Nearly 1000 studies and articles in scientific journals, that seems to be enough to talk about to me!'m downloading a .pdf right now titled 'Nutrients and Epigenetics' so I will post after I read it as I'm sure there will be some fascinating info in there that is highly relevant to this forum. Cheers!
Edit: Ok, just finished, this is so exciting, here is the first quote so you guys can get excited too, there will be lots more to come as this document should be a gold mine of info!
"The scope of this book is to focus on the novel attractive roles of
nutritional factors in epigenetic mechanisms and their effects on physi-ologic and pathologic processes. Why is this topic so intriguing? Certainly
because epigenetics, although inherited, is reversible; therefore, it is poten-tially modifiable, also by nutrients. Little is known, however, about nutri-tion and epigenetic relationships, especially the mechanisms through
which nutrients may modulate epigenetics. The growing interest in epige-netics38 is opening up this fascinating field with captivating insight into
the pathogenesis of several diseases, which may lead, hopefully, to thera-peutic possibilities."
The reason this quote is so important is because it's answering questions as to the mechanics of our way of eating. Strictly speaking, we don't need to know that, we know it works, the point is to be healthy and that's that, howeverrrr, it will really help us to teach others if we can explain what is going on here.
The above quote basically says, that even if you have some fucked up genes because your dad worked as a gas pump attendant or your mom was a douchebage and smoked 2 packs a day washed down with gin and tonic while you were in the womb, there's hope that you can undo that damage. Or that if you did damage to your genetic code when you lived on a SWD diet or did a bunch of drugs or whatever, you can undo that damage with food alone. Pretty sweet!!!
"In recent years, epigenetics has been among the most rapidly growing
fields in molecular science. In fact, epigenetics has revealed new mecha-nisms responsible for development, aging, and disease process such as
cancer development. One major epigenetic phenomenon in the eukaryote
cell is DNA methylation, which attributes to gene expression and integ-rity. Deepening the knowledge on one-carbon metabolism is very impor-tant to understanding DNA methylation because DNA methylation is
directly associated with the status of AdoMet, a unique methyl donor, and SAdoHcy, an inhibitor of methyltransferases, both of which are
metabolites of one-carbon metabolism and can be influenced by dietary
nutrients, such as methionine, choline, betaine, folate and vitamin B12.