If i'm not mistaken, doesn't ayurveda (sp)? recommend good amounts of cooked foods as well? I personally find that i need to cook vegetables and such now. Are you familiar with the yin/yang principle in eating? As in cooked eggs are more yang than raw eggs,etc.
Yes and no. LOL
Ayurveda has a long history. Originally, the knowledge was just the usual folk knowledge that people had from living in a certain area. It wasn't like folks went to the apothecary when they had problems. They had no word for nature because everything was nature and everything was potential food. The knowledge base grew and then at some point a very bright person(s) came up with a theory that separates Ayurveda from the pack and they wrote it down.
This theory was/is the dosha theory, although really that theory is but a small part of a larger theory that explains the origins of creation 'Srishti Utpatti Karma' or Eternal Process Of Creation where we transformed from being part of God to having a human form.
Ayurveda was originally all about eat drink and have Mary
It was about what will cause you issues and if you have the issues what to do about it. It had nothing to do with cooking or raw food.
Basically if you have a wasting disease you eat the flesh of an animal which is robust and large. If your disease is from overconsumption or overweight, then you should eat the flesh of an animal which is small, wimpy and thin like goat. If you have a wasting disease in the winter, then sleep with a robust (large breasted) woman. Remember this was written by guys. In order to keep yourself internally clean, there is a chapter in the Caraka Samhita on smoking to keep yourself healthy and laxatives etc.
Eventually the people who administered this system (Brahmins or priests) started hearing about enlightenment and spirituality. Then they started adopting it and some of that theory was enmeshed with eating vegetarian.
Whether this was because a vegetarian diet is considerably cheaper and thus a monk could subsist on very little cost and meditating consumes very little energy, or if it is as I have heard that the ultimate state in the seven states of consciousness, Asamprajnatasamadhi is only possible on the very light vegetarian diet, I cannot say for sure.
I have other stories, but time is short.
Anyways, grains cannot be eaten uncooked generally, so thus Ay. seems to say eat cooked.
There may be references to a certain a food, but not necessarily how to prepare it (cooked or raw).
Regarding cooked eggs. I love to eat them but I do not like the very upset stomach I get from eating them.
I am insufficiently familiar with Yin/Yang to comment on it.