Author Topic: 2015 Watch: economic, financial, war, money, gold turmoil  (Read 40344 times)

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Re: 2015 Watch: economic, financial, war, money, gold turmoil
« Reply #100 on: March 06, 2015, 01:11:08 am »
The swedes have always been pacifist...... are there any real numbers that show proof that this Muslim violence is an epidemic, and not just some isolated incidence being over hyped.

Mexican immigrants are notorious drunks, rapist and petty criminals, yet it is only a small percentage of the immigrant population that is responsible for the majority of offences. To label everyone of one heritage as a potential threat, you close the good ones off from being able to integrate, and allow for the radicalization of marginal people whom would of gladly assimilate if only given the right conditions, but because they are closed off and looked on as second class citizens they begin to take on the role society cast them into. If you judge an entire group by the actions of a few you drive a wedge between any possibility of fair and equitable terms. Charles mansion was a radical extremist from Kentucky who immigrated to California and commited acts of terror, this doesn't mean that California should bar Kentuckians from immigrating there!

 I agree it seems that Sweden is much to lenient on the criminal behavior of immigrants. There have been huge out crys in my state because illegal aliens would be caught driving drunk and be released without charged while locals would have the book thrown at them. Its about equity, and justice, if society makes it clear that there is equal punishment for equal crimes, and does not waver or selectively enforce, then justice will prevail and whatever trouble making militant immigrants emerge will have no way to gain a foot hold to launch their cultural war against the host nation.

Hate begets hate.....Modern Israel for example is a nation build upon hate, and feelings of entitlement(Gods Chosen People) Its a nation of immigrants established with the proceeds begotten by the funding of both sides of ww2 by the banking cabal. The immigrants used the money and power of the banking dynasties to completely displace the native inhabitants, and established a police state, where the youth are systematically indoctrinated into believing that they are surrounded by people who want to kill them.

Perhaps much of it depends on where you live in the world. I cant speak for Europa, or any other place that is an alleged haven for terror cells. The city where I live in, over 250,000 of the 400,000 thousand people where born elsewhere, many from different states and other countries. We have  Universities, hospitals, and other businesses that draw in professionals, and vagrants alike from all walks of life. There are different clicks and groups that do keep to themselves and their own kind, but for the most part the community is very integrated, and there are not droves of immigrants that are planning some great cultural war to dominate the city. ( The local establishment is too strong and well armed for any of that)

So when I hear in the media of scapegoat groups being demonized as some threat to entire nations and culture values, I view it as some kind of propaganda, which gets Eco chambered and parroted through the zeitgeist, and even permeates the so called alternative media. In reality if those cultural values where truly free, and strong then they should be able to stand up to some half baked neo Islamism.

I will agree that there are heinous individuals whom use religion and cultural divides for their own self interest, and such people are born of all races religions and creed. The only way to protect people from those whom wish to exploit our ignorance for their gain is to become better educated. If school children were not conditioned by the nanny state to be such pacifist ass kissers, and were properly educated to stand up against all the pernicious forms of ignorance( foreign and domestic) then there wouldn't be any need to worry about some archaic religious delusions, destroying the cultural values of nations and peoples.

The weakness of the culture and  its susceptibility to maniacal influences,  may be price that the progressive nations of Europe must pay for their socialist ideals. They culled out all the gravitas and gonads from the population through Fabian socialism, in order to have nations of domesticated sheeple, and now the average person is not strong willed enough to stand up against tyranny( foreign or domestic) 

I believe that there are much better methods to approach these issues than what is being played out( its all bullshit people, quit buying into it), in fact this droning in of nonsensical threats by an elitist press, and throwing money and resources at phantom menaces by our security forces, actually creates the conditions for crisis, which is then used as justification for tyrannical measures by the powers that be, that are deployed to maintain the status quo.

You do not need embargos, bombardments, closed boarders, or standing armys to combat radical ideology, all you need is the strength of communities of people united by REASON. If people were reasonable educated to think critically and not dumbed down, then they would find their own ways to preserve what they deem good about their own culture, while being progressive enough in their mentality to adopt other cultural attributes that may be of benefit to a society built upon "common sense" and not" totalitarian ideology.

All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.”
? Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 09:04:41 am by sabertooth »
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Re: 2015 Watch: Sweden from Humanitarian Champion to Failed State
« Reply #101 on: March 06, 2015, 09:00:29 pm »
Sweden is the Canary in the coal mine.
I perceive many other Western European countries wishing to follow suit this Swedish suicide.
It's as if their politicians and policy makers and even their people are in some form of MIND CONTROL that tells them to self destruct.

And I think I know why.

First, here is a video of a Swedish journalist lady calling today's Sweden Absurdistan!

I am Swedish, but I live in "Absurdistan"

Learn more about the REAL SWEDEN in her paper:

Sweden: From “Humanitarian Superpower” to Failed State
by Ingrid Carlqvist & Lars Hedegaard  20 January, 2015

As Europe braces itself for new terror attacks, its political establishments face a choice: Will they finally start listening to their citizens’ growing concerns over Muslim mass immigration and the spread of political Islam, or will they dig in and try to perpetuate decades of failed multicultural policies?

Sweden, perhaps leading the way, seems to have chosen the latter. As part of the country’s so-called December Agreement, six of the eight political parties represented in parliament (Riksdagen) have simply decided to exclude the Sweden Democrats [SD] — the only party to oppose mass immigration and defend Swedish culture — from the parliamentary process.

And then here is a British who points out how the mis-education happens straight from the Universities.

Free speech on campus

And this man is absolutely CORRECT!  Free speech in Campus had Died.  And this is why many of western european countries are now run by a generation of STUPID politicians.

I studied in the University of the Philippines during a time when free speech was taken very seriously.  That students during my time in 1986 to 1993 had a plethora of ideas and points of views to listen to in our university.  We had just experienced the expulsion of our dictator in 1986 and people were reveling in the idea that we could now converse freely, make speeches freely, discuss ideas freely and people would listen.

Unfortunately in Europe, beginning with Sweden, it seems they seem to have given up on freedom of exchange of ideas and decided to go into full retard censorship.

The purpose of me writing this here is that some of you may be policy makers or influential in your Western European society... please do not follow the example of Sweden.

I have fond memories of touring Europe some 3 times and I hope Europe will still be there for my children to tour safely in the future.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 09:09:43 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: 2015 Watch: economic, financial, war, money, gold turmoil
« Reply #102 on: March 07, 2015, 12:44:42 am »
The Swedes have not "always been pacifists". You are forgetting the Vikings and the time Sweden was a  Baltic military superpower  a few centuries ago.
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Offline sabertooth

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Re: 2015 Watch: economic, financial, war, money, gold turmoil
« Reply #103 on: March 08, 2015, 11:53:42 am »
The Swedes have not "always been pacifists". You are forgetting the Vikings and the time Sweden was a  Baltic military superpower  a few centuries ago.
Not to split hairs or anything, but the Vikings are about as modern day Swedish as the Modern day English are Saxon. The wild frontiers of days of lore have long past and whatever culture of blood lust and war that once was a part of that regions heritage, was been bred out centuries ago.

Not hat there is anything wrong with modern cultures adopting progressive, pacifist, socialistic societies. I think many things the Swedish have been able to accomplish, such as eliminating the wealth gap and poverty, while not allowing government and corporate fascism to dominate in the way it has in America, is wonderful. Their progressive early education is a much more sane and sensible way to bring up children.

The problem seems to be that their well known peaceful, happy, well adjusted, people and high standard of living may only be possible so long as they maintain their homogony as a race and culture. If large numbers of poor, uneducated, and unwilling to assimilate peoples were to crash their boarders (like is the case in UK, USA and other western countries), then the problems of alleviating inequity, poverty, and racism may be much more difficult for
the Swedish to cope with.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 02:44:36 pm by TylerDurden »
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Re: 2015 Watch: Moderate Muslims in Norway Agree... Video
« Reply #104 on: March 08, 2015, 04:27:32 pm »
Re: 2015 Watch: Moderate Muslims in Norway Agree... Death to this and that...


Sweden is obviously doomed.

"With vast parts of the Middle East and North Africa in turmoil, there is every indication that the number of asylum seekers will increase in the coming years. And as there is no sign that Sweden’s seven united parties will dismantle their open door policy, one may safely predict that Sweden’s goose will be cooked well before the December Agreement runs out in 2022. Sadly, its days as a free and democratic welfare state will be over. A population of perhaps eight million Swedes cannot accommodate and pay for perhaps four million such immigrants in eight years. It is as if the United States were to accept 150 million immigrants.

If we estimate that 80,000 asylum seekers will be granted permanent residence every year for the next eight years, we reach a figure of 640,000. As it is generally estimated that every new permanent resident from third-world countries will be followed by 2-3 family members or dependents, we are probably talking about an influx of two and a quarter million by 2022.

By that time, Sweden, which prides itself on being a “humanitarian superpower,” will have become a failed state and there is nothing the discontented can do about it except leave the country. This was precisely what the UN predicted, but subsequently, it withdrew this prognosis."

On to the video in Norway: MODERATE MUSLIMS (they refer to themselves as MODERATE)


Here are the self-described "Moderate Muslims" at a conference here in this country (NORWAY). Find out what they believe about the Quran commanding death to homosexuals, stoning for adultery and executing anyone who tries to leave Islam.


Here is what I think... I think you immigrant lovers have not considered the kind of immigrants you are importing.  You think these Muslim immigrants are just as "good" as your previous historical immigrants.  This is where you are obviously mistaken.  These immigrants you see in the video are very different from your past immigrants.  They are not like your Christian immigrants, they are not like your Buddhist immigrants, they are not like your Hindu immigrants... they are far different and very dangerous. 

What these immigrants think of homosexuals and what they do to homosexuals in their own country.
While the Russians merely want to block American propaganda of homosexuality to their children.
The countries these Muslim immigrants come from actually do punish homosexuals severely.

I will let Pat Condell do the explaining for you.

How gay is Islam?

And as for you feminists, Pat Condell also explains how feminists COWER under Islam.

The curse of "progressive" feminism

Pro-life Philippines Catholics are aware of the folly of Feminism and Homosexuality... but their solution is to show these people love, understanding, and educate them to better ways... these Catholics are nice people.  Not once did they express nor ever imply physical harm to Feminists and Homosexuals.

Non muslims destined to go to hell, British Police Go To Hell Muslim Extremists.
See what has happened to Luton in UK.
Commenter said: "The hindus never do shit like this. the chinese, jews, japanese, koreans and all the other religions don't do this kind of shit... "

The bottom line is this.  Pick your immigrants wisely.  Choose more compatible immigrants. 
« Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 05:28:06 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: 2015 Watch: 1400 yr history of Islam Jihad vs everyone by Dr Bill Warner
« Reply #105 on: March 09, 2015, 08:08:39 am »
First a short introduction of how and why Islam will rule Europe by 2050.

Demographic Problem - A fifth of European Union will be Muslim by 2050

And an article that teaches us why the decline of Christianity in Europe (Post Christianity) has an effect of leaving a vacuum where Islam takes its place.

I now give you Dr. Bill Warner - For all you fans of history, knowledge, digging at truth

True History Lesson here to put the problem of Islamic Jihad into proper perspective.

Why the demise of Sweden is assured, and why the problems in the UK in Luton are there and why the English Defense League and others are gaining adherents in Europe in their respective countries.

This is a very important 40 min video presentation of HISTORY most of us were not taught.

Yes this history lesson sheds light on the CRUSADES and the Dark Ages.

Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner

Now you will get a proper perspective about what this is all about because if we do not understand history, we are limited to our lifetime perspective... 75 years is not enough for you to be wise.  You need thousands of years of perspective for all this to make sense.

(Here is another great presentation - "What The West Needs To Know About Islam by William J. Federer")

IF you had watched Dr. Bill Warner's presentation in full, you will understand why the ENGLISH Defense League does what it does.  See their 2015 video below:

EDL Manchester Promotional Video 7th March 2015

Nightline - English Defence League Versus Muslim Extremists

Very hard to watch tensions, but you need to watch because if you have seen the 1400 yr old perspective, you know this war is going to touch your lives personally, have touched our ancestors personally.

What is interesting in the last video is that the UK London Luton people are all unarmed... and the Muslim sharia promoters are boasting the USA is next... but last I know, the US populace is armed... so the action there if ever will probably be different.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 01:16:29 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: 2015 Watch: economic, financial, war, money, gold turmoil
« Reply #106 on: March 09, 2015, 10:28:04 pm »

What is interesting in the last video is that the UK London Luton people are all unarmed... and the Muslim sharia promoters are boasting the USA is next... but last I know, the US populace is armed... so the action there if ever will probably be different.

ABC is just instigating shit, with propaganda pieces. That female reporter is no Muslim,
she is a media whore, and Tommy seems like a straw man, used to distract from the legitimate discussion of the problems. Though it does touch on a legitimate issue, the way it is reported is designed to instill fear and create hostility, and does nothing to help encourage people to work towards solutions.

There are many Muslims in my community, some of them are racist and two faced, some of them are Ernest and honest regular people who are a mix of qualities positive and negative . Regardless of what's in their heart, they learn to play by the rules of our society if they want to a part of the community.

Where I live, any attempt to enforce Muslim law, violently would fall on its face...... though our government may be inept in many ways, many of the people in our community are strong willed and heavily armed, and would not put up with radical extremist shit, be it Islam or the KKK. There are more guns than there are people in this state, and yet our communities are relatively much safer than many in the world where the guns are banned.

 Although our law enforcement system is riddled with many injustices, at least the police state wouldn't let any act of violence against the free people of my home land, go unpunished, for any reason. It doesn't matter if you feel your God Justifies it or not, you try to attack someone in our community and see how far you get. If you don't get shot dead first, you will be hunted down like a dog and thrown in jail.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 08:16:32 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: 2015 Watch: economic, financial, war, money, gold turmoil
« Reply #107 on: March 11, 2015, 01:39:40 am »

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Re: 2015 Watch: economic, financial, war, money, gold turmoil
« Reply #108 on: March 11, 2015, 07:49:16 am »
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

Very nice. Great find.  Thank you.  Sounded like Jim Willie though Jim points to the CIA as the secret agency not the FBI.

This piece of the puzzle fits in with the 1400 years of Islamic history and the Sumerian Zacharia Sitchin Ancient Aliens history with the beginnings of the Annunaki, royal blood lines,  secret societies and all the Angel enabled establishment of all these 3 abrahamic religions... Abraham himself was a trusted right hand of the god Enlil... led to the Nuclear holocaust that was Sodom and Gomorrha.  That same source veterans today linked also fingered the ancient Annunaki Babylonian god Marduk when in December 2013 world leaders converged in South Africa to pay tribute to Marduk... all the while in all the speeches the sign language translator to the left of all the speaking world leaders was signing gibberish he claimed first hand apology that he was signing to Angels at that time. Then BANG 2014 their agents started the Ukrainian civil war. Potentially leading the world into a Nuclear War which could fulfill the Georgia Guidestones wish for a cull of humanity down to 500 million.

We had witnessed the peace efforts of Merkel - Holland in Feb 2015 try to tone down the war drums with Minsk2 still holding for now. Merkel furiously refusing lethal aid to Ukraine.

If you are interested in the ancient and current aliens piece of the puzzle, PM me and i will post it on the members only thread.  Most people are not ready for the heavy long history and may not have had the time yet to explore it.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 08:10:11 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: 2015 Watch: de-Dollarization in Europe, Australia, UK - China led AIIB
« Reply #109 on: March 17, 2015, 11:25:40 pm »
It appears the sea of de-dollarization has reached the shores of Europe. With Australia and UK having already moved in the direction of joining the China-led AIIB, The FT reports that France, Germany, and Italy have now all agreed to join the development bank as 'pivot to Asia' appears to be Plan B for Europe. As Greg Sheridan previously noted, "the saga of the China Bank is almost a textbook case of the failure of Obama’s foreign policy," but as The FT concludes, the European decisions represent a significant setback for the Obama administration, which has argued that western countries could have more influence over the workings of the new bank if they stayed together on the outside. As Forbes notes, this leaves Obama with 3 uncomfortable options...

    1)      Continue to press its allies not to join the AIIB until governance procedures for the bank are assured;

    2)      Join the AIIB itself; or

    3)      Drop the issue.

    Option one is clearly a losing proposition. There is no sense expending further political capital trying to persuade regional and other actors not to join the bank. It is a small-potato issue that is making the United States look weak at a time when U.S. influence in the region is otherwise quite strong.   

    Option two, which I—along with virtually every other China analyst outside the U.S. government—supported back in October is that the United States join the AIIB. There are several reasons why this is a good idea. It would allow the United States a seat inside the tent where it could be both a positive force for best governance practices and an internal critic if things go awry. It also would likely help ensure that U.S. companies have fair access to the bidding opportunities that will arise from the AIIB’s investment financing. Joining now will be hard to accomplish in a face-saving manner, but the United States could begin by publicly recognizing the need for the financing capabilities in Asia that the AIIB can provide and by moving quickly to work with Australia, South Korea, and Japan to work out common principles of accession.

    Option three is for the United States to back away from the AIIB, release other countries from any pressure they might feel from the United States not to join, and let the AIIB rise or fall on its own merits. Chinese-led resource and infrastructure investment has encountered significant difficulty in a number of countries, including Zambia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Brazil, and Sri Lanka, among others. If the AIIB does not do a better job than China’s own development banks, it will be a stain not only on Beijing but also on all the other countries that are participating. If it does operate at the same standard as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, then it will be a welcome addition to the world of development financing. The United States does not have to be in every regional organization in the Asia Pacific; it is not in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, for example, and it is only an observer in the Conference on Interactions and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia. It can sit out the AIIB or assume observer status as well.

    Washington’s priority should be on advancing U.S. ideals and institutions through the pivot or rebalance rather than blocking Chinese initiatives unless absolutely necessary. (Let’s not confuse China’s effort to develop the AIIB with its push to implement an Air Defense Identification Zone, for example.) Opposition to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has become a millstone around Washington’s neck. It is time to remove it one way or another.

De-dollarization continues... As Simon Black recently concluded, now we can see words are turning into action...

    [The Allies] might be too polite to tell the US straight up– “Look, you have $18.1 trillion in official debt, you have $42 trillion in unfunded liabilities, and you’re kind of a dick. I’m dumping you.”

    So instead they’re going with the “it’s not you, it’s me” approach.

    But to anyone paying attention, it’s pretty obvious where this trend is going.

    It won’t be long before other western nations jump on the anti-dollar bandwagon with action and not just words.

*  *  *

Bottom line: this isn’t theory or conjecture anymore. Every shred of objective evidence suggests that the dollar’s dominance is coming to an end.

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