Looks like full-fat cheese, eggs, some nuts can be good sources of PEOs (maybe also other animal fats):
http://brianpeskin.com/peskinMDCTscan.pdf * Note that a check for plaque in the artery may also be a lab test worth considering.
"... eat lots of SATURATED fat enjoying lots of cheese and eggs with
virtually no fiber, add lots of salt, enjoy a big 16 oz. steak at least every other day, eat few fruits
or vegetables (just 1-serving a day (if even that) vs. the “expert’s” recommendation of 5)."
I also remember reading some studies that wallnuts (which contain both PEOs) can help reduce heart disease risk, which I understand it's strongly related to arterial plaque. Here is one:
A clear definition of PEOs:
http://brianpeskin.com/PEOstheDifference.pdf"This term “Parent Essential Oils” refers to the only two true essential fatty acids:
parent omega-6 (LA) and parent omega-3 (ALA). The term “parent” is used because
these are the whole, unadulterated form of the only two essential fats your body
demands, as they occur in nature. Once PEOs are consumed your body changes a
small percentage of them—about 5%—into other biochemicals called “derivatives,”
while leaving the remaining 95% in parent form."
"Why are the parent forms—PEOs—so important? Many of the EFAs sold in the stores
consist of manufactured EFA derivatives. Your body doesn’t need or want these
derivatives, because it makes its own derivatives out of the Parent Essential Oils (PEOs)
you consume as it needs them. Taking fish oil and other health-food-store “EFAs” often
overdoses you with derivatives, which can be very harmful. However, PEOs are
essential and must be supplied from outside the body every day, from foods and
certain oils. Your body can’t manufacture PEOs (commonly termed EFAs) on its
own—they MUST be consumed daily."
PaleoPhil: It is possible that being on a paleo diet you may not experience such adverse effects from the fish oil as those people in the experiments, because they most likely ate a standard diet.
Still, it's something worth considering.