Author Topic: Bump on surface of eye  (Read 7993 times)

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Offline raw-al

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Bump on surface of eye
« on: June 27, 2010, 07:16:55 pm »
I have had a bump on the surface of my right eye on the inboard side. It starts at the edge of the iris and proceeds towards the nose.  Sort of appears like a fatty deposit. It doesn't seem to affect my vision or have any bad effect, but I suspect that if it grows it may be problematic. It has a slight yellow tinge which makes me think that in terms of Ayurvedic criteria, it is a kapha (fatty) Pitta (yellow) buildup.

Does anyone know more about it and what to do about it.

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Re: Bump on surface of eye
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2010, 05:44:29 am »
    It's completely on the sclera?  Or part on the iris too?  Is it completely new?  Or seems to you it started a long time ago?  Is it a pinguecula?  I don't know anything, I just want to understand.  Maybe if aajonus does your iridology in future, maybe he'll know about that too.
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Re: Bump on surface of eye
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2010, 05:55:00 am »
   It's completely on the sclera?  Or part on the iris too?  Is it completely new?  Or seems to you it started a long time ago?  Is it a pinguecula?  I don't know anything, I just want to understand.  Maybe if aajonus does your iridology in future, maybe he'll know about that too.
OK you got me on the names of the parts of the eye. I am talking about the white part of the eye.

I have had it in my right eye for many years. I am 57. My vision is very good considering my age as I use 1.0 glasses for reading only.
As far as pinguecula, I do not live in a tropical area but grew up and lived in parts of eastern Canada one coast.

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Re: Bump on surface of eye
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2010, 01:26:19 pm »
I have had a bump on the surface of my right eye on the inboard side. It starts at the edge of the iris and proceeds towards the nose.  Sort of appears like a fatty deposit. It doesn't seem to affect my vision or have any bad effect, but I suspect that if it grows it may be problematic. It has a slight yellow tinge which makes me think that in terms of Ayurvedic criteria, it is a kapha (fatty) Pitta (yellow) buildup.

Does anyone know more about it and what to do about it.

Hi Al! It sounds like my bff has the exact same thing - except it's in her left eye and on the outboard side. It is not really noticeable (unless you really really look), but that may also be because she's 6' and looks like a supermodel. :)  She is in her early 20s and said that she's had it for 10 years. According to her doctor (don't remember if it's eye doctor or another doctor... I'm thinking eye doctor...), it is fatty tissue and isn't harmful or problematic.

It only irritates her sometimes if something's in her eye, the eye gets dry, etc., and she also said it doesn't move with her eyeball. I believe she said that it can be removed if necessary (if it gets bigger, for example) or causes problems. She doesn't have plans to get it removed at the moment. Her vision is great, too. :)  If it bothers you or worries you, I recommend seeing your eye doctor... maybe it's a vestigial nictitating membrane ("third eyelid") when you and my bff were wild cats in another life. :D

I'm not super-versed in Ayurveda, but I think I'm a kapha-vata... do you have RPD-Ayurvedic food recommendations for a kapha-vata? :)

« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 02:10:25 pm by Cinna »

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Re: Bump on surface of eye
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2010, 10:22:54 pm »
Hmmm Kapha-Vata is a tricky one as what pacifies on aggravates the other. They both like heat so summer is a good time, warm clothes spicy foods etc.

Not sure what to say generally regarding raw foods as Ayurveda that I am familiar with is associated with cooked foods and I may have the history off a bit but I was told that Ayurveda was codified by the sages when people moved from the hill country onto the plains and started to eat grains as they could grow them there. The sages recognized that the good health that people had enjoyed would be affected by the grains they were starting to consume. So Ayurveda went from a spoken word/memory type of knowledge to a written down version so people would be able to read the ancient knowledge.

The original knowledge of Ayurveda is not about vegetarian in the least. It talks of smoking herbs, eating meat, wine, and for some illnesses it even mentions sleeping with a women of a certain size and mammary gland size. (size matters) This is in the Caraka Samhita which is the main and most prized book on Ayurveda written roughly around the time Of Christ.

Personally some of the Ayurvedic stuff I learned became less important when I started a raw diet.

What issues do you have generally?
« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 10:29:57 pm by raw-al »

Offline Cinna

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Re: Bump on surface of eye
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2010, 09:17:55 am »
Hmmm Kapha-Vata is a tricky one as what pacifies on aggravates the other. They both like heat so summer is a good time, warm clothes spicy foods etc.

Not sure what to say generally regarding raw foods as Ayurveda that I am familiar with is associated with cooked foods and I may have the history off a bit but I was told that Ayurveda was codified by the sages when people moved from the hill country onto the plains and started to eat grains as they could grow them there. The sages recognized that the good health that people had enjoyed would be affected by the grains they were starting to consume. So Ayurveda went from a spoken word/memory type of knowledge to a written down version so people would be able to read the ancient knowledge.

The original knowledge of Ayurveda is not about vegetarian in the least. It talks of smoking herbs, eating meat, wine, and for some illnesses it even mentions sleeping with a women of a certain size and mammary gland size. (size matters) This is in the Caraka Samhita which is the main and most prized book on Ayurveda written roughly around the time Of Christ.

Personally some of the Ayurvedic stuff I learned became less important when I started a raw diet.

What issues do you have generally?

Autumn is my favorite season - partly because I love warm clothes. I do love spicy foods as well. :)

I never tried eating ayurvedically to balance myself out. I just had/have an interest in things Indian, such as Bollywood-style dancing. :)  I spent three months in Nepal and ten days in India back in the day and I love Indian food (as well as Nepali, Tibetan), but I haven't had very much lately. Yes, I definitely got the impression that Ayurveda addressed cooked foods... especially after scanning what Indian and Ayurvedic cookbooks I have - I was looking for raw food recipes and I found very little. There are better Thai restaurants around me, so I had started leaning towards Thai food because it just felt fresher/raw-er... but I still LOVE Indian food. :)  (and Thai, Middle Eastern, Japanese, almost everything...)

My issues generally are depression, skin issues, and the lethargy/slowness attributed to kaphic constitutions. I just wondered if there possibly were RPD-Ayurvedic recommendations. :)  It's an interesting idea. 

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Re: Bump on surface of eye
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2010, 10:00:25 am »
Specific skin issues?
The other stuff is Kapha although depression can be Vata also. Usually Vata is more associated with anxiety.

Generally I would suggest a lighter diet. Lighter means more raw veges or vege juices, less meat, less fat, dryer foods and pungent flavours. Raw is definitely best for you. Salads are a good idea with no salad dressing. Avoid oils except maybe mustard. Avoid anything unctuous.

Kapha characteristics are (generally) damp, oily, unctuous, slow, gentle, peaceful, content, sweet, dignified, gentle, slow to anger, slow to forget, slow to learn slow to forget, wonderful parent, smooth mellow voice, generally better looking physique as it is well developed, (ie Marilyn Monroe). Learns things slowly and methodically and never forget and become extremely good at whatever eventually.
Heavy and regular exercise is best, push yourself.
I could go on and on but without seeing and talking to you it is difficult to be specific.
Go to where you will find lots of resource info on diet daily routine etc. You will notice that generally following the Kapha diet will make you feel less of your issues.

I find that I am aware of what foods do to me so if I have to eat crap when I travel (I travel a lot) I know what to do about it, so it is very useful.

Offline Cinna

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Re: Bump on surface of eye
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2010, 09:24:09 pm »
Specific skin issues?
The other stuff is Kapha although depression can be Vata also. Usually Vata is more associated with anxiety.

Generally I would suggest a lighter diet. Lighter means more raw veges or vege juices, less meat, less fat, dryer foods and pungent flavours. Raw is definitely best for you. Salads are a good idea with no salad dressing. Avoid oils except maybe mustard. Avoid anything unctuous.

Kapha characteristics are (generally) damp, oily, unctuous, slow, gentle, peaceful, content, sweet, dignified, gentle, slow to anger, slow to forget, slow to learn slow to forget, wonderful parent, smooth mellow voice, generally better looking physique as it is well developed, (ie Marilyn Monroe). Learns things slowly and methodically and never forget and become extremely good at whatever eventually.
Heavy and regular exercise is best, push yourself.
I could go on and on but without seeing and talking to you it is difficult to be specific.
Go to where you will find lots of resource info on diet daily routine etc. You will notice that generally following the Kapha diet will make you feel less of your issues.

I find that I am aware of what foods do to me so if I have to eat crap when I travel (I travel a lot) I know what to do about it, so it is very useful.

Oh, skin issues being not having perfect skin :'( ;D  ... and random itchy, patchy, scaly situations on my hands and scalp especially. Exacerbated by refined sugar and other crap. I've been meaning to see my holistic practitioner/chiro about clearing that, but I've been saving my money for RPD pursuits instead. -\

Perhaps because I'm predominantly kaphic, I've gotten really good at just avoiding situations that would easily make me anxious (vattic). ;)  I am very much a gentle soul - the only part of the kapha profile that doesn't fit me is the physical characteristics. I feel like I kind of have an elephant soul - but I'm not voluptuous physically. More petite (well, petite-out-of-shape-at-the-moment). :D  (I have so much fun with smileys!)

Thanks so much for the link! I'm going to double check my constitution and see how I can approach RPD ayurvedically... exciting. This could really help me out because I need some sort of guidance... lately I have been very confused about what to eat. I can feel my unbalance as I easily do the things that aggravate kapha and just keep me stuck. I don't think I can follow the "ideal daily routine" for kaphas (well, according to one of my books) - I embraced my free-flowing, random-seeming, usually nocturnal, and very un-routine lifestyle... that part I love. But within the non-routine, I do need more structure... for sure!

It's funny/sad, but ever since my foray into RPD, my crap food bingeing has made a fierce comeback. It's just like a pendulum, from left to right:

Crappiest SAD food (i.e., refined sugars/flours, deep-fried foods, processed foods)

Not-the-worst SAD food (raw/cooked veggies, limited grains, organic meats)


So if you imagine this pendulum (with Not-the-worst SAD food in the middle), I was eating pretty consistently in the middle - Not-the-worst SAD food. I was feeling great and looking great - the pendulum gently rocked towards more healthy raw foods and gently rocked back to possibly an indulgence here and not even "there," because I was pretty solid in the middle of the spectrum - didn't feel tempted to "cheat," felt sated, etc. But I wanted more health, vitality, etc., so I swung hard towards RPD (it's not like I even jumped into it, but I can see that it takes me a long time to transition into things - more than the average pittic ;) - I was/am a late bloomer). The greater I swing towards what I currently consider the healthiest way to go (RPD), the greater I swing the opposite direction into Crappiest SAD food.

So I can't even say that I'm healthier since introducing RPD (about two months ago) because I'm eating more SAD crap now than before I introduced RPD. And I deliberately use the word "introduced" instead of "started," because I'm sure I would be progressing better if I made myself eat more RPD or transitioned more slowly (cold turkey would not work for me). It's just funny/sad... the more RPD I eat, the more bad SAD I eat. And the more bad SAD I eat, the more depressed and discouraged and out-of-shape I get. I'm also aware that a lot of stress and just the general stress of change - no matter how wonderful and life-giving - have made the pendulum go crazy. But I haven't given up. Thank you so much for the advice - it's so encouraging. I will proceed in a more light, thoughtful, slow, methodical, witnessing/observing way. (Because of the SAD bingeing, I've been even more brutal on myself.) I feel unbalanced and neurotic, so I do need to take care to transition into RPD in a way that is best for me. I won't compare myself to other people (i.e., judge myself). :)

I do have AV's books for reference and will investigate how I can use Primal Diet for my specific issues. Concurrently, I will be researching an Ayurvedic approach, too. Sounds like fun! ;D

P.S. I became a Scavenger today! :o (my very first Shocked smiley on this forum! :o and my second!)


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