I had a pup die because of worms, It was a doberman Pyrenees mix we named Zeus,It was only 8 weeks old. The mother had been habitually dewormed with chemical treatments, and was dosed in early pregnancy as well as fed dry kibble, the pups were placed in a pin were they lived in their own filth . There are so many factors that contributed to the infestation but I blame the systematic use of dewormers which is know to be harmful to fetuses and when used often enough can be damaging. I got the dog home and within a day I noticed worms in the stool , and then it started to cough them out, by that time it was to late and the dog died. I wasn't worried at first because my other dog a great Pyrenees named aslan we picked up off a goat farm and its mother had never been dewormed and was feed kibble but also goat scraps, the pup had the same worms in its stool , but after a few weeks they seemed to disappear and he grew into a healthy beast on a diet deer scraps and kibble. So I think terrain has everything to do with whether you become infested or not. A dog born on a farm and never dosed with the wormer shouldn't have to worry about dieing of worms if its well nourished and nursed for long enough then the immune system should purge troublesome worms.
I am not concerned with hook worms or tape worms because from what I have learned about them is that they only seem to infest people with poor diets and preexisting immune issues, I do often wonder about trichinosis, which is fairly common even in cooked neat eaters, Its said that 7 persent of autopsies in the southeastern US find trichinosis, and that 20% of the population is infected with it at some point in their life, so its prevalent even in cooked meat eaters, and as one ages and the immune system weakens they can get out of control and cause premature aging and early death. I knew an Indian healer woman who's father had died of Trichinosis, She was the one who said I was infested with parasites, Which I was. I had blood parasites, fungal infection, and lord knows what else, but trichinosis is a candidate,its only diagnosed in the acute cases and moist people with it are asymptomatic. All that doesn't bother me now that I feel well I don't mind the company, ,except for the trichinosis which I know I must have some of the little buggers hidding out in my tissue just waiting for me to get old and weak to emerge and wreak havoc. I think that paleo people had trichinosis as well but the purity of the diet and the strength of the immune system could keep it in check