Author Topic: end of the world?  (Read 1867 times)

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Offline hadzabal

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end of the world?
« on: May 25, 2015, 07:54:50 pm »
About human domestication for rawfoodists and for some beautiful women

Years ago I wrote a similar letter to the members of my family and some friends, (you can find it on my Face book in Hungarian) but they only reacted as dead react. That writing is actually part of a 700 page book that I sent to a publisher, Élet és Irodalom. Their answer was extremely short: “No.” Similar to someone who has something in his mouth or just swallowed something the wrong way. I didn’t push it any further. The professionals know what is good for the general public.

Now let us look at this select group.

Originally all people were nomadic gatherer-hunters.They went usually stark naked. You couldn’t distinguish old and young from behind. They looked all quite the same in one region, just like wild animals do. They spoke only dialects of the same language. (Noam Chomsky) They didn’t bury the dead :) They didn’t have a chieftain. They were working much less then we do, but danced much more. The few surviving wild groups of people on the planet are still nice. Well, the Sentinels kill most visitors, and don’t take presents. They cut the throats of two supposedly-drunken Indian furtive fishers when they drifted ashore on their island. You can see on Youtube a Sentinel attacking a helicopter with his arrows, even running after it. Nevertheless they accepted one anthropologist. In all probability he risked his life for humanity, which is a respectable behavior. Gatherer hunters have lots of body contact with their children, and are patient with them. Such children don’t torture captives in wartime later in their life.

The modern child on the other hand is often left alone with his toys. Only if he cries or misbehaves is coming someone. So he learns that crying is good. But the more often he cries, the responses are increasingly negative.The so called “good” child  sacrifices learning and waits patiently until mama eventually comes. He carries his pain silently, but  ends up also like the “bad” one, not really loving people. Ongoing conflicting emotions drive us crazy.

In one experiment, they administered sudden air blows, time and again in the nostrils of feeding cats. Not long before the cats get neurotic (experimental neurosis). For example one cat turned 5 to 9 times anticlockwise before eating every time.

Accordingly the list of human sexual aberrations is a meter long too.  Narcicism, Exhibitionism, Necrophilia :), Fetishism etc.  An example for the last one. In my village an elderly woman told me that one neighbor didn’t have intercourse with his wife, but was playing with her pubic hair instead. (Maybe she didn’t  liked him either, and instinctively wanted to hurt the weak one... Later more.)
To create addiction is also necessarily a conflictive situation. Eating good, getting fat bad. Smoking good, caught by smoking bad. Eating organic exotic fruits good, very expensive bad.
For the same reason animals get hooked on drugs only if they can take them voluntarily.

Where is the solution?  At the moment nowhere. We have to learn more, I’m afraid.
The Sami people castrate the biggest bulls in they reindeer herds (with their balls they are more dangerous). As a result they animals have weakened connective tissues. They belly and ears hang down. In spite that this animals eat the same food, have the same exercise in the same habitat as their wild counterparts. Even the wolves decimate them, taking away the weakest ones.
At the beginning of domestication cattle appeared with huge horns and without horns, because lacking sexual selection, rare genes enter the gene pool. Strange genes make some dogs and humans look peculiar and might trigger their odd behavior. Putting it politically correct, we are multicolored like the rainbow :)

A gatherer women can only guess who is the father of her newborn, and even in modern societies 1 of 10 children is not from his “father” fortunately.
Women in the days near estrus instinctively look for men with good genes. Especially so if she is good looking herself. This high-testosterone males have strong mandibles, are hairy, generally tall, more right brain dominated etc. OOO  F, HOW BOORING IS TU CHECK  ALL WORDS 4 SPELL ING. I  WROTE MANDIBLE IN THE PREVIOUS SENTENCE, BECAUSE THE MASHINE IS UNABLE TO TO GUESS WHAT IM TRYING TO WRITE.. Even their body odor attracts women on these days. If they sleep together, (euphemism of course) she is more likely to have orgasm, and her orgasm happens more often after his, to increase the possibility of pregnancy. (I cant leave it unmentioned here, that semen in the vagina is antidepressant for the women. PLEASE DONT BELIVE ME! DOBLE CHECK EVERITHING!)

Monogamy deteriorate human genes as a whole. Only a women who has a testosterone loaded good looking husband, makes good business in genetic sense, but these guys are not very patient and often don’t perform ideally as a family-man.

There are monogamous species (with good genes of course) like wild geese. You domesticate them by putting a randomly chosen male with some females together. (polygamous, Muslim system.) After 2-3 generations they can’t fly away, even if want to (TO HELP DRAWING THAT BIG LETTER OF V ON THE SKY.:) Claudio Artigas Rosell: Cria Lucrativade de Patos y Gansos
Every species tries to improve its genes.  Among wolves only the alpha male and female have descendants. I once introduced a white fat hybrid rooster to my 3 red fit hens. Later on they picked him to death.

Did you know that good looking people are better and served more quickly in shops? Don’t  you see in bullying the same tendency?

I believe free love would feel great after some practice. Children would notice that a lot is going on, and surely they would like to kiss and stroke too. (There is a phobia of children also, not just pedophilia). Free love would be possible only if everybody would support mothers, like gatherer-hunters do. Friedrich Engels, the well-known theoretic of communism wrote about this. -The origins of marriage and private property- and put it to the test as well. He was living with two sisters. Married one of them.

When people start to cultivate the land or start herding animals, they initiate some kind of marriage too. (Polyandry is practiced only when the village has less then 400 inhabitants.) They have customs that the industrialized world calls barbaric. Not without reason. For example when they ceremonially inaugurate the young ones to adulthood, they physically and emotionally traumatize them. (Crazy society needs crazy members) Mutilation of sexual organs, tattooing, skin scarring, severe beating, isolation, telling them about secrets, taboos, behavior code, etc.

In the industrial societies we do this voluntarily and privately without knowing it. Circumcision, mutilations, tattooing, piercings, severe beating, isolation, secrets, taboos (like children’s sexuality), behavior code, etc. Additionally we suffer because we try improve our genes, in a society where it is not strictly prohibited, but not well-regarded either.  Separation, divorcement, rejection, unkind words,(“dirty old man, what does he want from that girl?” “Ugly old woman, she would not mind." “Aren’t you ashame yourself being married?” “You don’t think about your children?”...) making each other believe, we love o fancy them in waiting games without an end, violation etc.  In Sweden the chance a women get violated in lifetime is 50%. In many third-world countries it is worse. Many cases remain unreported.
In my unpublished book I explained how the  almost generalized suppression of females came to exist across cultures, but it doesn’t belong closely to the topic of the present work.

Moses, the famous “actor-pastor” probably had very good genes. He put more weight on progress, and technology, than on telling people the whole truth. He commanded ”don’t kill" but he did so with his own hands, when still young and honest. Nice story, you can read it in the Bible if you didn’t do so already :) Soon we will all get a number, or brand or chip under our skin to be able to keep buying, selling and marrying. In the Vatican, in Sweden, and in the United States, they are already doing it. Personally I would take that chip or bullet in my forehead, if that is what serves progress.

You can print, send,or link this letter how you like it.
To say goodbye, I put the words that I heard yesterday morning before waking up:"This is a rubbish world. Only good for rubbish people”

Jozsef Viragh 21. 05. 2015  Nerja

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Re: end of the world?
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2015, 12:59:51 am »
Well... like minded person here. 

I was just chatting with my 2nd cousin who is just as good looking as I am and a playboy too.
He has the same theory.

His variation is that if we had "successful" grandfathers... it was in our blood / genes to be successful too and we should bring forth more offspring with more women, and we would be doing this world a favor.

He says on his father's side of his family, they taught him this and their blood line is flourishing.
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Offline hadzabal

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Re: end of the world?
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2015, 01:56:21 am »
It is a riddle. If I made u curious  read please the other  text (in Hungarian :) ) on Face book. It is art I will not enplane it.
I want to prove that rawfooders are better then Hungarians, but it is again just a joke. Forget me!  www 666 clack,clack, clack,

Offline hadzabal

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Re: end of the world?
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2015, 04:33:56 pm »
Nobody else?  Thank you 4 the ANSWER!   


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