Author Topic: Raw Trinity of Health group: raw low carb-sleep and natural light-cold training  (Read 9229 times)

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Offline Adora

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I think the trinity deserves its own area. Diet is an equal part of the trinity and we are all raw, so I don't feel like it belongs in hot topics. The idea is to balance metabolism, hormones, endocrine system, and longevity. So, I put it in health, but I don't care we're it goes only that our forum is able to share with each other.
     The cooked version of the trinity and excellent starting place is available at

A pioneer in cold training is Wim Hoff. He is known as the ice man a has a book I liked on cold training. He has fee info on his website
 I found out about cold training through Wim Hoff and followed his work to allow me to enjoy the beauty of winter in comfort and hopefully to run barefoot in snow.
I am taking cold showers with straight cold water for 71/2 mins. My experience is relax and make room as warm as possible around 70 degrees to mentally prepare. Deep relaxed belly breaths in and out through nose to warm organs and prepare get into shower and expose legs 1st. Progressing toward upper body and face. Then turn around and expose back starting at butt up to neck. I move around to give parts time to warm up a little after I am numb, but not stiff, I expose my head for a few seconds. I continue my little circle dance with the cold water, always checking that my skin is bright red not pale. After the numbness I experience a strong desire to get out. I get out then and dry off I the warm room. It is amazing how warm I feel after leaving the shower. That doesn't last long. Shivering starts and continues for variable time. Sometimes I drink warm tea or stand by my wood stove sometimes I'm OK and I feel extra warm all day.
       I have been no carb for 2 days and I've been much colder and more tiered than ever. Low BS is a big factor for me. The trinity is a process. I'm excited for each new day and night because sleeping is an equal part of the trinity. I believe that when I am hungry, cold, and tiered it reminds me of how off kilter I had become and that I am experiencing deep healing.
       I am going to the fish market to buy wild omega 3 rich fish, I need to look into how to protect myself from the poor polluted fish. Omega 3's are especially importand during cold training. I bought Jack Kruse's cook book and I am very dis sappointed. It's just another paleo cook book not even low carb, and  not particularly omega 3 rich. I was eating a little fruit, avocado, and coconut oil, but I've cut out fruit and avocados, and I'm cutting way back on coconut oil. I'm going to restart butter, continue with egg yolks, and frozen suet and marrow bones. No fresh beef for 2-3 weeks.
       For sleep I'm keeping the lights off after dark and lighting candles. I go to sleep at 8 or 9 if possible. I am sleeping much better, even after the first candle light night. I know this is equally as importand, but it is my worst behavior, so I'm keeping an eye on the clock to make sure I get myself in bed
        I'm hoping Inger will post because she's been doing this the longest and was pretty healthy when she started.
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Offline Haai

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How's it going with this?
"In the modern, prevailing view of the cosmos, we sit here as tiny, unimportant specks of protoplasm, flukes of nature, and stare out into an almost limitless void. Vast, nameless tracts of emptiness dominate the scene. Talk about feeling small.
But we do not look out at the universe; it is, instead, within us, as a rich 3-D visual experience whose location is the mind" - R. Lanza, Beyond Biocentrism.

Offline Inger

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It is going very nice! :)
Because of turbulences in my life I have not been able to post much.. sorry.
But I do this concept still and will forever. Now, it is light here still at 10 PM.. Scandinavian summer. So it comes natural to use no artificial lights, I use sunglasses if I have to read my computer late.. like now. I use no heat and no warm shower as I go swimming in the river every morning. The water is about 15 degrees C right now, very nice. I am not doing long sessions because I recogniced some pretty heavy detox when I did - like feeling down for long time after (2-3 weeks..) I guess this must have been hormonal detox or regulation. I ususally never feel down like that. But along with the separation from my husband and other stresses I cannot take any seroius detox right now so I do just a little. Sometimes icepacks on my belly and face-dunks.
I feel just great...!!! I have the feeling I am getting more definition without doing exercise. Cellulite is reduced. Skin is better, sleep is amazing. I recommend this protocol for everyone, it is that great.
I am waiting for the winter as I am going to do it hardcore then. It will be so exciting! I have been Keto until last week, when I added some high quality fruits for carbs. I eat them about every other day or so. It is going well, looks like my body tolerates them fine. No real problems so far. I will eat some carbs only in season and the carb-season is a short one so far north.
Ok, I am not religiously raw. I eat some lightly cooked fish at times. Does me no harm so far. Meat, fruit, greens, nuts, eggs, organs, fatty fish.. all these I eat always raw. Oh.. I have one ( ! ) organic coffee in the mornings if I want to, with my big breakfast. I usually want, cause I love the taste. I do not need it for energy at all, it is just for the taste and smell and enjoyment.

I have a strong feeling, this protocol works wonder for your hormones....  ;)

Anybody else doing the protocol?


Offline Projectile Vomit

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I like this trinity. I have been doing cold training for a few years, and will hunt down Hof's book. The link you pasted in is incorrect, his current website is here:

Offline Haai

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I am considering giving it a go. I have been back on a low carb diet (only carb source being between 300 and 700g of berries per day) for almost a week now.

I have been reading through some of Dr Kruse's blogposts. After finishing reading those I will decide whether I want to follow his protocol or not.

He seems to be a big fan of coconut oil, which I find a little odd. People in cold climates would have had no access to coconuts.

Have you (Inger or Adora or anyone else following this guy) done his recommended blood tests? He gets his own blood tested every 3 months!
"In the modern, prevailing view of the cosmos, we sit here as tiny, unimportant specks of protoplasm, flukes of nature, and stare out into an almost limitless void. Vast, nameless tracts of emptiness dominate the scene. Talk about feeling small.
But we do not look out at the universe; it is, instead, within us, as a rich 3-D visual experience whose location is the mind" - R. Lanza, Beyond Biocentrism.

Offline sabertooth

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Not very familiar with the entire protocol but..

I follow a similar program of low carb, lots of sun light and cold showers.

I am also into coconut fat

Its almost an essential for me to take cold showers in the summer time. I build up so much more body heat now that I am on a high fat diet, and I need to cool down after working under the hot sun.

I will often have fantasies about wading in cold mountain streams during the heat of midday, but will have to cope with putting my head under a water hose.

A man who makes a beast of himself, forgets the pain of being a man.

Offline Adora

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I'm not training, but I do enough to maintain. I eat all of the carbs I want. I gave ketogenic a good shot and it made me sick. I think the cold training helped with ketogenic, but I have a condition, which I still have not well researched that says I can't function ketogenic. For now I eat fruit and listen to body as much as I can. I miss doing more intense cold therapy. Eating carbs seems fine with ct, for me.
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Offline raw

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Natural light and cold training are common object for village people in Asia and Africa. The simple fact is there are no electric lines are instaled or gas connection and people only have nattural swimming ponds or river to take bath.  Also they burn dry leaves, cow dung or wod for fire to cook. I experienced that living with my grandma. This lifestyle without technology, works like magic. In Asia (especially south-east region), people are on high carb, low protein diet, but they live 100 yrs or more.
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Offline Dorothy

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Raw, what is your ancestral nationality? Did you grandma teach you other things that we could learn from?

Offline raw

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We didn't want to learn anything from grandma. But after living in USA (many decades), now we see what we have lost. She hated to use any tooth paste and brush. She was having a necklace that has needle like objects and after eating, she used to clean her teeth with that. Even in winter, everyday she woke up 4 am in the morning (with roosters) and walked straight down to the river to swim. She didn't like to visit at our home in city,'cause, the electric light made her  O0 blanker (home made) in the sun all day long and those cold winter night to put that blanket , it was such a comfort! Also she used to spend her time entire day wearing minimul clothing and barefoot. Only when she used to go out, she used to cover herself up. My grandma used to know many natural cures of disease, but  we never showed any interest.
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Offline Dorothy

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What nationality was your grandma Raw?
I bet you wish you could talk to her now huh?

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She is from south-east Asia, an Indian. Used to speak 5 languages including English, a mathmatician also. She used to grow her own food, all crafts, potteries, dress maker...etc. and many things she knew. It's a shame that I didn't learn anything like her  -[.
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If you had a picture of her I would put her as my avatar for a while too cuz that sounds like one powerful woman! I wish she was still around and could come talk with all of us.

The good thing is that you have her genes and I bet a lot of what she knew got into you subconsciously just from spending time with her. You seem to be walking in her foot steps. You have a farm right and are raising your own food? You are multi-lingual. I'm sure she would approve and be proud of you.


Offline Adora

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She didn't like to visit at our home in city,'cause, the electric light made her  O0 blanker (home made) in the sun all day long and those cold winter night to put that blanket , it was such a comfort! Also she used to spend her time entire day wearing minimul clothing and barefoot. Only when she used to go out, she used to cover herself up.

Sorry, do you mean the light hurt her eyes, and a blanket was too excessive of a comfort. Did she not use any blanket? Did she sleep on the floor/ground? Did they use oil lamps or candles? How old was you grandma when she died. Would you share a picture? Is there anybody else still alive that you could get the remedies from?
    Thanks for sharing. Your grandma sounds terrific.
know thyself and all of the mysteries of the gods and the universe will be revealed.
Oracle at Delphi

Then began I to thrive, and wisdom to get,
I grew and well I was;
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Odin, who chose to be weak and hang form the tree of the world (the universe), to capture the Runes (wisdom), so he (omnipotent) grew...
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Offline raw

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Oh Dorothy! You are such an angel. Again I don't have any word to tell u. Dear Adora, my grandma said that she got a headache whewn she comes under light. I m sure, she is sensitive against radiation, she used to use oil lamps (lantern). Her childhood was in a deep village like an island where they never seen an automobile or tvs in their lives. My typing is horrible , so I see that I made mistakes when I was writing in this post. Back home, I see people usually use pure cotton bl;anket for the winter. U can't wash them , but dry them under the warm sun. They don't have any synthetic fabrics or blankets that we have here. Life is really good there with some money. But born as poor is like a curse. My grandma was a solvent widow. She slept on a bed like Japanesse bed without mattress, but on a carpet made out of sometype of organic leaves , used as mattress. She died around 70 yrs of age with an unknown illness that she suffered for 50 yrs. Her tips of each fingures and toes used to flush red and extreme heat felt  only after sunset. She suffered from horrible pain and tons of painkillers damage her kidneys and other organs. All I remembered that mom used to bring her in the city to check up with a big doctors and they don't find anything and used to give her pain killer and other drugs. She never had any kind of illness at all. At the age of 70, I didn't see any gray hair. Her all teeth was intect. Her elder sisters and brother are now more then 100 yrs old and they are active elderly people. One of them went to Mecca for pilgrim at the age of 98 (last year) and her body is so so strong. Still that sister (my great auntt) lives in deep village . She eats minimal food, but does her prayer all day long. Believing on her religion so strongly, my grandma was against to take her photos.

The bottom line is, living a simple life can extend the longivity ultimately. Thank u all.
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Offline Adora

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Thanks for the details. I slept with a thin quilt outside. I had a cold bath and wet hair. I was chilly al night, so I didn't sleep soundly. Anything new takes time to get used to. I'll try again tonight I'll do the same, but with dry hair. Inspired by your post.
     Sad to have her die so young and to have been in unexplained pain so many years.
Do you write or visit your aunts?
know thyself and all of the mysteries of the gods and the universe will be revealed.
Oracle at Delphi

Then began I to thrive, and wisdom to get,
I grew and well I was;
Each word led me on to another word,
Each deed to another deed.
Odin, who chose to be weak and hang form the tree of the world (the universe), to capture the Runes (wisdom), so he (omnipotent) grew...
Each true word and deed leads to my manifestation of the true me.

Offline Dorothy

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What wonderful stories raw!

Cold on the ground with wet hair does sound hard. Raw's grandma would go to the river in the morning she said. That timing makes sense so that you can stay warm in the sun and dry off with activity.

Offline Adora

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I haven't done wet hair since. Much better. Less blankets is even tough.
know thyself and all of the mysteries of the gods and the universe will be revealed.
Oracle at Delphi

Then began I to thrive, and wisdom to get,
I grew and well I was;
Each word led me on to another word,
Each deed to another deed.
Odin, who chose to be weak and hang form the tree of the world (the universe), to capture the Runes (wisdom), so he (omnipotent) grew...
Each true word and deed leads to my manifestation of the true me.


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