A relative who is an allopathic doc mentioned that honey has been found to have botulism in it. I believe that somehow it was pasteurized but I don't know for sure.
What I do know is that Ayurveda says to never eat honey that has ever been heated more than the temperature of tea that you can drink easily. It causes toxins to be formed that will aggravate Pitta. Prior to having unheated honey I was unable to eat honey. It would burn my throat and give me indigestion. Now that I have discovered unheated honey and butter I can eat all I want with seemingly no bad effects. We have trouble with early season honey as it is too strong but we are both Pitta so a Kapha person would find the opposite to be true.
Honey is the only sweetener that can be eaten by a kapha person or a person that easily gains weight. Small to moderate amounts only. It has a heating effect on the body.
Ayurveda also says to not eat honey and ghee together in exactly the same proportions as it is bad news. However it also says that it is very good to eat them in proportions that are double or triple, ie have double the quantity of one or the other. They are complementary and have a synergistic effect that is very good. BTW your taste buds will tell you what is apropos.
Honey and ghee (not sure if this transfers to raw butter, but I seem to think it does.) are part of a group of foods that are considered anupans. This means that they are considered to be for transporting nutrients to the seven basic tissues (Dhatus); plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, nerve and bone marrow, and reproductive tissue. Honey is for transporting to the blood and muscle and ghee is for producing ojas, increasing digestive fire, increasing the bhutagnis (elemental fires in the liver which govern the transformation of food in the body) It does not clog the liver as do other oils and fats, but strengthens it.
However having said all this I will have to check on whether honey is OK for infants.