Saber it would be way erroneous to think of these animals as free of trich, or even less likely for trich. If anything probably more likely. Predators and omniovores, especially omnivores who eat other omnivores are wayyyy more likely to be crawling with parasites, but will likely be symptom free. And this is good evidence for us that parasites are healthful and belong in the body, especially of omnivores and carnivores to facilitate health and perform janitorial functions. All coons, opossums, coyotes and skunks that I've opened up have been brimming with visible worms. But in at least the skunk I can verify that she was symptom free. I watched her go about her business for a while before I took her life and she acted perfectly normal. Furthermore upon inspection of her insides, I noticed no trauma to her internal organs and her coat was clean and glossy. In other words, even though there were parasites through and through, they seem to have had no deleterious affects on her. And we could expect the same for us if we were meeting all the criteria. Meaning we weren't intaking too many toxins and we were consuming enough of our native diet in it's unaltered form to replace whatever tissue is being consumed by our little helpers.
So, if you've got vices, maybe stay away from piggies and other carnivores. Although I regularly, when available consume one of my favorite dishes in large quanitites, which is truly pastured berkshire pork heart raw with a dash of salt and loads of pepper. Such flavor, mMMm, time to call up the lucky pig people! Also I've made pate, with the liver and eaten the liver raw and as with the heart, it has a very complex, rich, but not gamey, flavour. Also I do have some vices myself, or rather certain habits which are often construed as deleterious to one's health, such as smoked cannabis, goodly amounts of caffeine from tea and espressos, and a fair amount of cooked foods, and I've never been as healthy or as malady-free in my life as I have been for the last 2 of my 3 RAF years. Of course, I believe wholeheartedly that I'm invincible, so that may have something to do with it!