I think you might be onto something. I have had a test a couple of years ago when I was feeling dodgy. Not sure if it was hair or blood, but they told me I had mineral imbalances - I'll dig out the test results as I can't remember exactly.
Also, I've been taking a good multimineral for a week or so and I believe it's helped to sort me out.
Know any good sites or books?
It's encouraging that you're having sucess on strict raw paleo. I will def give it another go, but I just need to feel good for a while now and do other things. Maybe when I save up some pennies I'll take a holiday in the Phillipines and eat meat and fruit and crash out on my own all day
No no no, not strict. I do beef bone broths with vegetables, and other things. I don't really focus any more on raw or cooked, I just find my self eating mostly raw. But if some one is in a position to do raw paleo with out a bunch of the serious food allergies or supply issues I suffer, they should go for it. I would be doing it if my supplies were solid. Doesn't change the fact I know the benefits of a raw paleo diet when done properly. It's almost impossible for me to attempt based on where I live and how many liars I have encountered. I've been through maybe like twenty different suppliers of meat and only two of them are honest about their business. Instead what I'm focusing on is mostly raw and really trying to move towards low carb.
Some may say I should go with sea food, but my body seems to reject sea food. I literally can't swallow it my body won't let me. Raw buffalo and lamb is the strange situation I'm stuck in. My goal though is to get my body where it can consume most food(especially food rations). I really don't like the idea of being stuck in a diet that relies on specific supplies, in an emergency situation I would feel much more comfortable being able to consume foods that are way less healthy to get by. Basically, supplies and my bodies condition dictate what I eat. I really can't be put into any specific diet, but when my body gets better and I rid my self of these allergies I will most certainly be eating raw paleo.
As far as the heavy metals issue goes Andy Cutler and Ann Louise Gittleman are good starting points. It's important to know that removing heavy metals incorrectly(mercury ESPECIALLY) can lead to very bad side effects and even very bad damage. Aajonous in my opinion is dangerous to be listening to when it comes to metals, parasites and chemicals.