Well, my consultation went quite well! I wish it was longer, because I didn't get to ask a few questions, however I emailed them so hopefully he'll get around to replying to me sometime.
Basically, he said he's worked with many people with MS over the years (he's a ND), and in his expierience, the diet that works best is very very high in fat, quite low in carbs, and moderate in protien. He advocates quality foods (like I already eat, grassfed, wild etc), that are raw or cooked as little/gently as possible (just barely searing meat/steam veggies lightly). He said raw meat is great! And also that meat and veggies shouldn't be combined...which might explain my veggies = bloating problem. He also said to start smaller and with the more soft, easy-to-digest veggies like cucumber, baby lettuce etc. I seem to get that even with a small amount of veggies combined with my meat, or visa-versa. Given his expertise in this area, and the fact that what he suggests is quite close to what I was leaning towards already (it is nice to have someone validate your assumptions, though!), I'm going to give what he's told me a good try.
So, basically:
~raw or barely seared grassfed meat and sashimi fish (I'm going to probably get about 1/3 of my meat fresh bison, and 2/3 frozen highland beef, due to cost. And then wild tuna sashimi once a week or so).
~a large green salad (with lots of leafy greens and other green veggies, sea veggies, olives, onions...etc, at least 1/2 avocado, plus raw olive oil and ACV for dressing), as well as fermented veggies.
~lots of fat with everything--3 TBSP raw coconut oil per day, cream, butter, backfat, suet, marrow, eggs, raw cheese. I think fat is the answer to my constipation--I *though* I was eating a lot of fat, but now that I am trying to follow his reccomendations, it seems I really wasn't after all!
~supplement with a lot of fermented cod liver oil and krill oil (not sure if I can afford both, but I'll be doing FCLO for sure, as it makes me feel WAYYYYY better...vitamin D!!)
~also, no fruit, honey, nightshades, sugar or grains (obviously LOL).
So, in light of the proper food combining for good digestion, I think I'm going to try something like this...
#1--morning--lemon or lime in warm water
#2--breakfast--raw eggs or barely warmed omlette with raw cheese or smoothie (cultured cream, eggs, butter, maybe some vanilla or cinnamon?)
#3--work lunch @5pm--sashimi with coconut aminos + wasabi or raw meat + spices + fat (on my 2 days off per week, I might sear it for like 2 seconds, just for flavor).
#4--work snack @9:30pm--large green salad
#5--before bed snack @11pm--a cup of bone broth with salt/spices/fat if I'm really hungry/seaweed flakes
So, this is my plan so far. We'll see how it goes!! :-) So far I feel pretty good, and I've done the second half of my plan today (everything minus the breakfast)...I do feel much more grounded and satiated with all this fat. And no ill-effects from the dairy! I did mention the dairy-MS link, but he said that he feels dairy is a great food even for people with MS (obviously unless you have an actual allergy to it), and as I said before, I'm pretty sure all those dairy-MS link studies are done on pasturized, homogonized, Holstien dairy that I'm sure we ALL can agree is poison!