Author Topic: I suspect that I have a problem digesting raw eggs  (Read 2297 times)

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Offline Warren D

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I suspect that I have a problem digesting raw eggs
« on: January 29, 2012, 08:55:56 pm »
I am very keen on raw whole eggs. I will quite happily have a couple of raw eggs with every meal and also as a snack before bed if I'm feeling a little empty. Sometimes they don't seem to settle very well though and I have felt nauseous. I have never felt nauseous when I have had boiled, fried or poached eggs though.
My digestion has never been great and I often take a multi enzyme digestive tablet. I had heard that raw egg white can be hard to digest for some people. This may be true but it doesn't make sense to me because  I find raw meat digests very well so why aren't raw eggs digesting well too?

Offline aLptHW4k4y

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Re: I suspect that I have a problem digesting raw eggs
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2012, 10:10:55 pm »
I'd suggest you try only egg yolk (without the sac) and see how that works. The egg white has some antinutrients which get deactivated only by heat so that may explain why you're fine with cooked eggs.

Offline raw-al

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Re: I suspect that I have a problem digesting raw eggs
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2012, 07:34:12 am »
I find that I consume less eggs than I used to and I eat them hole, by just poking a couple of holes in the shell and sucking out the contents.
If I eat more than one at a time I do not feel great, but one is fine.

Consider eating less.

If I cook them I get bigtime indigestion since gong raw.


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