Welcome to the forums and the lifestyle dizzzie!
When you'll start eating raw meat the fear of bacteria will disappear, with time. Every raw paleo dieter had it in the back of his/her mind the first couple of meals, but after some time you'll realized that what is being said in the media about the dangers of germs/bacteria in food is mostly BS. Just consider that the last salmonella outbreak in the US was in Peanut butter, which is a pasteurized product. Disease causing bacteria thrive much better in cooked/sterile food where they have an environment they can thrive in, and don't have any competition from "Good" bacteria. Plus, bacteria thrives much better in someone eating SAD than someone eating a raw paleo diet
. I haven't heard of a case of food poisoning from anyone eating raw meat. Primal dieters often eat raw conventional (non-organic) chicken, even rotten chicken, fish and beef (high meat). Some gurus will even tell you bacterial infections/parasites are beneficial since they eat away at toxins and weak cells in the body (survival of the fittest between cells) .
I've eaten raw supermarket chicken, raw pork, even eaten raw pre-frozen/thawed chicken, have never had any problems, no stomach upsets. Chicken and pork though are not the best foods and should probably not be the main part of your diet since they are almost always grained. Look for certified organic grassfed beef and certified organic grassfed lamb or wild animals. I don't know where you can find these things in your area (look for organic butchers, co-ops, farmers markets, small-scale farms) but you can order meat online from farms all over the country:
www.eatwild.com (though the meat you get when ordering online is often frozen).
I recommend you keep it simple. I prefer not to mix too many ingredients together, and I always eat meats/organs alone, since it digests better that way (meats require acidic HCl for digestion, fruits and vegetables alkalize the stomach/intestines). Some people love recipes though and it's actually a lot easier to transition into raw paleo that way. Eat varied and try the different muscle meats/cuts and organs. The most common organs to eat raw is heart, kidney, liver and tongue (and tongue is especially delicious). The fattiest cuts (ribeye, ribs, neck) are the most delicious
Most people in here agree that the recommendation for calcium given by official recommendation is too high and counterproductive. There is a delicate balance between magnesium/calcium in the body and if you take in too much calcium it can actually cause deficiency in both of them I believe. Keep in mind that the vast majority people in the world (75%) are lactose intolerant. It is particularly high in Asia where more than 90% of the people are lactose intolerant. And the Japanese have the highest life expectancy, with a diet of mainly raw fish and white rice. Calcium is everywhere including in water. Excluding grains (to avoid phytates which bind with calcium) and getting sunshine directly on your skin (for vitamin D) are the most important factors to get calcium. (I should note that calcium deficiency is a very controversial topic, very rarely proven, since calcium is always maintained in a very narrow range in the blood and blood tests of calcium rarely prove anything). By all means, Add raw milk/cream/butter if you aren't allergic to them and see how they affect you. Some people do very well with a little raw dairy in the diet and even heal faster. Just don't let raw dairy products be the main part of your diet (don't forget the raw meats).
Most Raw Animal Foodists don't take any supplements, some even eat a meat only diet (raw organs, muscle meats and fats from grassfed animals + water) and have no deficiencies.