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Offline riy freeman

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Ray's Journal
« on: December 14, 2010, 07:35:21 am »
Hello everyone, allow me to introduce myself:

My name is Ray, I am a 25 yo pre-med undergraduate student from Pennsylvania, USA

I'm majoring in Cell and Molecular Biology.

My interests include: basketball, violin, martial arts (kungfu, jujitsu, wrestling), biochemistry, philosophy, gymnastics, graphology, scuba diving, and all outdoor activities. I also take special interest in holistic nutrition, alternative and emergency medicine, standup comedy, and Japanese culture (I'm first generation Japanese American.

My goal is to go to Stanford, UC San Francisco, Harvard, or UPenn medical school, maybe get a concurrent MPH degree and specialize in surgery or emergency medicine (acute medicine basically) and have a career with Doctors Without Borders to help natural disaster and war victims. Once I accumulate enough experience in the "trenches" (so to speak) I want to join the upper ranks if need be to implement large scale policy change to benefit the people I feel need the help most. I would like to work towards a large impactful and meaningful goal that betters the world.

This is one reason why I want to perfect my diet, so I can work hard and do my best for every patient I meet. Also, I used to have HORRIBLE cystic acne which has improved through diet. I'm still not 100% clear but getting there.

This summer I will be volunteering on a health project in either Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania, India, Kenya, or somewhere in southeast Asia. I'm trying to go to a place where I can witness true poverty, as well as medical procedures (surgeries, and the like). I would like this trip to really shock me out of my comfort zone and have a big impact on my soul.

I am not very religious at all— if I have an inherent faith in anything, it is only in the innate good of all people. My life is an adventure full of wonderful friends and experiences I would not trade for anyone else’s. I would also not want to ever go back even a day in my life because every day I become closer to my goals; every day I strive to be a better person than I was yesterday. In general I am a very happy, energetic person— and also self-proclaimed king of enthusiasm.

I'm 5'5 and 125lb right now. And I had been mainstream nutrition healthy eater for 1 year, then vegan and eventually 80/10/10 (disaster) for 9 months. I began raw paleo in early November.

My current daily diet consists of:

Wakeup- glass water and piece of fruit (kiwi lately for high Vitamin C) (Maybe banana for Potassium- avoid glucose intolerance), Also maybe cabbage, kale, or romaine lettuce juice (I blend in blender then strain)

Mid morning- 1/2 lb grassfed organic beef mixed with good chunk of raw beef back fat and suet (suet is grain-finished)

Late afternoon- 1/2 lb grassfed organic beef with same mix as above

Snack- Suet (its waxy but I love it... how much is too much?)

Optional: Frozen pureed liver ice cube for Vitamin A and other nutrients (I freeze it in a ice cube tray, as I hate the taste of liver)
Maybe some egg yolks

I feel like I need more variety in my diet. I don't feel quite optimal yet. Working on it. I had a recent setback with ghee which has left eczema like rashes all over my body and has yet to completely subside... By the way stay away from benadryl kids... My brain was short-circuited for an entire day.

« Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 09:41:04 pm by Hannibal »


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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2010, 07:46:59 am »
its waxy but I love it... how much is too much?
Diarrhea is usally a good sign you're getting too much. As long as you still enjoy eating it, and are not getting clear signs to stop like diarrhea, keep on eating it.

Welcome to the forum Ray. I like your goals for life and the altruism you exhibit. Good luck with everything. :)

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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2010, 09:44:11 am »
Interesting. I am afraid, though, that you have avoided a vital point. Most doctors are expected to do a few hours of nutrition during their medical studies, all of which promote the usual nonsense(ie lots of raw fruit/veg, preferably either raw or, in the case of veg, also lightly-steamed, plus a little cooked animal food and some wholewheat grains and the like). I have come across very few doctors who are willing to be remotely open-minded about nutrition. Absolutely ALL the state doctors I have known were totally against rawpalaeodiets. This was not surprising as they would have been fired immediately if they had mentioned rawpalaeodiets to their patients, given hospital health and safety regulations etc. Private doctors are another matter, with people like Dr Mercola, Dr Loren and others embracing raw meat diets, but I'd imagine that international organisations, like government health services, also frown on any genuinely helpful advice being given re  rawpalaeodiets.
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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2010, 12:32:06 pm »
This summer I will be volunteering on a health project in either Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania, India, Kenya, or somewhere in southeast Asia. I'm trying to go to a place where I can witness true poverty, as well as medical procedures (surgeries, and the like). I would like this trip to really shock me out of my comfort zone and have a big impact on my soul.

Great intentions.  However, those places do not need health projects for chronic issues.  They need to be taught a way how to sustain themselves instead of relying on UN feeders which only makes it worse.  Notice that there are millions more every year that need to be fed.  It's the same as feeding wild animals, the more you feed them the more they come.  All those UN food programs are pure water scams.  Those poor people are just a cover for someone at UN to make billions and paint pretty pictures for political purposes.
I do hope you see the real truth and maybe someday you'll have a voice against this UN syndicate.
But I do support help for all natural disasters.

Good luck with your MD program.

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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2010, 12:47:33 pm »
    Hi Ray :)

    Great to meet you.  Thank you for your wonderful introduction.  It's wonderful to know there's going to be another good doctor in the world.  

    Forgive me please that I tend to talk negatively about the medical/pharmaceutical system, as I've seen some catastrophes up close.  I appreciate so much the doctors who are aware enough and are there to support healing as best they can.    

I have come across very few doctors who are willing to be remotely open-minded about nutrition. Absolutely ALL the state doctors I have known were totally against rawpalaeodiets. This was not surprising as they would have been fired immediately if they had mentioned rawpalaeodiets to their patients, given hospital health and safety regulations etc.

    I have had some bad experiences from doctors, and some not so good ones.  Lately it's been better though.  My chiropractor is a paleo dieter (and is very cool with me eating raw dairy and fresh juices), and is also in excellent physical shape (very sports oriented etc).  I've mentioned I have a son who is ill.  This chiropractor genuinely cares, and found the right dentist for my son who is a regular dentist, (a raw vegan dentist and a biodentist each failed miserably both we found through other sources),  but somehow this latest dentist is really good anyway.  Also, although we went through medical specialists that prescribed drugs that hurt my son's health a lot (we're all lucky he survived their medical treatments), the medical specialist we have now not only is not like that, but he's been learning about nutrition from us (raw saturated fats etc).  We waited through three years of appointments and six months of my son eating animal foods (raw grassfed dairy of numerous kinds/unheated honey) with this doctor before mentioning diets or foods, but since we were with him so long, we felt it was a comfortable time to bring it up with a doctor.  Last time we had told a doctor 5 years ago that he was vegan, that was where the medical group started prescribing things that were destroying many of his body systems.  I don't think they hated him because he was vegan, but their behavior still wasn't a good thing. One of the prescribers there even lied as to their own diet being veg in the scheming.  Again, even that one, I don't think veganism was behind it, nor medicine, just that this medic was not a pure motived human being.

    ER work does sound like you'll more often work on initially healthy people, rather than dealing with the same chronic illness situations too many times.  

    I've known other raw dieters before that chose this area, like you Ray.  It's great you're sticking with natural health while you go through it all, and found raw paleo and martial arts while you are so young.  You're Japanese?  I so love the rainbow of cultures in the world, and the raw foods in each.  It would be a dream to try horse sashimi and chicken sashimi in Japan.  I make the chicken here for myself, but it's nice eating the same food around other people sometimes, I'm so rarely with people who eat raw meat, and also great watching how skilled the sushi chefs are at their art.  You play a stringed instrument?  Oh, I see now, violin.  I hope you keep it up.  Music can be awesomely healthful too.

    Wow, I guess I felt I needed to apologize to you, as sometimes I say I hate doctors.  I'm just frustrated with the ignorant doctors, and that doctors are authorized as society's healers and almost esteemed gods, yet healing usually is much better elsewhere. Can I stop saying on forum too many doctors misprescribe and misdiagnose more often than my comfort zone?  Probably not.  Sorry. I will try more.

    Again, I love meeting good doctors, especially purely motivated ones.  If you keep on this course, or change to a different career track, either way: happy to meet you. :)

« Last Edit: December 14, 2010, 12:54:56 pm by RawZi »
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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2010, 02:16:11 pm »
Glad to meet ya Dave! O0

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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2010, 02:33:38 pm »
Hey Ray!

You seem goal-oriented and active, thats awesome, great to meet didn't mention if you eat sashimi? I love it, that would be good variety as its o different from the beef and you get some fish fats which are good.
You can try and add some deer, goat and bison those are all delicious meats you love them.
Cute dog, does he eat the raw beef with you?

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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2010, 01:02:21 am »
Glad to meet ya Dave! O0
Why'd I say Dave...? I ment Ray *scratches head* -[

Offline riy freeman

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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2010, 08:31:24 pm »
"Great intentions.  However, those places do not need health projects for chronic issues.  They need to be taught a way how to sustain themselves instead of relying on UN feeders which only makes it worse."

They in fact DO Need health projects for chronic issues. Dental caries, malnutrition, and poor hygiene are all relating to chronic health problems.

In terms of diet ironically, developed nations eats themselves to death, while "undeveloped" nations are starving to death.

" Notice that there are millions more every year that need to be fed.  It's the same as feeding wild animals, the more you feed them the more they come.  All those UN food programs are pure water scams.  Those poor people are just a cover for someone at UN to make billions and paint pretty pictures for political purposes.
I do hope you see the real truth and maybe someday you'll have a voice against this UN syndicate."

In fact I will eventually work among the upper ranks of NGO organizations to implement policy change as I feel necessary after I gain a lot of experience working on the "Front".

No it is not the same as feeding wild animals. These are people who have lost means of acquiring food all together. I suggest you watch a documentary called Darwin's Nightmare. It describes a situation where Lake Tanzania's fish population (source of food and income to locals) is being decimated by the Nile Perch a huge fish that eats up everything in the lake. The industrial world is sending in ration food into the area to help, while AT THE SAME TIME buying the perch meat in exchange with WEAPONS (increasing violence in the area). It's a very vicious cycle.

I also suggest you read how the World Bank and other financial institutions take advantage of poor countries by demanding that they obliterate their laws regarding corporate regulation and fashion their economic laws in such a way that corporations can freely do whatever they please in that country (leading to child labor issues, exploitation, corruption). The system is rigged so that the poor countries INCREASE their debt and will NEVER be able to repay. Keep in mind every day you wake up you are depending on a large number of "poor countries" and their exploited people to support our comparatively affluent lives. The sooner people realize that we are all connected in every fashion, the better for the world.  A good book to start reading on  the economic exploitation situation would be  The True Cost of Low Prices by Vincent A. Gallagher. Unchecked corporate economy has and will always seem to be about finding and exploiting the most desperate workers in the world, wherever they are.

By the way, I feel the only way people can not care about any bad situation is if they are detached from it and not involved or never hear about it. I know anyone who witnesses a situation first hand would be motivated to do something. It's human nature.

I am afraid, though, that you have avoided a vital point. Most doctors are expected to do a few hours of nutrition during their medical studies, all of which promote the usual nonsense(ie lots of raw fruit/veg, preferably either raw or, in the case of veg, also lightly-steamed, plus a little cooked animal food and some wholewheat grains and the like). I have come across very few doctors who are willing to be remotely open-minded about nutrition. Absolutely ALL the state doctors I have known were totally against rawpalaeodiets.

I have not in fact avoided any points. I am well aware of the misinformation that doctors get in the nutrition field. A pharma-dominated field of medicine has largely contributed to our predicament.

That is too bad that you have come across no open-minded doctors but I am not "them".

I think we need to realize that as people, we are agents of CHANGE. For a situation to change we need for people to realize that the first step is to spread knowledge and awareness. Once that seed is planted it can begin to grow. I would like to meet more people who want to fight for what they believe is better for our fellow human beings  health, society, and environment.

One thing I noticed maybe not so much here, but on the raw vegan/ 80 10 10 forums was people who just wanted to move to some tropical island, eat lots of fruit, and live a la di da lifestyle. That's their perogative and dream but not mine. I'm having the time of my life discovering how things work in the sciences and gaining more knowledge about the world. I have a desire to understand the intricacies of the world and work to solve big problems rather than live a life of ignorance.

Offline riy freeman

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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2010, 08:48:49 pm »
OOOOOKKK!!!! YEAAHH another semester completed!! I worked my ASS off studying this semester especially for biochemistry and I pulled off the A! sweeeet

Finally able to breathe a little. The night after my biochemistry final (my last final) I could not even relax even tho I was done because I sat there in a daze only to "come to" in a few minutes and have the thought "OMG I gotta study!" pop up in my wired brain.

Today I'm getting more errands done + everyday hike w my dog in the wood trail and then heading to the library to study for 4 hours on MCAT and calculus. Weee! Starting tommorrow and then for the rest of my winter break I will be studying in the library from sun up to sun down. YEsssss

I am trying to score in the 40's on my MCAT which I take in June... so gotta be dedicated. Also I scheduled Calculus 2 for next semester so that I can apply to Harvard since they require Calculus 2 for admission. Trouble is, I forgot all of my calculus 1 since I took it several years ago... hence the review i am doing starting tommorrow...

ALSO! I'm in the process of planning a trip to THAILAND to work with a mobile clinic helping hill tribe villages next summer! Interested people can find out more at .
I will be helping the doctors treating the villagers. We will be traveling to a new village every 3 days and they provide us with food while we're there. It's going to be a spectacular and meaningful experience I'm certain. I think I'll be able to be RPD when I first arrive in Bangkok before the project and maybe after also. SO EXCITED

Ok, RPD update:
Any more fruit than a kiwi or small pear  for fruit in the morning seems to break my face out now.

I've been blending my ground meat with extra suet and fat and it is MUCH tastier that way.

Some days I get raw breath in the morning, candida issue? Not sure since I never had this problem on 80/10/10 surprisingly.

As I think  ForTheHunt said in his post, with RPD, constipation and energy levels seem to be common issues. I had at least one bowel movement a day on 80/10/10 but on RPD its more like once every 3-4 days... I am adding organic celery stalks to my breakfast routine and seeing if that will improve movement frequency.

I tried eating a boiled sweet potato a few days ago and I'm paying for it with 2-3 small pimples. I have such a sensitive body, which is a blessing in disguise because I get immediate feedback on the good things and bad things I do with my diet.

That's all for now :P

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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2010, 09:52:57 pm »

As I think  ForTheHunt said in his post, with RPD, constipation and energy levels seem to be common issues. I had at least one bowel movement a day on 80/10/10 but on RPD its more like once every 3-4 days...

That is  nonsense re the comment supposedly linking rawpalaeo to constipation and low energy-levels. Most RPDers experience the exact opposite. I'm merely a typical example:- I had chronic constipation on SAD diets, which was only solved when going rawpalaeo. Similiarly, I had chronic fatigue when on SAD cooked diets, and only got rid of it once I went rawpalaeo(though it took a further 4 months to get rid of it fully).And there are plenty like me with similiar experience.

What is true is this:- people first trying a rawpalaeodiet do usually experience moderate detox, at the beginning, as they start getting rid of all the heat-created toxins etc, they had absorbed from years of eating cooked foods - but it is merely a temporary phenomenon. . I'm a good example:- the 1st 2-3 days of rawpalaeo I had to endure constant visits to the bathroom due to getting awful green diarrhea; then, every 2-4 months I would get a minor detox(involving mild fatigue and not much else), lasting c; 2 to 7 days in length; over the next 2-3 years or so, these detoxes declined in terms of severity, frequency and duration, until they disappeared altogether.

Also, bowel movements are indeed less frequent on  a rawpalaeodiet , but not because of constipation, but because raw foods are more easily absorbed by the body so it comes out the other end smaller and less frequently(exception, in my case, is the raw vegan/fruitarian diet where I would have to go to the bathroom constantly throughout the day, because of having to deposit excessively frequent, loose stools).

The issue re bowel movements is basically to do with how much animal food on takes in and how much cooked. The more cooked one eats, and the more plant foods one eats, the bigger the stools are, and the more frequent one's bathroom visits are, due to less being properly absorbed by the body.
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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2010, 09:58:20 pm »
great job on the biochemistry!!!  good luck with the mcat/calculus studies, you'll do great!!

what part of pa are you from?  i went to college in bethlehem.

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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2010, 11:39:41 am »
Thanks, Ionna
 "what part of pa are you from?  i went to college in bethlehem."

I'm from West Chester, PA. I went to Penn State my first two years but now I've since transferred and been at West Chester University for two years.

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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2010, 11:56:40 am »

10:40 pm

Tired... Sixers are losing by 40 points  to Bulls on TV.. Got another 5 and a half hours of studying at the library. Shooting for 6 tommorrow. I still have a lot to cover in the physics section.

Discovered EARPLUGS!!! They're fantastic for concentrating.  The kind I found reduces sound 33 dB so I can hardly hear anything! Great stuff

Eating a lot more egg yolks lately. I tried normal cage eggs (jumbo size) from the supermarket since the eggs I normally get are pricey and I already ate most of them. The egg yolk definitely tastes less rich.

Eating plain suet by itself in large quantities = diarrhea...

Book Reading currently: Rebel Without Borders by Marc Vachon

Sometimes my breath doesn't smell very good on this diet and I can't pinpoint the cause. MY breath was super fresh on raw vegan/ 80-10-10....

Researching more stuff about Thailand (where I'll be going this summer).

Some things I might do there provided I have the money:
1. Muy Thai training
2. Jungle Survival Course
3. Cliff jumping

Things I'm definitely doing:
1. Volunteering with the mobile clinic that travels from village to village in remote hill tribes of Northern Thailand
2.Eating whatever delicious raw meat I'll be able to get my hands on there.
3. Eating some kind of insect

I was asked to raise money for the hill tribes for I get there to volunteer since they buy medicines with donor money. I don't have any donation money really... So I've begun to write a book on succeeding academically in college. I think I will sell it for about 10-15 dollars online in ebook format. Most of the money I make will go towards the fundraiser for the hill tribes I'm figuring. Does having a 3.9 cumulative GPA in Cell and Molecular Biology qualify me to be able to write a book on studying or will nobody buy it since its not a 4.0? hmm  ???

I've CONFIRMED that omega -3 supplements as well as raw salmon break me out. I don't really get it but it makes me stay away from fish. I wonder if raw tuna will be ok?

A lot of people don't seem to know this but most Poultry in the slaughterhouse process gets dunked into a water tank. That's why there is a very HIGH risk of cross-contamination. That's why I stay away from poultry (unless I saw it processed or killed it myself).

Well that's all for now. Gotta get my zzz's

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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2010, 12:44:29 pm »
Poultry in the slaughterhouse process gets dunked into a water tank. That's why there is a very HIGH risk of cross-contamination.

Well that's all for now. Gotta get my zzz's

    That's why when I buy chicken at the store I make sure it's labeled "air chilled".  Actually, I don't believe in water touching meat, even if it's only one carcass and the water is clean.  I think it's bad for the meat's bacteria.  Also I have no reason not to believe there's chlorine, fluoride and a host of other additives in that water.

    Good night.
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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2010, 01:20:27 am »
Hi Ray,

OOOOOKKK!!!! YEAAHH another semester completed!! I worked my ASS off studying this semester especially for biochemistry and I pulled off the A! sweeeet
Congrats! I'm a student too, and I understand that feeling :)

I am trying to score in the 40's on my MCAT which I take in June... so gotta be dedicated. Also I scheduled Calculus 2 for next semester so that I can apply to Harvard since they require Calculus 2 for admission. Trouble is, I forgot all of my calculus 1 since I took it several years ago... hence the review i am doing starting tommorrow...
Good luck with your studies. I like Michael Spivak's Calculus book, it changed my life :)

One thing I noticed maybe not so much here, but on the raw vegan/ 80 10 10 forums was people who just wanted to move to some tropical island, eat lots of fruit, and live a la di da lifestyle. That's their perogative and dream but not mine. I'm having the time of my life discovering how things work in the sciences and gaining more knowledge about the world. I have a desire to understand the intricacies of the world and work to solve big problems rather than live a life of ignorance.

I have mixed feelings about this issue. On one hand, I've spent the majority of my life in cities full of cars, noise, and pollution, and I would love to live on a tropical island where I can eat fruit, coconuts, meat, and fish, go swimming, and just relax. But I think that it wouldn't take long for me to get bored of such a lifestyle. I'm fascinated by science, how the world works, how the human body works, etc.

I was asked to raise money for the hill tribes for I get there to volunteer since they buy medicines with donor money. I don't have any donation money really... So I've begun to write a book on succeeding academically in college. I think I will sell it for about 10-15 dollars online in ebook format. Most of the money I make will go towards the fundraiser for the hill tribes I'm figuring. Does having a 3.9 cumulative GPA in Cell and Molecular Biology qualify me to be able to write a book on studying or will nobody buy it since its not a 4.0? hmm  ???

Well, there are already many books and tips out there on the internet about succeeding in college, so I think that what's more important than having a "perfect" GPA, is to give your book some unique spin that distinguishes it from the others out there.

Personally, I find that genuine interest and fascination in the topic is the most important thing for success.

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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #16 on: December 25, 2010, 06:26:22 am »
Raw scallops for Xmas dinner!!! ;D ;D

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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #17 on: December 25, 2010, 02:00:17 pm »
i like your book idea!  the medical students at my college would sit at a table outside one of the largest grocery store chains for a couple weekends collecting donations from patrons.  if forget where they went.. maybe south america?.. but they raised money this way every year.  people were always happy to support.

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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2010, 11:57:10 am »
12/28/10 Tuesday

Had a great X-mas! Socks and pajama pants among a few things I got from family. Useful gifts are always nice. My mom also got me a pair of new fisherman sandals... I abuse my sandals cause it's all I wear (for footwear, silly :P) in the summer and they get worn down pretty good. Come on, summer= no shoes! My friends referred to my most recent pair as jesus sandals since they're ragged and bits were falling off. Well, jesus sandals have now been retired to the trash.

Worked on my book a bit yesterday, added my mutiple choice test-taking system.

Finished reading Rebel Without Borders. My opinion of the author took a horrible turn for the worst after he recalled an incident where he hung a rabid dog. I guess people go crazy when they witness senseless killing, mass graves, live in the stench of death, have to stuff the mutilated dead bodies mouths and anus with bandage cloth to stop cholera infested body fluids from leaking out day after day. At the very least I got a small picture of what the Rwandan genocide was like. Also I learned that many main stream NGOs rely on mass media attention too much for donations and projects... The author seemed to respect the International Committee of the Red Cross a lot. I will investigate more NGO's in the future so that I may join the right one for me. Personally, it would have to be a moral fit for me and definitely politically independent as possible. It would have to have great intervening ability anywhere in the world without too much bureaucracy getting in the way.

Today I ate:
3 palm size chunks of 3-day beef steak, 3 egg yolks, 1pound grass fed beef mixed with suet and back fat. The suet was from the supermarket since I ran out of my usual supply from a different place. The supermarket suet is DISGUSTING and bland. Also I drank several glasses of water.

Notes: Skin looking more fantastic each day. I did break out one tiny spot on my chin and that could be due to the raw scallops I ate on Xmas or maybe the eggs since sometimes i eat the ones fortified w omega 3 feed.... Omega 3's dont agree with my skin. I've been gaining a slight amount of fat in the midsection and nowhere else... I have been going close to ZC the past few days. Maybe I am eating too much fat, who knows.

Drying some egg shells to grind up for sum CALCIUM. I will consume a smaaaaalll amount every few days at night away from when I eat, since the calcium carbonate will neutralize my stomach hydrochloric acid. In small doses my blood calcium will also not rise as much. Interestingly this past semester I learned kidney stones can form with too LITTLE calcium as well as too much.

Had a chat with Mr. Sully on facebook and we talked about random shit, martial arts, doing side splits, and also I informed him that females evolved a different pelvic structure for the EXCLUSIVE purpose of doing side splits. THe reproductive functions are secondary to the primary function of doing splits.

Apparently lamb is pretty tasty. I've been bored these days with a combination of (fat blended ground beef, steaks, egg yolks, and  liver ice cubes (see previous posts), so I'm going to try lamb this week. Supposedly lamb is very tasty and fatty. They will most likely not be grassfed but oh well. I am close to procuring a local source of grainfed lamb fat! fantastico! :P

What else... studied some calculus today, not much MCAT stuff, I'll have to make up the work tomorrow. Hiked with the dog as usual in the woods. Oh yea, we GOTS SNOWZZZ about 6 inches. A bit late to have a snowy christmas but still nice. Got some violin practice in- mostly solo Bach.

Interesting fact about me: I have no tolerance for alcohol. I have the "Asian disease" if you will of non-alcohol metabolism. A small sip of beer can give me a massive headache and I will be knocked out and fall asleep. I also turn bright red from trace amounts of alcohol. SO if someone would like to kill me all they have to do is force me to drink a shot or two of vodka. If I want a buzz I can drink half a bottle of commercial kombucha which has trace amounts of alcohol which minors can buy perfectly legally. Fortunately I take this to be a blessing for me in that I never spend any money on booze and it is prob a plus to my health. Downside is I hate going to bars and can't play drinking games with friends.

Gonna be a good week. Raw lamb here I come ;)

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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #19 on: December 29, 2010, 12:09:54 pm »
Haha, yes, try the raw lamb!

Offline riy freeman

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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2011, 03:51:46 am »

Had a great xmas, then had a pretty bleh New Years beginning. Ran over a small divider thing in a shopping center parking lot at night which lead to a great big hole in my car's oil pan. Having my car towed and having it fixed will cost $1200 total. Yikes.  :o

First, I was recently upping fat percentage in my daily ground beef mixture to see if my energy levels became more stable and therefore less prone to constantly feeling hungry. I'm now fully convinced that for this diet to work I need to up my fat intake so that satiation will cause me to eat less protein. Eating too much protein on this diet will make you gain weight in a bad way.  :P

I added too much suet to the mixture (usually I add a good amount of back fat as well) and I got diarrhea and a gurgling stomach lasting all day for two days (at which point I had the below experience to add to my pain)

Then for New Years eve I went out and bought a lamb chop from the supermarket... Grainfed and probably laced with antibiotics... I ate it and a few hours later I had a mild stomach ache. The next morning I woke up in pain and I was invalid for an entire day. I slept all day and I felt like I was hit by a bus. My joints (especially my knees) ached very badly even while I held still or laid down. I didn't have a fever but my body felt like it was under attack by the flu. Interestingly enough one of the symptoms of food poisoning is joint pain. Certain pathogens cause this such as E. Coli and H. Pyori. Never eating supermarket lamb again.

The following evening I felt better after several bowel movements which I suspect cleared out my system of the irritants. I was scared to a decent amount of suet again for fear of further aggravating my digestive system so (BAD DECISION ALERT)... since I didn't have any fat to consume around the house except for some leftover egg yolks I went out and bought a jar of unprocessed organic coconut oil. I ate several spoonfuls of that and within the hour I had a stomach ache again and a massive headache hot on its heels. I wanted to throw up from the nausea and for some relief but I couldn't. I'm firmly convinced that coconut oil is NOT a good source of fat.

And to top it off I got a brand new pimple which I hadn't had for a few weeks on my nose. Not too big of a deal tho.

As a result of the above experiences I've learned that:
1. Be careful driving in shopping centers at night.
2. Supermarket grainfed lamb is deadly -v
3. Up fat content percentage sufficiently so you don't eat too much protein daily.
4. NEVER RUN OUT OF FAT trimming. NEVER! SUet is easy to get but definitely harder to digest.

Following lesson 4, I just ordered 11 pounds of lamb back fat from Northstar Bison so I can store them in my freezer. The thing is, my freezer space is limited so I have to rotate my freezing. For example, 6 packs could sit in my freezer while 5 sit in the fridge for a week then I rotate. All of this while I slowly consume it of course.

In other news, thanks to all the above I've had pretty terrible motivation and work to show for the past several days in terms of studying. I'm slowly picking it up again (seems like my progress really parallels my diet and how I'm feeling from it). Today I've so far studied cholesterol synthesis and some more calculus. Intergrals using substitition! Yum! Did a little MCAT physics : L= IW Angular momentum ftw. STill need to do more...  -X

Currently reading: Complications: A surgeon's notes on an imperfect science by Atul Gawande

I've started transcribing Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson for my violin. Such a great tune! Listening to it makes me happy.  ;D I'm pretty sure I will play this at the Mr. WCU competition this year at my college. Either on my electric violin or acoustic.  O0

Haven't made any progress on my backflip since I haven't been able to go to the gymnasium for a few weeks... Will try to get there this friday. However I've made progress on my planche.

Not all the things over the past several days has been negative, my 22 yr sister who hates my guts for no fault I can think of has come home briefly over this break and she has been much more receptive to conversation and threw no tantrums which was amazing. We have completely opposite personalities and tastes. And I had come to view her as this rebellious brat who did many things I would never do... the mildest of this being a cigarette smoker. As I drove her to a friends house from where she was leaving to head back to california (where she lives/goes to school) she opened up and conversed with me about many things in her life for the first time ever which surprised me a lot. After I dropped her off this unexpected occurrence brought a sudden tear to my eye and I realized the blessing that is family.

Have to get fired up for this week. Getting more studying done, ordering my textbooks, get to the gym, violin practice! Also I want to hang out with some friends while I'm on break. Only a little over 2 weeks before classes start again!


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Re: Ray's Journal
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2011, 04:43:10 am »
Had a chat with Mr. Sully on facebook and we talked about random shit, martial arts, doing side splits, and also I informed him that females evolved a different pelvic structure for the EXCLUSIVE purpose of doing side splits. THe reproductive functions are secondary to the primary function of doing splits.

haha mr sulu. How do you know this thing about side splits, and what's the use of it?
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