Journals / Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Last post by smokeyquartz on July 06, 2023, 05:35:15 am »However, the suet goes bad pretty soon. Mine started to get black mold spots on it within two weeks, so I could not finish it all. I feel bad wasting it, but I have no way to keep it other than in plastic bags in the fridge, and I don't trust that anything fermenting in plastic is safe.
Then I bought some supermarket grass-fed beef from a local store. I have had grass-fed beef from that store before, but this one was actually good. The meat was a darker red color and tasted better. And even more unique, the fat was yellow! It was the first time I actually had a grass-fed meat where the fat in it was really yellow. I thought how strange! But I ate it. Unfortunately there was not a lot of fat, and most of it tied to connective tissue that was inedible.
I found a grass-fed farm near me (there are multiple actually), and of course they all sell the meat frozen. But this meat that I bought there does not look at all like the good grass-fed I got at the supermarket. The fat is white. I don't know if this has to do with the cut (delmonico) or perhaps the farmers are actually NOT grass-feeding the animals.