My experience with raw dairy after a week of testing: some raw dairy products I do well with, others not so. Raw butter is fine in limited quantities (although I managed to eat too much once and threw up), raw cheese is fine, but raw cream/raw milk does seem to bloat and produce slight stomach cramps. I've also noted that raw butter cleans my teeth very effectively.. Making them shiny and white for some reason..
The raw dairy products I have tried so far have all been from cattle so I can't say if raw goat milk or fermented goat milk products such as goat yogurt/kefir are any better (anyone with any experience on that?)
I have heard from several people that "true" or "complete" lactose intolerance doesn't really exist, and, most people would start producing lactase (the lactose digesting enzyme) again if they drank nothing but milk for several weeks.. A "Milk Only" diet.. There is even a doc (can't remember his name) who wanted to prove that milk contains all the necessary vitamins/minerals so he drank only milk with honey for a very long time.
Any thoughts on this? Is this a good or a terrible idea to try out
Since I haven't really tried raw milk for long enough time, maybe I haven't started producing lactase (or lactase producing bacteria) yet. Still wondering if I should try it for a few more weeks or not.
Those of you who don't drink any dairy but have tried it, how long did you experiment with it before you gave up on it and how much did you drink?
Did you drink it alone, together with meat or mixed with honey? Did you drink it fermented?
There is a lot of conflicting information on milk out there, as it is a very complex substance, so I'm still wondering about it's potential for adding weight/bulking up, recovery after heavy exercise, and immune system health. Many healthy populations/tribes drank raw milk, it is mentioned in much old literature as a healing food, most alternative health practitioners seem to recommend it, and even the cats in Pottenger's experiments thrived when given RAW milk (EVEN though raw milk is theoretically not a cat's "natural" food after weaning, especially if it comes from another animal). Then on the other hand there are a few who are strongly against it, such as a lot of vegans/animal rights/PETA activists, and most of them seem to use the old "saturated fat is bad", "animal fats/proteins are killers" arguments.