I did a fast a while back which lasted 6 days. During that fast I experienced some pain in the upper right abdomen, and I also noticed I was passing some stuff in stool even up to the 6th day, which looked like small off yellowish pebbles... I didn't at that time have any idea what gall/liver-stones looked like, or even have an idea the pain may have been in my liver/gallbladder. I didn't really have any idea where the stuff might be coming from.
Anyway... I've just seen what gall/liver-stones may look like(internet), and they look just like my recollection(it could be false) of the stuff I passed.
Since that fast I have been conscious of feeling that area in my abdomen sometimes, and when running for extended periods I can get a stitch there too(and in my right shoulder). However I hadn't done much extended running for about 1 year until recently, despite doing lots of exercise for most of that time...
Do you think I should fast again, to finish the job? Or try some other method? Is it possible that the stones would be passing anyway, but I just wouldn't notice them when I'm eating lots of other stuff..? I'm wondering if just running to the point of getting a stitch every day will clear them out.
I have plenty of symptoms which suggest to me I have problems with the liver/gallbladder area. Symptoms I had before paleo/raw-paleo and which I still have. I've only had positive improvements from eating first paleo, then more from raw paleo by the way(MAJOR improvements...)... It's just that as more severe/obvious problems are reduced/eliminated, my focus turns to smaller and smaller(though greatly significant) issues.
It's pretty bad that I don't know if I'm passing these things anyway. Could be the same stuff's still coming out but it's just mixed in with other stuff and I can't see it. What exactly about fasting could have triggered the release of gall/liver-stones, if it did..?