Author Topic: Wikileaks horror  (Read 8447 times)

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Offline raw-al

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Re: Wikileaks horror
« Reply #25 on: January 21, 2011, 07:55:42 pm »
Just out of curiosity, how do you fund highways, libraries, schools, police, government, whatever, without taxes?
Not meaning to pick on this post but just a general group of posters who believe that the tax system is fair.

The tax system is not some great proletariat leap forward. The people who set up the system are not fools, they are the ones who tend to have the money and don't want to leak any of it out. I worked for a guy that had a jet and all the toys. These characters buy all their toys in pre-tax dollars. Their whole life is paid for with pre-tax dollars. Their company makes the money and they spend it on "business related equipment"  ;D so there is no "profit" at the end of the year, just more "assets" that look strangely like toys. Everything from their booze to food to homes are funded with pre-tax dollars. Once in a while someone gets caught getting carried away with the theft.

Our industrial system is set up "by these people, for these people".

These characters pay no tax. They don't pay for schools and highways. The rest of us poor slobs with a paycheque get nailed to the wall every time we get a pay stub.

We think;
"we're so clever and classless and free,
but we're all fucking peasants as far as I can see" John Lennon "Working Class Hero"
If you don't believe me read "Rich Dad Poor Dad" He spells it out plus some history to show the lineage of this system.

Now having said this what is the choice??? Communism only breeds poverty and the same sort of social stratification done in another way.

TD's suggestion of a flat tax is the way to go.


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Re: Wikileaks horror
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2011, 07:40:11 pm »
TD's suggestion of a flat tax is the way to go.

A flat tax on production and creativity that requires resource. I am against a tax on individual labour because it is hard not to view it as a protection racket. "Hello sir, we are the cosa government and we have an offer you cant refuse". In Denmark we have 100's of international companies that does not pay taxes because of lucrative mother/daugher company loopholes. Companies such as McDonalds, Nestlé and Coca Cola are running a disasterous business in Denmark. Every year they come out 'in red' and thus there arent any money to pay tax from. You cant pay taxes of dept, obviously. But when you look at how many costumers each of them serve per day, one have to ponder.

Most of you probably know the trick. The daughter company buys the burger patch they sell at a dollar from the mother company at 1.5 dollars. The money stays in the McDonalds loop, but the individual daughter company will look as if it is running in deficit. Our politicians are either too stupid or too smart to make these companies bleed through the nose, like it should.

The larger the company, the larger the flat rate because at the end of the day, they are the fuckers who take the heaviest toll on the collective pool of resource. If these international giants were forced to pay a normal tax like everybody else, no individual worker would have to. And the system would still be left with more money than it has now.

Instead of being (like they rightfully should be) a main provider, they are the most expensive welfare clients instead. After all, poor fuckers are running with a deficit!



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