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Instincto wannabe introduces himself
« on: January 25, 2014, 07:58:08 am »
Hello everybody!

First of all I wanted to say that I'm very happy, and also grateful that such a community exists. Before I found out about this website I thought there was only about a hundred people who ate or at least considered eating raw plant and animal food. According to the thousands of members on this forum and others one could say that I was wrong :)

I'm a 19 years old male who currently lives in Belgium. The reason I'm interested in such a diet is because I have been dealing with different health issues for a long time. I've been experiencing a state of depression since I was fifteen, which has made me feel quite numb emotionally, less active and has decreased the quality of my social skills/life. My energy levels have always been quite low too, rarely feeling dynamic,except on some occasions like after exercising or sometimes at night. I also seem to have receding gum, probably due to the orthodontic treatment I've had younger (still wearing back braces  -\ ).
I also, and maybe primarily want to get into this diet because I think it is the most beneficial for us humans and don't want to pass away without having lived life at my full potential. The instincto diet makes total sense to me, as we can see examples of it occurring in nature everywhere.

Just last week I found something quite interesting in the fun fact section of a random magazine. It stated that "domestic cats, when put in front of a large variety of foods, will select the same amount of lipids, carbohydrates and protein than a wild cat would in it's environment".
Ain't that instincto  8)

I currently have been eating mainly organic, and have tried different animal foods raw, after exploring this website. Liver actually didn't taste as bad as some starters stated, probably because being a mushroom lover the consistence didn't really bother me :p
Lately I have just been following a slightly "healthier" version of a standard diet. I have eaten wild game bought at the local delhaize (belgian supermarket) during hunting season and have tried to eat more raw foods like fruits, salads, root-plants etc. I don't eat raw animal products that often because I usually eat with my flatmates or family and I guess I'm not comfortable yet or strong-willed enough to expose my "strange conducts" to everybody. I feel isolated enough already  -[. Actually a bit less since finding this website ;)

I'm also trying to follow a more relevant and paleo lifestyle: I have switched to barefoot running, I practice crossfit training, I have ditched my pillow and am planing to sleep on more ground-like surface, connected to the earth with some grounding sheets I just bought. I'm also trying to loose the habit of craking my back constantly which has caused a loss of motion capacity (something about areas of hyper and hypo-mobility being created by over stimulation of the back).

I've noticed, on this forum and on GCB's forum that some people suffer from violent and sometimes extensive periods of detoxifying when switching abruptly from standard cooked to raw paleo or instincto, forcing them to use digestive plants daily and sometimes for a long period of time.
My plan is to start of with a 50% raw diet, with one meal of raw animal and plant foods (mono-eating or mixing them wisely depending on digestibility) and another of low-temp cooked paleo foods (no grains expect maybe sprouted rice and no dairy, foods always mixed depending on their digestibility, and using less spices possible).
If for some reason I am unable to eat raw one day or more I compensate the next days with 100% raw foods, up to 3 days so I don't get an excessive detox reaction.
And eating this way for the next three to four years depending on how it feels. the last year would be a slow abandon of cooked food until I'm close to 100% raw. After that it will just be about training my instinct to spot the right foods  ;D I think this way the detoxing will not be as brutal on the body and mind and it will enable me to gently ease into the right way of eating.

I'd like to have your opinion and thoughts though, diet-wise or not.

-Also as a French speaker do you know how I could get a copy of Guy-Claude Burger's "manger vrai"? I've signed up for his forum on instinctotherapy but it doesn't look like he hangs out there that often, as it has been more than a month since I've submitted my  registration and am still not accepted as a member.

-Have you heard about Dominique Guyaux? I've thought about trying out his book about l'alimentation instinctive raisonnée (literally "reasoned instinctive diet" ) but apparently he is currently righting a better version of the book and its theory. That's what I understood from his email.

^I'm pretty sure Iguana might have the answer for these :)

Thank you all for being there! Your forum is so very instructive and enlightening! I'm glad it exists.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 06:51:33 pm by TylerDurden »

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Re: Instincto wannabe introduces himself
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2014, 03:39:48 pm »

For me what worked best was a gradual transition; i did cooked paleo for probably 6 months before i found raw paleo and during that time i gradually improved my eating habits. Then when i found raw paleo about 6 months ago i started out eating tons of exotic non organic fruits and nuts before i adjusted to raw meats/fats and i am still gradually improving and experimenting with my diet. Reading this forum and listening to the advice is so helpful! As well as just experimenting and listening to your body.

It really didnt need to take a whole year for me to get to this point, i just had a slow learning curve. I think you could do it much faster without any bad effects. If youre really worried about detox you could start out on a couple weeks of cooked paleo while you clean up your diet and then start switching things over to raw. Just depends if youre more comfortable with gradual changes or cold turkey (haha...pun)

But really, dont worry about detox. From reading this forum, i dont think anyone experiences more than a little diarrhea and tiredness as a detox and for just a couple days. Just do what feels right! Plus planning 4 years ahead isnt very intincto  ;)

Also, for me i tend to overthink things a lot and this is actually what causes the most problems. I think its sort of a placebo effect. For example, if i convince myself something is happening then its all i can think about and it causes problems, but if i can make myself relax and go with the flow its all alright. Maybe worrying about a detox is actually what will cause you to have one!

Im still figuring out what works best for me but what ive noticed so far is that i feel best when i get plenty of animal fat (bone marrow, suet, fatty fish, tongue) and go easy on the fruits and nuts. (I think i gravitate towards fruit and nuts because they're what's familiar and what i've been taught to like, but maybe it's also not so instincto to purposely avoid them...who knows) Any food, including fruit, that is organic and from a small, local farm makes me feel millions times better than anything from a store/supermarket. Also, i definitely feel better when eating a bit of organ meats, seafood, and seaweed!! (a great suggestion from jessica). But, what works best for me might not be best for you, so i think its all about experimenting.

I think its awesome that youre incorporating other paleo elements into your life, I've been meaning to try going barefoot and also sleeping on the ground! Recently ive been trying to get outside in the sun and walk more, and also taking cold showers and it actually really helps a lot!

Good luck on your raw paleo journey! Iguana probably has much more info about this and about the books.

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Re: Instincto wannabe introduces himself
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2014, 07:02:15 pm »
I agree that  3 or 4 years of waiting is wholly unnecessary. Detox isn't really all that bad. My own experience was an awkward period of 2-3 days where I  spent all my waking hours constantly  going to the toilet due to green diarrhea, After that I had a detox every 2 to 4 months, each lasting from 2 to 7 days in length. These latter detoxes involved mild flu-like symptoms such as  fatigue, a hot forehead,  a runny nose. These  detoxes decreased in terms of  severity, duration and frequency until they stopped after 2 years.  I still may have a very minor detox if I consume some cooked foods, such as a  slight hangover-like effect the morning after, but that's all.
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Re: Instincto wannabe introduces himself
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2014, 01:08:47 am »
Hi Lena and Tyler!
Thanks for the replies :)

You are probably right that detoxing doesn't last that long. The reason why I decided to try this long transition plan is also because I don't feel ready to jump into this type of diet right now. This mental depression I have has made it difficult already to create and preserve social bonds, so I don't want to distance myself even more from other people's customs. At least not just yet.
However if there is some improvement in the near future then yeah I might just go for it!

I think the depression is partly related to my back cracking "addiction", as it has started and progressed at the same time as my back was showing signs of complication. Besides since I don't suffer from any major illnesses or physical problems I'm going to focus on healing my back and restoring its mobility. And when I feel more confident and capable my goal will be to really get into this diet and way of life. No need to be dead sick to enjoy life as you're designed to  ;)

I'm still going to try and follow at least a half raw/half cooked paleo diet at the same time, and try and find healthier people to hang out with than my usual group of sedentary, smocking, drinking, don't give a fuck 'bout my body hipster friends :p I mean I love them and all but they're not going to offer the best support.

My task right now is to find somewhere I can get some proper animal meat (grass-fed or wild game), as well as organs and fats. Will look around the nearby butchers and wholesalers. I have finished eating my first delivery of "orkos" fruits: quite expensive, but really delicious! Especially their mangoes  :D

Recently ive been trying to get outside in the sun and walk more, and also taking cold showers and it actually really helps a lot!

Yeah, cold showers are great! Especially when you live in a cold climate like Belgium. I find that after a cold shower I am a lot more resistant to cold, as it stimulates the body in producing more of its own heat.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 07:44:59 am by JeuneKoq »

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Re: Instincto wannabe introduces himself
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2014, 08:17:10 am »
Was having a little bit of headache and blurry vision, for being on the computer for so long, so I decided to go for a walk barefoot in the nearby grass field. I wandered there for a bit less than an hour. Got back home and ate some raw vegetables and the rest of my low cooked turkey while listening to music. After that I just couldn't stop dancing  ;D
It has been a very long time since I've felt that energetic.
Don't know if it was just a random rush of excitement, nevertheless grounding and well eating appears to be powerful stuff!

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Re: Instincto wannabe introduces himself
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2014, 03:06:40 am »
Hi JeuneKoq, welcome here !

Just skyped to GCB about you, I hope he won’t forget because we spoke about other things too… he’s very forgetful!

Yes, I know Dom Guyaux. Did you exchange e-mails with him and did he tell you he’s going to publish a new edition of his “L'alimentation instinctive raisonnée” book? I think he should change the title because the current one is rather self-contradicting!  ;)

Detox is always well controlled if you practice the “instincto method” well, 100% raw and with appropriate quality stuff. On the contrary, by eating a little bit of cooked food or some raw animal food of unsuitable quality, detox may runaway out of control.

You shouldn’t have any social problems if you tell your friends and family that you’re doing an experiment of limited duration. One week to start with, then, you can revert to cooked meals or proceed for another week. After that, you may want to experiment the instinctonutrition for a full month… and perhaps next for… In this way your own subconscious reluctance and your friends criticisms will be tamed.

You can have a gradual approach for a while, like a plane taking off is still rolling on the tarmac, but at one point it has either to take off  or slam on the brakes…

Are you walking bare foot in Belgium in January ??     l) 
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Re: Instincto wannabe introduces himself
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2014, 01:06:35 am »
Hello Iguana!

Thanks a lot for bringing up my case to GCB :) really appreciate it. I registered with a different user name however (my first name Johan) but hopefully he will check the forum for new subscribers.

I sent Dominique Guyaux an email last spring because I wanted to buy his book. He just answered me that it wasn't available anymore and that "a new book should come out in a few months". I checked his website not long ago and apparently he will release his "mémoire" for free when his new book is published, which seems to be in the near future.

I think he should change the title because the current one is rather self-contradicting!  ;)
My thought exactly  ;D

I'm going to educate myself a bit more on how to properly follow the instinctive diet before actually practicing it, while eating a healthier diet that involves changing some bad habits I have had (eating grains, dairy, alcohol, poor quality food).
Guy-Claude Burger often suggest that some people fail to have their state of health truly ameliorate on an instincto diet because reading his books is not sufficient enough to follow it correctly. He advises people to attend to instincto-eating seminars before starting on your own.
What is your position on that matter?

Is it really essential? (not that I wouldn't want to go to an instincto seminar :P. As a matter of fact I would love to meet people sharing the same interest.)

And does these kind of "seminars" still happen?

Are you walking bare foot in Belgium in January ??     l) 

Haha yes I am  ;D. It's not freezing yet here in belgium so I can still enjoy a barefoot walk. My feet start to get a bit numb from the cold after a while but the benefits are much higher than the little discomforts  ;). Take some deep breaths while walking in the fields and my mind becomes much clearer and relaxed.

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Re: Instincto wannabe introduces himself
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2014, 03:15:09 am »
Guy-Claude Burger often suggest that some people fail to have their state of health truly ameliorate on an instincto diet because reading his books is not sufficient enough to follow it correctly. He advises people to attend to instincto-eating seminars before starting on your own.
What is your position on that matter?
Is it really essential? (not that I wouldn't want to go to an instincto seminar :P. As a matter of fact I would love to meet people sharing the same interest.)
Yeah, it’s extremely difficult to durably succeed alone without guidance. At least you should have a few meals together with someone experienced.

And does these kind of "seminars" still happen?
No. But one or two guys would probably do it privately, just ask on GCB’s forum once you’ll be allowed to post.
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: Instincto wannabe introduces himself
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2014, 04:42:51 am »
Ok, thanks for the advise!

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Re: Instincto wannabe introduces himself
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2014, 06:14:59 am »
Si tu lis l'anglais, l'equivalent de "Manger Vrai" est disponible sur le web a l'adresse suivante:

(traduction de GCB lui-meme apparemment)

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Re: Instincto wannabe introduces himself
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2014, 09:16:31 pm »
Merci pour le lien micelte :) Je pense que c'est un bon début de lecture mais perso je préfèrerai quand même avoir le livre en format papier et en version originale, comme ça je pourrais éventuellement le prêter à des interessés. En plus je trouve que je passe beaucoup trop de temps devant les écrans -mes yeux fatiguent rapidement en ce moment- donc se sera une bonne occasion de faire une petite pause et de retrouver le plaisir de lire un bon vieux livre ;)


Thanks for the link micelte. It's probably a good place to start but personally I'd rather have the paper-format book in its original version, so I can lend it to people around me who may eventually be interested in reading it. Plus IMO I spend way too much time in front of the screens -my eyes get tired quite quickly nowadays-. It'll be a nice opportunity to take some time of the screens and rediscover the pleasure of reading a good ol' book ;)


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