I am in the beginnings of a case study into the benefits that raw paleo foods have on developing humanoids. I have my self and four children (and possibly more to come) as subjects. Even before my own transformation that occurred about 15 months ago, I had already discovered the beneifits of raw foods for children. All of mine were fed raw breast milk, and supplemented with a homemade formula that included raw eggs and goats milk. I also used cod liver oil from an early age.
Now I will make a general disclaimer that I by no means am forcing them onto my own very strict 100% raw diet, but I have laid out a plan that includes grain and processed food restrictions, and high amounts of animal fats, with the inclusion of many raw paleo foods. I believe I am on to something , but only time will tell. I hope that perhaps I could keep the progress of my endeavor within this archive for others to use as a guide to raising their own young. I still suggest that everyone have to use their own intuition when it comes to what they feed their children.
That being said from what I have witnessed this diet has the potential to nourish a future generation of people with the health and vitality of the original Olympians.
My four children where conceived and harbored in a womb that was as well nourished as I could provide for at the time. They came into this world without the use of pain killing drugs, and I have never had any of them vaccinated. I am poor and am attempting to feed them as organically as possible on a limited budget , so there is no way for me to keep their diets 100% paleo approved, but my hopes are to cultivate a clan with iron stomachs, as my hillbilly ancestors had accomplished, so that no matter what occasional junk they may eat they will be able to handle it.
For the most part I try to keep their diets high in animal fats. I will bake a yam, and then cover it in either rendered lamb fat, or pasture butter. Simple steps like this can have amazing results.
As for my own childrens' favorite paleo foods, I would have to go with bone marrow, both my younger daughters love raw marrow by itself, and they will often hound me for my last bit. RAW MARROW IS A SUPER FOOD! I have been eating a good bit of it lately and its given me very real benefits. Its one of the best things to feed young growing children.
Raw eggs are also a favorite food for my two year old.
We have backyard chickens and she will help me gather the eggs and drink them right from the shell. (Back yard free range eggs are great for children)
My two younger ones will also eat plain red meat, although my older boy has to have it cooked. I think the main point is to start them out on small bits of meat and fat as the first finger foods, before fruits.
I am personally more carnivorous, but I still provide a varied selection of fresh fruit and veggies for my children. Avocados are an other super food that should be give to children as a first food. My two year old will eat about a whole avocado in one sitting. I also give them small servings of berries as well as different other fruits. I have given them raw carrots to teeth on, my son still has random cravings for carrots and he will eat a whole carrot as a snack when he feels like it.
Here's some random pictures of a most randomly beautiful day.
I have got the most excellent leg of lamb and have eaten a bag of clams. The children are covered in blue berries and blood and are about as happy as any children I know. My life is about as good as it gets. Which is miraculous considering the despair I was experiencing just 16 months ago.