Author Topic: Fun news  (Read 1939 times)

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Fun news
« on: February 10, 2010, 06:21:41 am »
Points may be awarded to those who can discriminate between the truth and lies in this clever news item.

[Ed. Note: This report should be read from its website location at as this email copy does not
contain the links embedded in the original report.]

February 9, 2010

“Who Are They?” Russian Scientists Ask About Mysterious Objects Near Sun

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A bizarre report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by Doctor-Scientist
Anatoly Perminov, the head of the Russian Federal Space Agency (FKA),
titled “Who Are They?”, is warning that Russia should “immediately
accelerate” its plan to deflect incoming asteroids he says are “in all
likelihood” being deliberately “shot” towards Earth by an as yet
“unidentified” mysterious planet size “objects” [photo top left]
recently found in the orbit of our Sun.

Dr. Perminov had previously warned that our Earth must prepare for an
asteroid attack and stated, “Peoples' lives are at stake, we should pay
several hundred million dollars and build a system that would ...
prevent a collision, rather than sit and wait for it to happen and kill
hundreds of thousands of people.”

Dr. Perminov further stated that Russian scientists had informed him
that the 850-foot asteroid 99942 Apophis “will surely collide with the
Earth in the 2030s.”

To this latest threat to our Earth Dr. Perminov is warning about, this
report says, is the recent discovery of 2 “unknown” planetary size
objects spotted by NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)
currently in orbit around our sun [photo top left] and whose path
through our Solar System, when tracked backwards by Russian scientists,
finds their being responsible for a “mysterious” collision [photo 2nd
left] of asteroids in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter this
past November (2009) and the naming of one of them as P/2010 A2.

The Sydney Morning Herald in their report titled “Asteroid collision
leaves scientists starstruck” further states about this event:

“The object, called P/2010 A2, was first observed on January 6 by the
Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research program, and astronomers thought it
was a comet. But Hubble images taken on January 25 and 29 show something
far different.

Comets are icy bodies that fall into the inner solar system from distant
reservoirs in the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. As they warm, they shed
particles and water vapour that are pushed away from the comet in a
smooth tail by solar pressure.

But spectra of P/2010 A2 show no gases associated with the object,
indicating there is no water. The main body of the object, which is
about 180 metres across, lies separate from the ''tail,'' and the tail
itself shows an unusual filamentous structure that includes a large
X-shaped portion.

The most likely explanation, said principal investigator David Jewitt of
the University of California Los Angeles, is that two small and
previously unknown asteroids recently collided, creating a shower of
debris that is being swept back into a tail from the collision site by
the presence of sunlight. He said that based on the length of the tail,
about 160,900 kilometres, the collision probably happened just a few
months ago.”

Important to note are that new US calculations showing the orbit of
P/2010 A2 are relating it to the group of asteroids known at the “Flora
Family” that produced the asteroid believed responsible for the
Cretaceous–Tertiary Extinction Event that killed all of the dinosaurs on
our Earth over 65 million years ago.

To the impact these “mysterious” objects are having on our Sun, this
report continues, is evident by their “destroying” the deepest Solar
Minimum in a century and “awakening” it to the point where today reports
are showing the “behemoth sunspot 1045” is now being capable of
unleashing upon our Earth M and X-Class flares, and which NASA has
warned could unleash “catastrophic solar storms” upon us by 2012.

In all celestial events of this type it is important to understand that
Russian scientists vehemently disagree with their Western counterparts
on the origins and makeup of comets and asteroids and do not subscribe
to the “snowball theory” of them but to the “electrical theory” they
believe more completely explains our Earth’s catastrophic past.

Most interestingly about this report is the absence (at least to our
eyes) of whom or what may be controlling these “mysterious” objects
other than stating the likelihood of their being under “intelligent

In turning to our Earth’s most ancient stories, however, there is no
doubt who they say is responsible for our Planet being attacked, and as
we can, in part, read:

  “The Sumerians never called the Anunnaki, 'gods.' They were called
  din.gir, a two-syllable word. 'Din' meant 'righteous, pure, bright;'
  'gir' was a term used to describe a sharp-edged object. As an epithet
  for the Anunnaki 'dingir' meant 'righteous ones of the bright pointed

Sumerian texts break up history into two epochs divided by the Great
Deluge - the Biblical Flood. After the waters receded the great Anunnaki
who decree the fate decided that the gods were too lofty for mankind.
The term used - 'elu' in Akkadian - means exactly that: 'Lofty Ones;'
from it comes the Babylonian, Assyrian, Hebrew, and Ugaritic El - the
term to which the Greeks gave the connotation 'god'.

 From Genesis:

After the sons of God took human wives there were giants in the Earth in
those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the
daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became the
mighty men which were of old, men of renown. The Nefilim were upon the
Earth, in those days and thereafter too, when the sons of the gods
cohabitated with the daughters of the Adam, and they bore children unto
them. They were the mighty ones of Eternity - the people of the shem.'
Nefilim stems from the Semitic root NFL, 'to be cast down.”

Though these ancient stories are dismissed by Western elites as nothing
more than “myths”, it is an interesting fact, nonetheless, that the
thousands of megalithic structures and cities left upon our Earth and
said to have been built by these “gods” are to this very day unable to
be explained as we still do not have the technology to build them for
ourselves, such as the giant 1,000 ton Baalbeck Stone found in Lebanon
and  “The Lost City of the Incas”, Machu Picchu, in Peru so exactly made
no concrete was used in building it, and it has stood for nearly 1,000

To the future of our Earth being struck into oblivion by an asteroid or
comet it is not in our knowing, other than to point out the obvious fact
that if something has happened in the past it will happen again in the
future. And as to the ancient “gods” returning to our Earth as all of
the W[Ed. Note: This report should be read from its website location at as this email copy does not
contain the links embedded in the original report.]

February 9, 2010

“Who Are They?” Russian Scientists Ask About Mysterious Objects Near Sun

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A bizarre report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by Doctor-Scientist
Anatoly Perminov, the head of the Russian Federal Space Agency (FKA),
titled “Who Are They?”, is warning that Russia should “immediately
accelerate” its plan to deflect incoming asteroids he says are “in all
likelihood” being deliberately “shot” towards Earth by an as yet
“unidentified” mysterious planet size “objects” [photo top left]
recently found in the orbit of our Sun.

Dr. Perminov had previously warned that our Earth must prepare for an
asteroid attack and stated, “Peoples' lives are at stake, we should pay
several hundred million dollars and build a system that would ...
prevent a collision, rather than sit and wait for it to happen and kill
hundreds of thousands of people.”

Dr. Perminov further stated that Russian scientists had informed him
that the 850-foot asteroid 99942 Apophis “will surely collide with the
Earth in the 2030s.”

To this latest threat to our Earth Dr. Perminov is warning about, this
report says, is the recent discovery of 2 “unknown” planetary size
objects spotted by NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)
currently in orbit around our sun [photo top left] and whose path
through our Solar System, when tracked backwards by Russian scientists,
finds their being responsible for a “mysterious” collision [photo 2nd
left] of asteroids in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter this
past November (2009) and the naming of one of them as P/2010 A2.

The Sydney Morning Herald in their report titled “Asteroid collision
leaves scientists starstruck” further states about this event:

“The object, called P/2010 A2, was first observed on January 6 by the
Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research program, and astronomers thought it
was a comet. But Hubble images taken on January 25 and 29 show something
far different.

Comets are icy bodies that fall into the inner solar system from distant
reservoirs in the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. As they warm, they shed
particles and water vapour that are pushed away from the comet in a
smooth tail by solar pressure.

But spectra of P/2010 A2 show no gases associated with the object,
indicating there is no water. The main body of the object, which is
about 180 metres across, lies separate from the ''tail,'' and the tail
itself shows an unusual filamentous structure that includes a large
X-shaped portion.

The most likely explanation, said principal investigator David Jewitt of
the University of California Los Angeles, is that two small and
previously unknown asteroids recently collided, creating a shower of
debris that is being swept back into a tail from the collision site by
the presence of sunlight. He said that based on the length of the tail,
about 160,900 kilometres, the collision probably happened just a few
months ago.”

Important to note are that new US calculations showing the orbit of
P/2010 A2 are relating it to the group of asteroids known at the “Flora
Family” that produced the asteroid believed responsible for the
Cretaceous–Tertiary Extinction Event that killed all of the dinosaurs on
our Earth over 65 million years ago.

To the impact these “mysterious” objects are having on our Sun, this
report continues, is evident by their “destroying” the deepest Solar
Minimum in a century and “awakening” it to the point where today reports
are showing the “behemoth sunspot 1045” is now being capable of
unleashing upon our Earth M and X-Class flares, and which NASA has
warned could unleash “catastrophic solar storms” upon us by 2012.

In all celestial events of this type it is important to understand that
Russian scientists vehemently disagree with their Western counterparts
on the origins and makeup of comets and asteroids and do not subscribe
to the “snowball theory” of them but to the “electrical theory” they
believe more completely explains our Earth’s catastrophic past.

Most interestingly about this report is the absence (at least to our
eyes) of whom or what may be controlling these “mysterious” objects
other than stating the likelihood of their being under “intelligent

In turning to our Earth’s most ancient stories, however, there is no
doubt who they say is responsible for our Planet being attacked, and as
we can, in part, read:

  “The Sumerians never called the Anunnaki, 'gods.' They were called
  din.gir, a two-syllable word. 'Din' meant 'righteous, pure, bright;'
  'gir' was a term used to describe a sharp-edged object. As an epithet
  for the Anunnaki 'dingir' meant 'righteous ones of the bright pointed

Sumerian texts break up history into two epochs divided by the Great
Deluge - the Biblical Flood. After the waters receded the great Anunnaki
who decree the fate decided that the gods were too lofty for mankind.
The term used - 'elu' in Akkadian - means exactly that: 'Lofty Ones;'
from it comes the Babylonian, Assyrian, Hebrew, and Ugaritic El - the
term to which the Greeks gave the connotation 'god'.

 From Genesis:

After the sons of God took human wives there were giants in the Earth in
those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the
daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became the
mighty men which were of old, men of renown. The Nefilim were upon the
Earth, in those days and thereafter too, when the sons of the gods
cohabitated with the daughters of the Adam, and they bore children unto
them. They were the mighty ones of Eternity - the people of the shem.'
Nefilim stems from the Semitic root NFL, 'to be cast down.”

Though these ancient stories are dismissed by Western elites as nothing
more than “myths”, it is an interesting fact, nonetheless, that the
thousands of megalithic structures and cities left upon our Earth and
said to have been built by these “gods” are to this very day unable to
be explained as we still do not have the technology to build them for
ourselves, such as the giant 1,000 ton Baalbeck Stone found in Lebanon
and  “The Lost City of the Incas”, Machu Picchu, in Peru so exactly made
no concrete was used in building it, and it has stood for nearly 1,000

To the future of our Earth being struck into oblivion by an asteroid or
comet it is not in our knowing, other than to point out the obvious fact
that if something has happened in the past it will happen again in the
future. And as to the ancient “gods” returning to our Earth as all of
the World’s ancient stories say they intend to do?  Again, we can only
say that what has happened before WILL happen again….the “Spirits in the
Sky” said so.

And, perhaps, one of the most known of these “Sky Spirits” was Jesus the
Christ of whom the English writer, dramatist, and musician Douglas Adams
once said about: “2,000 years ago one man got nailed to a tree for
saying how great it would be if everyone was nice to each other for a

Let’s hope we all do better the next time around.orld’s ancient stories say they intend to do?  Again, we can only
say that what has happened before WILL happen again….the “Spirits in the
Sky” said so.

And, perhaps, one of the most known of these “Sky Spirits” was Jesus the
Christ of whom the English writer, dramatist, and musician Douglas Adams
once said about: “2,000 years ago one man got nailed to a tree for
saying how great it would be if everyone was nice to each other for a

Let’s hope we all do better the next time around.

Offline jessica

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Re: Fun news
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2010, 06:26:36 am »
they are launching the Solar Dynamics Observatory today
we live in such fear of the light that is said to have given all life to the earth


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