Author Topic: Left side weaker than right plz?  (Read 9570 times)

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Offline the PresiDenT

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Left side weaker than right plz?
« on: October 17, 2010, 11:27:13 am »
i have noticed that the left side of my body, specifically my core is weaker than my right and has been for a while. I dont work out (lift weights much) but i am very active and mobile. I did conciously realize today that when standing still i keep my left hand in my back pants pocket and use it as support like i cant hold my body up straight. this is odd cause i am 21 and very athletic. Any tips for stregthening/ do you know what cuases this? i was reading it could be a brain thing(ms or whack shit) :S ...(scary) .   ty, andrew
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Offline kurite

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Re: Left side weaker than right plz?
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2010, 11:41:02 am »
What sports do you do? I play lots of tennis so my right shoulder and tricep are stronger than my left.
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Re: Left side weaker than right plz?
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2010, 01:36:18 pm »
do u use ur both hands for work? the strength i've on my right hand , isn't the same on my left hand. in asian culture, most of us are right handed. i'm training my toddler to work with both hands. it is necessary.
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Re: Left side weaker than right plz?
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2010, 02:21:33 pm »
i have noticed that the left side of my body, specifically my core is weaker than my right and has been for a while. I did conciously realize today that when standing still i keep my left hand in my back pants pocket and use it as support like i cant hold my body up straight.
How long were you standing?
It may have to do with your bone structure perhaps. Does one leg/hip seem higher than the other?
Idon't know. Sounds strange, I hope you figure it out.  ;)

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Re: Left side weaker than right plz?
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2010, 08:47:28 pm »
You'll have to assess whether it's serious or not

Don't mean to scare you, it's probably nothing.. But left side weakness is often due to serious brain disease, i.e. tumors, MS, neuropathy
Take everyones advice with a grain of salt. Try things out for your self and then make up your mind.

Offline dsohei

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Re: Left side weaker than right plz?
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2010, 12:56:47 am »
i have a similar issue, and been working on it for a while now, its slowly healing. here are some ideas.

as much as possible do left handed things: brushing teeth, signing your name, using utensils.
as much as possible cross your hemispheres by touching left hand to right side of body and vice versa. research brain gym, cross crawl exercises, hook-up exercises etc.
when in meditation, touch fingertips together at heart center.
imagine large white X's in the air in front of you that cross all planes.
do slow eye and neck and tongue rolls in all directions, X's and figure 8's.

when imagining what the problem looks like, also imagine what the right, strong side looks like and literally teach the left side to be like that too. this is existential and "imaginary" but your subconscious doesn't care. an example is, my initial thought is that my right side is "golden light" but my left side is "stringy black". so i imagine the stringy black changing to synchronous pulsing gold and CONSISTENTLY hold it there with intention, checking back in with myself every so often to make sure.

with exercise and neuro-muscular rehab - correct asymmetries using gray cooks' functional movement systems. this is kind of straightforward if you start learning his methodology.

see a chiropractor or pilates instructor  to ensure that your bones are in place symmetrically, especially hip/sacrum. left jaw misalignment can effect whole left side of body. also ear infections (even as a child), and tooth decay even if it's a filled cavity may have hidden infections.

since the left side of the body is right brain - do more wholistic, creative, visual activities. photography, art, drawing, painting, music.

Offline the PresiDenT

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Re: Left side weaker than right plz?
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2010, 02:05:27 am »
What sports do you do? I play lots of tennis so my right shoulder and tricep are stronger than my left.
I think you hit it on the head, ty. I play a lot of sports but no workouts really excecpt lots of biking. Lots of tennis too (right handed all one hand sports, left handed all two handed sports;hockey, baseball, and i snowboard/skateboard regular) I do see a chiro weekly (they got me going on paleo, big advocates) and i belive its my lack of use of left hand. its just kinda gone gimp without use. from now on i am left handed :D
TY guys, much appreciated. I find this forum so helpful as its like asking a team of doctors, not just one person.
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Offline MoonStalkeR

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Re: Left side weaker than right plz?
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2010, 03:00:15 am »
It's most likely your right side being used more. On another note, do you have any bone deformities like a crooked spine?

Offline raw-al

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Re: Left side weaker than right plz?
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2010, 07:09:31 am »
I think you hit it on the head, ty. I play a lot of sports but no workouts really excecpt lots of biking. Lots of tennis too (right handed all one hand sports, left handed all two handed sports;hockey, baseball, and i snowboard/skateboard regular) I do see a chiro weekly (they got me going on paleo, big advocates) and i belive its my lack of use of left hand. its just kinda gone gimp without use. from now on i am left handed :D
TY guys, much appreciated. I find this forum so helpful as its like asking a team of doctors, not just one person.

It's a good idea to get in the habit of using both sides and favour the weak side for awhile. I used to roller blade a lot and I made a habit of turning both directions equally. Huge difference.

Also I suggest using your left hand to write (if you are right handed) There is some studies that have been done and apparently it is a good thing to develop the fine motor skills also.

I remember reading about the guy who was the first to fly a radio controlled helicopter upside down. He trained himself for a long time by taping his right hand fingers together and doing everything with his left hand. From work done with astronauts they have determined that if you can do something for thirty days it is imprinted in your brain. They gave them glasses that turned everything upside down. If they gave up at three weeks they lost the ability to do it and had to start over again but at a month it was locked in.

Whole Brain Thinking by Jacquline Wonder and Priscilla Donovan is an old book that it an interesting read.

Offline the PresiDenT

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Re: Left side weaker than right plz?
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2010, 04:49:10 am »
It's a good idea to get in the habit of using both sides and favour the weak side for awhile. I used to roller blade a lot and I made a habit of turning both directions equally. Huge difference.

Also I suggest using your left hand to write (if you are right handed) There is some studies that have been done and apparently it is a good thing to develop the fine motor skills also.

I remember reading about the guy who was the first to fly a radio controlled helicopter upside down. He trained himself for a long time by taping his right hand fingers together and doing everything with his left hand. From work done with astronauts they have determined that if you can do something for thirty days it is imprinted in your brain. They gave them glasses that turned everything upside down. If they gave up at three weeks they lost the ability to do it and had to start over again but at a month it was locked in.

Whole Brain Thinking by Jacquline Wonder and Priscilla Donovan is an old book that it an interesting read.
Ya i like the tapping thing. i am now driving w left hand and opening doors/eating, mouse, ect. I DO forget sometimes so the tape is awesome. TY guys
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Re: Left side weaker than right plz?
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2010, 04:57:52 am »
Great idea with the mouse. I switched it over. By using the recessive hand it apparently has an amazing effect on your thought process.

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Re: Left side weaker than right plz?
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2010, 10:33:19 pm »
I had this problem once before. I thought it was very odd because I'm mostly left handed. My weakness was due to some sort of growth on my brain behind my right eye. Doctors assumed it was a tumor. I couldn't grip things easily, I had a hard time propping myself up with my left arm, I started standing funny, and eventually ended up with seizures. Before I found about about the growth, I thought it was due to intense physical therapy on the right side of my body when I was younger. I ended up with hyperdeveloped muscles in my right arm and shoulder because of it.

Offline raw-al

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Re: Left side weaker than right plz?
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2010, 10:39:25 pm »
Another fascinating book is "The Brain That Changes Itself"
An amazing look at some of the incredible advances in the way that disabilities can be turned into super-abilities that demonstrate the concepts of brain plasticity or ability of the brain in a sense to morph in it's functions when injury or birth causes issues that seem insurmountable. (how's that for a run-on sentence...  ;D )


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