Author Topic: because we all breathe air...right?  (Read 2716 times)

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Offline jessica

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because we all breathe air...right?
« on: March 21, 2011, 10:39:13 am »

i am not sure this is even a factor of your health you all consider, but environment is just as important as diet, if not more.
there is a lot of chemical "geoengeneering"/"climate control" that occurs in the skies over colorado as well as arizona(and all over the world, although i have not witnessed this myself for the obvious reasons...why would i even want to fly after considering this type of atrocity?, i have noticed this for years and also monitored my own health and that of others in regards to the amount of toxins in the air....fatigue, swollen eyes, soreness, lethargy, more recently the air has been so foul(honestly, i am really sensitive to bad air, even when people drive by in cars and are smoking or have a car freshener or i walk past a house doing laundry with conventional perfumey/chemical detergent i can hardly breath!)
regardless this website goes very well in depth into the immensity of the effect and widespread use of geoengeneering and its possibly motives and effects...........i believe this because i have witnessed it in my hometown, in other states and have had my own health affected by is really incompassitating to think there is such evil among men, and such cowardice as to let this take place instead of figuring out a more compassionate way to resolve whatever problem this is trying to fix..........anyway just something to consider, a little bit more important that the protein content of cow testicles

Offline raw-al

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Re: because we all breathe air...right?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2011, 11:27:00 pm »
Not sure if I am missing something but the chemtrails look more like contrails or condensation trails that forms when jet or avgas is burned by an aircraft at high altitude where the temperatures are below freezing. For reasons I cannot explain the contrails appear and disappear behind aircraft.

Offline CHK91

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Re: because we all breathe air...right?
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2011, 11:48:41 pm »

With the sheer number of people that would need to be involved in this operation, and the fact that not one whistleblower has given genuine details of the supposed operation, this assertion seems far-fetched. Also, why would these supposed "new world order" overlords want to poison themselves and their children/family.

Come on... Seriously.

There are so many assertions on that site, and I bet they don't consider the possibility that they might be wrong.

The thing about conspiracy theorists (they must have amygdalas the size of grapefruits :P) that is really strange is that they think almost every bad event is or could be a conspiracy (even the Earthquake in Japan/nuclear crisis via secret government earthquake weapons).

These symptoms you describe probably come from pollution/allergenic compounds at ground level. You genuinely do not know that any secret chemicals have caused these symptoms.

Poor tolerance of chemicals mean that your body's ability to detox chemicals is not as functional as it should be. I had chemical sensitivities that was really bad. It has improved a lot being on this diet, and things that used to bother no longer do.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 12:00:21 am by CHK91 »
All I want is the truth... Just gimme some truth.
"I wanna be the minority."

Offline raw-al

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Re: because we all breathe air...right?
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2011, 12:02:01 am »
Eating animal fat helps to protect and get rid of pollutants


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