Author Topic: The Electric Universe Vs The Global Warming Scam  (Read 3824 times)

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The Electric Universe Vs The Global Warming Scam
« on: December 26, 2009, 09:01:02 pm »

Science, Politics and Global Warming
by Wallace Thornhill
23 December, 2009

The Global Warming circus in Copenhagen was politics driven by a consensus that, by definition, has nothing to do with science. The apocalyptic nonsense that opened the meeting highlighted that fact. How many who attended or demonstrated at the meeting actually understand the (disputed) scientific grounds for the hysteria? Meanwhile, leading science journals allow skeptics of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) to be labelled "deniers" and refuse them the right of reply. It is doctrinaire denouncement, not science. It is the journal editors who are denying the scientific method by censoring debate. It is they who are peddling ideology.

Despite the glossy media image, modern science is a mess. When the fundamental concepts are false, technological progress merely provides science with a more efficient means for going backwards. At the same time, government and corporate funding promotes the rampant disease of specialism and fosters politicization of science with the inevitable warring factions and religious fervor.

    Science has become religion! ..although religion may have borrowed some of the jargon of science, science, more importantly, has adopted the methods of religion. This is the worst of both worlds.
    - Halton Arp.

There have been several warm climatic periods documented in history that had nothing to do with human activity. There seems to be evidence that the Earth has actually been cooling since 2001, in line with reduced solar activity. So it would be more realistic to consider climate change as a normal phenomenon and to plan accordingly because despite all of the hoopla in the media, modern science is founded on surprising ignorance. An iconoclastic view suggests the following:

— cosmologists have been misled by theoretical physicists who don't understand gravity, which forms the basis of the big bang theory. Imaginary 'dark matter,' 'dark energy,' and black holes have been added to make models of galaxies and star birth appear to work. When all else fails, mysterious magnetic fields are invoked. The bottom line is that cosmologists presently have no real understanding of the universe;

— astrophysicists don't understand stars because they steadfastly ignore plasma discharge phenomena;

— particle physicists don't understand matter or its resonant electrical interactions. They prefer to invent imaginary particles;

— geologists have been misled by astronomers about Earth's history;

— biologists have had no practical help from theoretical physicists so they don't understand what might constitute the 'mind-body connection' or 'the spark of life;'

— and climate scientists have been misled by astronomers and astrophysicists so they have no real concept of recent Earth history in the solar system and they don't understand the real source of lightning and the electrical input to weather systems. For example, the major city in northern Australia, Darwin, was utterly destroyed in tropical cyclone 'Tracy' in 1974. The catastrophe was described in part, “At 3am, the eye of the cyclone passed over Darwin, bringing an eerie stillness. There was a strange light, a diffuse lightning, like St. Elmo's fire.” There was no solar energy being supplied to the 150km per hour winds at 3 in the morning. "A diffuse lightning" is an apt description of the slow electrical discharge (distinct from impulsive lightning) that drives all rotary storms and influences weather patterns. That is why the electrically hyperactive gas giant planets have overwhelmingly violent storms while receiving very little solar energy.

Yet with these unacknowledged shortcomings we have bookshelves filled with textbooks, science journals and PhD theses, mostly unread, that would stretch to the Moon, fostering the impression that we understand most things. And the public is assailed with documentaries that breathlessly deliver and repeat fashionable science fiction as fact. How can this be?

Science has left its classical and philosophical roots, rather like surrealist art departed from realism. The analogy is fitting. It is demonstrated by the fondness for expressing theoretical models in artists impressions, computer animations and aesthetic terms. The artist/philosopher Miles Mathis is of the opinion that “Science has become just like Modern Art. The contemporary artist and the contemporary physicist look at the world in much the same way. The past means nothing. They gravitate to novelty as the ultimate distinction, in and of itself. They do this because novelty is the surest guarantee of recognition.” So why does the media not have science critics alongside art critics? Has science become sacrosanct? Bluntly, the answer is yes. No science reporter wants to have the portcullises lowered at the academic bastions. Happily, the Internet allows the curious to circumvent such censorship.

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Re: The Electric Universe Vs The Global Warming Scam
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2009, 01:48:16 pm »
Hi GoodSamaritan. It's my second post. The first was the topic I posted yesterday. I have been hanging around here for longer though.

Concerning your topic, that's exactly the same type of info that I posted in my 1st one. The climate change seems to be a hoax just like many others we hear about. I don't have a "good writing" (i'm french) but this guy, Jesse Ventura who is a renown US navy seal, actor, wrestler and governor, is investigating in some of these conspiracy theories, just like that one of global warming.

H.A.A.R.P. is a good one too. look for it on youtube (ex: jesse ventura conspiracy theory) I feel it worth a peak, if you like a good conspiracy theory, and unanswered questions.

Make me feel a better to hang around here to read what's on this forum. To share with other "researchers of the truth", basically health but it goes beyond that for most of us, doesn't it?


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Re: The Electric Universe Vs The Global Warming Scam
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2009, 02:27:21 pm »
After finding out that the mob of experts has just about everything wrong when it comes to diet I don't rule anything out anymore. As for "global warming" the evidence seems very suspect and a good case can be made for an impending ice age.  From what I gather, man can influence the temperature of the earth but only marginally so, and not enough to cause cataclysmic damage alone. I thought it was funny how Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" didn't have one legit scientist's opinion, IIRC.

I found this crack-pot physicist who is adamant about disproving the theory of relativity, string theory and the likes. His videos are actually pretty well crafted and for someone who doesn't know anything about high level physics like me, they are fairly convincing. I don't actually think he is right, but I'm not going to auto-ninja-rule him out.

Heres one of his videos

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Re: The Electric Universe Vs The Global Warming Scam
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2009, 07:56:10 pm »
That guy is entertaining.  He is guested in the website sometimes.  I just viewed his thread model.  Very interesting.

I studied mechanical engineering in college and spent quite a good number of hours personally researching einsteins theories which made no sense to me as it is full of mathematical muck.  The electrical universe guys at have made science exciting again.

Amateur astronomy is one of my first hobbies.

The electric universe guys are the best because they are backed up by catastrophism which his historic.  

I'd like the electric universe guys and their allies come up with new practical technology people can see and feel.

Keppe Motor is one of them.  There are others coming up.

Make me feel a better to hang around here to read what's on this forum. To share with other "researchers of the truth", basically health but it goes beyond that for most of us, doesn't it?

Ah yes.  Truth seeking is an annoying trait of mine.  Truth is stranger than fiction.  The truth that raw meat is the super food is stranger than fiction, yet this is fact for us which requires no amount of belief.

« Last Edit: December 27, 2009, 09:09:09 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: The Electric Universe Vs The Global Warming Scam
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2009, 08:56:55 pm »
As for "global warming" the evidence seems very suspect and a good case can be made for an impending ice age.

A piece of genuine evidence:

" Extensive and complete measurements which show absolutely NO increase in the average global temperature have been taken over the entire surface of the planet by the Pan Global Temperature satellite, which follows a polar orbit, It and its replacements have been there since 1979. Measurements are taken at a consistent height above the surface, about 300 m, to avoid local variations in terrain. The change it measured is a constant, continuing decline in temperature of 0.01 degree C per year, thus the current global temperature is now a full quarter of a degree LOWER than it was 21 years ago."


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