Author Topic: Intactivism  (Read 18480 times)

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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #25 on: March 20, 2011, 05:54:31 pm »
Im not. I am married into a muslim family. I would never allow mutilation of my children and whenever the subject come up I just tell them to show me where in the Quran such a practice is ordered. Then they start verse mining and come up with "You shall be like Abraham he was an oustanding example". To which I answer that in the Quran I can learn about many things Abraham did that indeed does portray him as the archetypical and likeable 'fuck the man' rebel all the 'messengers' appear to be. But nowere did I see anything about him mutilating his penis. Then they say ;"but according to the Bible!..." at which point I stop them and say that normally they insist that the Bible is full of errors and thats why the Quran was send to correct it. Then they say, "yes, but there are still things in the Bible that true, they (christians) just changed some of it to fit their needs". Then I say, but since circumsision is not mentioned in the Quran, which is meant to supercede the Bible, how do they know that the information about circumsission in the bible was not part of what the christians and jews changed?.

At this point I am either kalled a "kafir" (disbeliever) or told that I dont know arabic well enough to have an opinion. The more clever ones slither back to the starting point on how the practice itself proves its validity. Anyone going near a child of mine with a knife will find it lodged into their forehead and i dont care what our relations are.

@actup oh there's this super intactivist connor on yahoo answers, tho he's awesome.

And for everyone and you can show this to them and anyone else Brother and everyone:


Jews oppose genital mutilation: bris shalom is a practice that doesn't require genital mutilation and saves babies of Jewish families

Muslims oppose genital mutilation from the Quaran: They even said Abraham was not genitally mutilated. Quaranic path is a muslim site stating it is against circumcision, no, genital mutilation and calls genital mutilation the devil's work, which it is. Im an atheist/agnostic sometimes but only this barbaric evil, torturous practice could be the devils work.

Christians oppose it:

Catholics oppose it:

Buddists, Sikihsm appreciate the foreskin and atheists and agnosts can use rational thought, research and information.

Nevertheless any book, person, thing, place or whatever that tells me to mutilate myself, children, or a person is crazy. Same for Female cutting argument for religion. If the bible, torah, etc told you to jump off a bridge would you? nope. Anyone that tried to cut off my prepuce if I were intact, harm or mutilate my penis any further, or touch my kids or mutilate them if I had kids would be killed by me.

Don't let them sway you into mutilating yourself or your children actup and Brother. Stay strong.

Fun fact: Did you know babies are given an erection before they are genitally mutilated (raped) , then strapped down to a device called a Circumstraint so they cannot escape or move (torture and bullying as you are holding someone down against their will and causing them pain): A Circumstraint is used in hospitals, etc:

Fun fact 2: Did you know the glans is fused to the penis until age 7+ and that infants feel more pain than adults (doctors claimed infants felt no pain before 2000). Did you know that during a circumcision the foreskin fused to the glans is ripped away from the glans before the skin is cut and then the skin is cut? The pain of that is equivalent to ripping your nail off from your finger feeling all the pain fully, and we do this to infants!?!

and that 70% of circumcisions done today on infants are done without anesthesia cause their systems can't take it and some see it as unnecessary? Also even if anesthesia is given the infant feels the injection going in even and out and still feels pain throughout the surgery and that when it wears off the infant will still feel pain for up to 6-months to a year recovering with that open wound and exposed glans?: remember when you're at the dentist and the doctor shoots you up with anesthesia in your teeth, you feel it going in painfully, comming out, takes time to work, and you still feel it throughout the procedure?

Watch this, and tell me this barbaric practice, circumcision, genital mutilation is not evil, rape, torture, and cruel? :
« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 09:27:31 pm by Techydude »

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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #26 on: March 20, 2011, 07:12:22 pm »
You tell those MFers.

Well they are still good people albeit misled. I mostly end up arguing with her brothers thats what so fun. Her father is a very devout man, he is also a very intelligent man with a live and let live attitude to everything. It is reserved for the young and the stupid to be so cocksure about everything. Her brothers arent anything like their father....yet :D

I can see that my line of thinking has planted seeds in the youth. Her older brother, especially, is worried I am going to corrupt them with my 'scientific thinking'. Her father,  not so. He likes it, but being the patriarch he cannot side with anyone in such petty issues. LOL. I dont think he would ever question my decision as father to the children. And if he did, he would be to polite to bring it up anyway.

As Tech points out. There is an awareness rising within the community. it is not an act of evil it is an act of stupid in those parts of the world, most cant spell their own name in any alphabet. What Americas excuse is, I havent a clue.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 02:31:54 pm by TylerDurden »

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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #27 on: March 21, 2011, 01:49:00 pm »
Well they are still good people albeit mislead. I mostly end up arguing with her brothers thats what so fun. Her father is a very devout man, he is also a very intelligent man with a live and let live attitude to everything. It is reserved for the young and the stupid to be so cocksure about everything. Her brothers arent anything like their father....yet :D

I can see that my line of thinking has planted seeds in the youth. Her older brother, especially, is worried I am going to corrupt them with my 'scientific thinking'. Her father,  not so. He likes it, but being the patriarch he cannot side with anyone in such petty issues. LOL. I dont think he would ever question my decision as father to the children. And if he did, he would be to polite to bring it up anyway.

As Tech points out. There is an awareness rising within the community. it is not an act of evil it is an act of stupid in those parts of the world, most cant spell their own name in any alphabet. What Americas excuse is, I havent a clue.

So true, people are so stupid. They eat bird food and grains, and mutilate their children by handing them off to religious individuals and doctors and never question it out of cultural intertia , myths, and bs. This world is fucked up and needs a massive change. Pollution, genital mutilation of males and females, horrible diet, radiation, what's next!?

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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #28 on: March 22, 2011, 06:47:06 am »
In the past someone prominent admitted the truth:

"As regards circumcision, I think that one of its objects is to limit sexual intercourse, and to weaken the organ of generation as far as possible, and thus cause man to be moderate.... This commandment has not been enjoined as a complement to a deficient physical creation, but as a means for perfecting man's moral shortcomings. The bodily injury caused to that organ is exactly that which is desired; it does not interrupt any vital function, nor does it destroy the power of generation. Circumcision simply counteracts excessive lust; for there is no doubt that circumcision weakens the power of sexual excitement, and sometimes lessens the natural enjoyment; the organ necessarily becomes desensitized when deprived of its covering from the beginning."

--Maimonides, the preeminent medieval Jewish philosopher and physician, Guide for the Perplexed (1190: reprint, New York: Dover Publications, 1956), p. 378.
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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #29 on: March 22, 2011, 02:26:38 pm »
... what's next!?
Another "plague" to wipe the apathetic, necrotic, off the face of this planet.
Hopefully before we destroy too much wilderness.

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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2011, 11:28:54 pm »
Another "plague" to wipe the apathetic, necrotic, off the face of this planet.
Hopefully before we destroy too much wilderness.

Probably radiation...but lets end genital mutilation and tackle all the other ills of the world.

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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #31 on: March 25, 2011, 02:45:19 am »
The main problem is that every male should have a choice whether or not to have part of his privates cut off. This is what should be called "pro-choice" If i had been given a nose job when i was a baby without my permission because my parents thought i would look better with it like that i would be like "what the hell! let me decide for myself what to do with my own body" and circumcision is much worse than that.
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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #32 on: March 26, 2011, 07:32:42 am »
The main problem is that every male should have a choice whether or not to have part of his privates cut off. This is what should be called "pro-choice" If i had been given a nose job when i was a baby without my permission because my parents thought i would look better with it like that i would be like "what the hell! let me decide for myself what to do with my own body" and circumcision is much worse than that.

So true, that's why intactivists live by the phrase: "His body his choice these days". But in general and because of FGM too, Their Body Their Choice - basic bodily and genital autonomy. We are the owners of our bodies and decide what we can or cannot do with them and what cosmetic surgery we want. If a chick/guy wants a frenularplasty/labiaplasty or circumcision then that's their choice - cosmetic.

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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #33 on: March 26, 2011, 10:16:01 am »
actup I like the bottom 2 quotes in your signature:

"When you put someone upon a pedestal.. you should expect a kick in the face" - Michael Tsarion
"So few take responsibility, I can't wait until somebody does something about it."

The first one sucks though.
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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #34 on: March 26, 2011, 03:25:36 pm »
it cuts off some of the most sensual of nerve tissue, which prevents the victim from ever experiencing the full intensity of the sexual experience. Perhaps it even curbs some aspects of the sexual spirit by leaving the part of the brain that is connected to those severed nerves unused and atrophied. 

that's probably why they do it ...
« Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 08:11:29 pm by TylerDurden »

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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2011, 12:41:53 am »
actup I like the bottom 2 quotes in your signature:
The first one sucks though.

heh, i felt that way the other day, was too lazy to change it.

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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2011, 03:34:07 am »
For those who want to go and just as an FYI the genital integrity march the Annual Demonstration / March Against Infant Circumcision
United States Capitol - Washington D.C is going on now!:

As well as ones in LA:

One in Canada:

As well as another in Washington:

Wish there was a genital integrity march in every town! Genital integrity and genital autonomy for all!

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Re: Intactivism: Help! My 13yr old son's Foreskin opening is too small
« Reply #37 on: March 21, 2015, 11:12:42 pm »
My son is 13 years old.

I want to not circumcise him.

But his dick is too big to come out of his foreskin opening.

Or his foreskin opening is too small.

I had the same problem when I was 13, that was the reason I reminded my dad to circumcise me.

Can you help show me the way so I can keep my son intact?

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« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 11:45:43 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #39 on: March 22, 2015, 12:10:27 am »
The  circumcision rate is going down all over the world  as even some Jews, and especially Muslims, are turning against the idea now that we know the foreskin contains many useful nerves etc. Best not to cut.
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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #40 on: March 22, 2015, 12:11:40 am »
The  circumcision rate is going down all over the world  as even some Jews, and especially Muslims, are turning against the idea now that we know the foreskin contains many useful nerves etc. Best not to cut.

Yeah, I want my boys to be studs! :)
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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #41 on: March 22, 2015, 12:42:15 am »
Yeah, I want my boys to be studs! :)

Becoming  a stud/womaniser also has its drawbacks. I had an older half-brother who had a mystical ability to attract virtually any woman he met. He would casually approach female strangers  during minor events  like bookshop events etc.  and be in bed with them within an hour or two. The trouble was that he felt he had to  show off all the time to women,(he even joined something called "The Dangerous Sports Club") so, once, he grabbed hold of a railway fence, intending to climb over it, in order to impress his girlfriend. The fence was electrified with 4,000 volts, so he lost a foot and the other leg lost all flesh and bone from below the knee. He then went on womanising and ended up being thrown through a (Japanese) wall by a spurned girlfriend who he wanted out of his flat so he could find a new woman. He landed on some wires and duly died from blood-loss at the age of 28.

I suppose, the  moral of the story  is either live a long and relatively contented  life at a slow pace, or live fast, die young. Being a stud/womaniser  isn't all it's cracked up to be.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 05:12:48 am by TylerDurden »
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #42 on: March 22, 2015, 12:47:00 am »
Probably not that kind of show off stud like your brother.

Just the kind of men who have a good number of children and grand children.  Responsibly taken cared off.

Genetic studies show that in the recent past 4-5 women are impregnated by 1 man.

So let them be that 1 man.
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Re: Intactivism
« Reply #43 on: March 22, 2015, 03:26:37 am »
Well that was certainly a cautionary tale, Tyler.


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