....Things we experienced while on a raw vegan diet were this: low energy that never got better, reduced strength, a constant feeling of hunger and lack of satiety no matter how much we ate, vitamin and mineral deficiencies determined by blood tests, teeth demineralization, and several other problems.
Same here. You sound like one of the people, like me, whose physiology may be geared more toward meat eating than veganism. The following isn't scientific, but I've noticed the following correlations between physiology and hunting history among Eurasians, particularly Europeans. Do you or your daughter have any of the following:
* red hair or red-haired close relatives (also other light shades like auburn and blonde; if of European ancestry)
* green/hazel eyes or green-eyed close relatives (also other light shades like blue, grey, yellow/amber--Tyler said that even black Africans can have their eyes turn from brown to yellow/amber on a primal diet)
* close male relatives with red/green color blindness
* a genealogy that includes many ancestors from peoples that only adopted intensive crop agriculture relatively recently, historically speaking, or not at all (ex: Native Americans, Celts and the peoples the Celts conquered and intermingled with, Scandinavians, Native Siberians, Native Steppes peoples, and other hunter gatherer and pastoralist peoples)?
* pale/fair skin (if of European ancestry)
* somewhat longer-than-avg canine teeth (like Bob Marley's:
* family history of addiction to alcohol, refined white drugs, or carby foods (pizza, pasta, mac & cheese, cookies, pies, candy, ice cream, soda pop, milk, sub sandwiches, corn dogs, etc.) in the broader family
* family history of more-than-avg acne, dental problems, MS, connective tissue disorders, diabetes (type 1, type 2 or gestational), cancer or other diseases/disorders of civilization
We have found the best solution is to eat the Homo Optimus Diet with ratios of (1:2.5-3.5:0.5-0.(P:F:C) and eat as much of it raw as possible. (We've had amazing experiences with the healing power of raw grassfed liver and kidney.) This can be done in conjunction with Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution. Dr. Bernstein developed diabetes in 1946 at the age of twelve (he's now 76 years old) and has developed a program that can keep blood sugars within the normal range at all times, which eliminates the dreaded complications.
This does sound like you have a more carnivorous than vegan physiology if you're doing well on Homo Optimus and organs. My cousin's children are type 1 diabetics who are doing much better since following one of Dr. Bernstein's books.