
I spent time with the people practising it, from France (mainly), but also Belgium, Luxemburg, Switzerland, and some from Germany too.
I met a few French primal dieters also.

I am/was interested in other models such as (raw) paleo, keto (HFLC), primal diet, etc. But also fruit-based and HCLF diets.
I used to read this forum (as a lurker), long time ago (more than 5 years).

I come (back) here with the intent to
1/ exceptionnally answer a question about Iguana ;
2/ mainly exchange ideas and infos with you, in order to improve my diet and health.

In fact, my health weakened progressively since a bit more than 10 years, and notably these last years, particularly after a probably Covid-19 illness during the summer in 2021... I had for two years some heavy chronique fatigue and metabolism problems : unability to digest fat, problems with sweet fruits too, etc.
I'm a bit better now, but not completely healed.

So I need to, and will, make some changes to my diet in the near future, either small tweakings or maybe radical changes.

Looking forward to exchange with you guys...
Health / Re: Seeking live in healer - Vanderbilt
« Last post by antoine bechamp on October 28, 2024, 01:49:58 am »

My friend and live in healer Vander Gaditano died a good number of years ago.

Vander's successors: 1st his wife, now lives with me taking good care of my aging mother.

Vander's successor: 2nd his youngest brother Caballero, he has advanced Vander's science, is into live in healing, you may contact him.  Send me a private message with some back ground information and I will pass on your request to him.

on the day you give castor oil or other laxatives to flush out the system, what do you tell people to eat and or drink ?
Health / Re: Seeking live in healer - Vanderbilt
« Last post by Aw on October 25, 2024, 03:48:24 pm »
Sorry to contact you here but I can't seem to successfully send a message through the IM, the image with the letters in doesn't display and when I type the letters read out in the audio I get an error saying it doesn't match.

Thanks for the reply, apologies for my delay.

Yes, I have been seeing a chiropractor and I'm happy to say that my back is improving and that I'm able to sleep at night without it hurting as much.

I've been seeing a bioresinance practitioner.  He recommended a liver flush, as my bile is stagnant and not flowing.  I did the Hulda Clarke flush.  The next morning I felt the oil and juice mixture sitting in my stomach / small intestine.  No stones were flushed.  It's like my stomach and small intestines aren't working.  Recently I have noticed at night when trying to go to sleep I can feel my stomach full of food, even if I've eaten hours ago, maybe I have a bug.  I have tried betaine hcl tablets in the past but this just gave me a burning sensation in my stomach, perhaps due to my hiatal hernia.

I've seen numerous practitioners and most of them conclude my digestion is a problem but then never seem to correct it.  This was why I am keen to try a live in practitioner.
Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Which meat is it ok to eat raw?
« Last post by lucied on October 20, 2024, 03:50:32 am »
This is an old thread but I am interested to read the paper in which is described the study you cite in your comment. Would you have a link for getting or reading this paper?
Thanks in advance.

For example, AV did experiments with raw and cooked swordfish fed to cats and dogs. Swordfish is high in mercury.

The cats and dogs were mixed and separated into two groups at random. Mercury levels were measured in the fish by weight content, and then all feces and urine for each animal were collected, and had their mercury levels measured.

By calculating how much mercury each animal ingested and how much it excreted, one can roughly calculate how much mercury was absorbed and accumulated as toxicity in the body of the animal.

In the group fed raw, 88-92% of mercury was eliminated within the 7 days the study lasted (last two days were water fasting days). In the group fed cooked, only 8-12% was excreted.

Furthermore, by analyzing in detail the excretions of each group, it was noticed that cholesterol bubbles encapsulated the mercury in the raw group, but not in the cooked group. What likely happened is that this natural bond was broken by the cooking process, leading to all that toxicity being absorbed and stored rather than discarded or eliminated.
Off Topic / Re: 8,000 Years Ago, 17 Women Reproduced for Every One Man
« Last post by antoine bechamp on October 08, 2024, 01:55:43 am »

when you give/gave castor oil to the people you posted on the curemanual blog, how often did you give them 5 consecutive days or you left some days between the castor oil colon cleanses ?

like in this case:

in the colon flush days, what did you tell these people to eat and or drink and how much ?

thank you
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