Would you care to comment on the plusses and minuses of Gary vs. Ron?
Thank you for the kind words, Phil.
Johnson v Paul?
I don't find either to be the perfect candidate, but at the time of writing I preferred Johnson. As of this moment, I prefer Paul. That is based soley on one stance Gary took recently regarding taxation. Namely, he endorses Fair Tax (a system that does away with income tax and replaces it with a 23% national sales tax).
Stupid plan that has, for some odd reason, gained a lot of traction. Possibly worse than Cain's 9-9-9 (though it would depend on real-time rates of inflation, cost of living, etc).
By contrast, Paul wants to eliminate the income tax and replace it with nothing.
Johnson ultimately wants that, too...and both want to lower or eliminate the corporate tax (which both rightly point out is a double tax [at least when there is also a personal income tax]).
A big reason for my original stance was because I like Johnson's ideas on immigration better, and he's served in the executive branch for 8 years (Paul has served longer, but only in the legislative branch). I also thought that Johnson would make a better inspirational figure because of his back story. Both come from not-rich homes, both built successful businesses in the private sector, both have little personal baggage, and both are in excellent physical condition (something I think a role model & inspirational figure should value). But while Paul hits the gym 5 days a week, Johnson is a triathlete and has scaled
Mt Everest (he did so with a broken leg).
Doesn't get much more inspirational than that.
My position NOW is that Paul is a charismatic figure who has inspired a large movement, forced issues on the table that are now becoming mainstream (audit &/or abolish the Fed, end costly wars overseas, end the war on drugs, etc), and that his fiscal policies need to be implemented NOW. If not, we may be looking at a financial collapse of epic proportions. If that happens, any disagreements I have with him over immigration and the like (or disagreements others have with him over foreign policy or health care) won't matter.
No one wants to hop the border to a country with no jobs, and no terrorist will waste time, effort, & money attacking a nation that has collapsed, and no one will worry about health-care (free or otherwise) when they aren't even sure how they will house & feed their families.