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Reactions to foods since going rawpalaeo
« on: February 18, 2009, 08:13:11 pm »
I've noticed several changes since I went rawpalaeo:- after a couple of experiments  I found it much more difficult to eat grains, especially pastry, as I needed to drink lots of water to wash such down(in prerawpalaeo days, I never needed water to wash down croissants). My suspicion is that my body was forced to produce more mucus in the throat to handle the lack of water-content of cooked foods in prerawpalaeo days.

I also noticed that I became more sensitive to preservatives/chemicals. For example, I now rarely consume alcohol, but, even so,have to make sure that any alcohol containing sulphites(almost all wines and ciders) is to be avoided like the plague, leaving me only with cleaner alcohol such as real ale or clear spirits. I suspect this is because instead of the preservatives being dumped in the fat-cells as toxic waste, the body on a raw animal food diet, instead, dumps it out of the body thus eliciting a detox reaction. If I broke this rule, I'd get a bigger hangover than otherwise.

Heavily processed things like Christmas Pudding, however organic in origin, are now a NO-No for me. I risked eating an organic Christmas Pudding this year to celebrate Christmas(other than raw turkey, it just doesn't seem possible to celebrate Christmas in raw fashion), and vomited all my food, whether raw or cooked, for the next 5 days, and felt very ill.

I've also, over the years, developed a food-intolerance to raw eggs. I can eat them in small amounts, but in large amounts, the waste leaves the body rather fast in terms of loose stools, not too well absorbed. No doubt a reaction resulting from all those grains consumed by the chickens. No wonder I prefer goose and quail eggs(I know that the geese are allowed to feed on more than just grains).

I get a nasty reaction to very greasy, fatty cooked foods, which is why, on the few social occasions where I have to eat some cooked food, I just eat lean muscle-meats. Worst cooked foods seem to be those high in saturated fats given a nasty experience I had with cooked suet.

My reaction to raw dairy is the usual, judging from my last experiment, a year or two ago. First few days I get constant urination(or constipation if I eat raw cheese), then I quickly get fatigue, and  never go beyond that stage as things just get steadily  worse and worse. Dairy is death to me, fouling up my glands, and, ultimately, the whole of my body, given past experience, pre-rawpalaeo.

I find it increasingly difficult to mix raw foods together. This was already the case early on in the diet, but the effect is now more extreme. This may be just because I'm more used to mono-eating(eating only 1 food at a time). Anyway, I have noticed I can't combine raw honeycomb with raw meats at the same meal without feeling an urge to vomit. Mind you, that may just be due to an increasing dislike of honey:- at the start of the diet, I would get a nasty reaction to raw liquid honey, but raw honeycomb was OK - now, I have to struggle with eating raw honeycomb as I get a nasty reaction to all that sugar coming into my body.

Anyone else care to share their experiences?
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Re: Reactions to foods since going rawpalaeo
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2009, 08:59:09 pm »
Since I've gone high fat the past few months... I can't stand high carb stuff.  Like bananas.  I used to eat a lot of bananas.  This afternoon I tried a banana and I couldn't finish it.  Now I know I've adjusted to high fat / low carb.

Eating has become simpler.  Mono eating.  There is no desire for complex meals.  Also no desire for restaurant or gourmet cooked food.  I just want to be fed, that's all.

I do get those bad feelings after I tried eating cooked meals.  But not all the time.  Maybe certain cooked foods or cooking methods.
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Re: Reactions to foods since going rawpalaeo
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2009, 03:53:01 am »
Heavily processed things like Christmas Pudding, however organic in origin, are now a NO-No for me. I risked eating an organic Christmas Pudding this year to celebrate Christmas(other than raw turkey, it just doesn't seem possible to celebrate Christmas in raw fashion), and vomited all my food, whether raw or cooked, for the next 5 days, and felt very ill.

My taste for all poultry - raw or not - has left.  I order pastured turkeys about this time each year so the farmer can raise enough for customers, and I have cut my order down to 2 instead of the usual 6.  Turkey jerky with breast is pretty darn good though.  For Christmas, prime rib roast has always been my favorite.  If it's large enough, and your cook accommodating enough you could eat quite rare center pieces, and they would not have any seasoning that far in.  Pair that with a salad and that's my idea of festive.

I get a nasty reaction to very greasy, fatty cooked foods, which is why, on the few social occasions where I have to eat some cooked food, I just eat lean muscle-meats. Worst cooked foods seem to be those high in saturated fats given a nasty experience I had with cooked suet.

For me, I went mostly raw over a year ago and cut it to half because of family circumstances.  A month back, I went super low on plants, and I have had to increase the raw since as I get that burpy yucky thing after cooked meats - fatty meats at that.  It doesn't matter if it's one meal a day after a major workout either.  And so now I am feeling like I owe it to myself to eat the way I want, and that is raw beef, lamb and seafood mainly.  Of course, it helps that everyone in my house is at least paleo whole foods, so it is much simpler in general.

My reaction to raw dairy is the usual, judging from my last experiment, a year or two ago. First few days I get constant urination(or constipation if I eat raw cheese), then I quickly get fatigue, and  never go beyond that stage as things just get steadily  worse and worse. Dairy is death to me, fouling up my glands, and, ultimately, the whole of my body, given past experience, pre-rawpalaeo.

Dairy clogs me up and makes me fat.  I wonder if dairy is especially problematic for women due to the estrogenic compounds in milk, as I have had estrogen dominance symptoms every time I consume it.  It is insidiously addictive.  If you look at gluten and dairy, you will see people craving these foods above all else, irrationally so.  IMHO dairy is to be eaten very carefully if at all, and wheat is for the birds.

So this is like a renewal on a high raw animal foods diet for me after sitting on the 50% fence for a year.  Right now, today, I feel fantastic.  I want to go workout, but I should rest today.  I feel super high on energy, and perform very well with short duration anaerobic activity.  But I was so lit up yesterday that I got major tomato face from working so hard with martial arts class.  So I should behave today.  I sleep so so deeply.  I wake up feeling like I am 20 years younger, and it doesn't matter if I have consumed any tea or wine either.  It's just excellent.  I vow to go treat myself to chef recommended sashimi once a week at this super place in town.  I am going to buy the cuts of meat I like raw.  I am going to try to eat raw liver instead of searing it in fat.

I highly recommend to anyone who has tried to go high raw but failed due to SAD cravings to drastically cut down on their plant foods, and approach RAF by cooking the foods less and less or subbing one raw meal for cooked, etc.  I can't even imagine eating cooked foods like tortilla chips (a favorite cheat in the past) any longer.  And even thoughts of things like pizza have made me nauseous for about a year now.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 04:00:57 am by Satya »

Offline DameonWolf

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Re: Reactions to foods since going rawpalaeo
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2009, 04:21:06 am »
Yup, a lot of experiences here are ringing bells for me. I still love veggie juices though, if I eat noting but meat I start feeling thick and dirty and my bowels slow to a dead halt. Right when I add back in veggie juices I feel clean and less stagnant. *shrugs* Oh alcohol I haven't experimented with but my tolerance for marijuana has gone WAY up. I can smoke weed, enjoy it, get a great sleep and not feel horrible the next day. Which is a big step up from the past for sure.


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Re: Reactions to foods since going rawpalaeo
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2009, 04:58:04 am »
Eating raw vegetables and (over)cooked meats leaves me with a bad sour taste in my mouth. Even eating a fruit leaves me with the taste of that fruit in my breath for longer than it did before. Grains produce some bloat as mixing too many foods does (for ex. eating a wok dish made of cooked vegetables w/ meat). Too much fiber makes my digestion slower and takes energy.

DameonWolf : it sounds like placebo to me that you need vegetable juice to feel "clean". Are the meats you are eating of high quality (certified organic and grass/pasture-fed)?

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Re: Reactions to foods since going rawpalaeo
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2009, 06:12:31 am »

DameonWolf : it sounds like placebo to me that you need vegetable juice to feel "clean". Are the meats you are eating of high quality (certified organic and grass/pasture-fed)?

lol there's that word again. I've said it before, I'll say it again. I spent almost all my entire teen years on the street, I've consumed fake drugs many many times I know what placebo is and veggie juices AIN'T IT. All I know with the meat I'm eating now is it doesn't make my skin feel like it's on fire and it doesn't make my hair fall out. I was getting "grass fed" from the Healthy Butcher and my skin turned to a charred mess, my hair fell out and my nails broke off with no effort. It was insanely painful. Im almost positive I have a hyper gluten intolerance. If I eat eggs I get the same problem.

I don't really identify with some of you on this veggies thing. Like it reminds me of the way vegans/veggies act towards meat, it seems like there is a bias coming forward. I can tell you that the times in my life I've had the worst problems is when I've gotten extremist about any thing. Granted, if you have bad reactions to them your self then you probably shouldn't bother. Certain things I have to be extremist about in my diet for sure, but just throwing all veggies and herbs in a toxin category seems just as extreme as vegans throwing all meats in a toxin category.

I will say though that I haven't done the organ meats, those could be the catalyst for me pushing further away from the plant stuff. But so far I haven't had much success trying to ditch the fruits/veggies I seem to feel better with them than with out.

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Re: Reactions to foods since going rawpalaeo
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2009, 06:43:19 am »
Yup, a lot of experiences here are ringing bells for me. I still love veggie juices though, if I eat noting but meat I start feeling thick and dirty and my bowels slow to a dead halt. Right when I add back in veggie juices I feel clean and less stagnant. *shrugs* Oh alcohol I haven't experimented with but my tolerance for marijuana has gone WAY up. I can smoke weed, enjoy it, get a great sleep and not feel horrible the next day. Which is a big step up from the past for sure.

What does your veggie juice consist of?
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Re: Reactions to foods since going rawpalaeo
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2009, 06:45:18 am »
Celery and broccoli, I just love it for some reason and I feel so good after I drink it. I do carrots and beets some times.


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Re: Reactions to foods since going rawpalaeo
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2009, 01:43:25 am »
lol there's that word again. I've said it before, I'll say it again. I spent almost all my entire teen years on the street, I've consumed fake drugs many many times I know what placebo is and veggie juices AIN'T IT. <snip>

I don't really identify with some of you on this veggies thing. Like it reminds me of the way vegans/veggies act towards meat, it seems like there is a bias coming forward.

If you like your veggie juice, fine.  But it would probably be better for you to ditch the broccoli for the most part, especially if you are consuming broccoli juice more than once a week.  Your thyroid will thank you for it.  Beet, carrot, celery and ginger is a good blend that doesn't contain massive doses of goitrogenic substances.

I was so big on veggies until recently.  Now they are a special thing.  I think hanging out on this board will do that to people over time.  But I feel really good without consuming expensive gobs of them anymore.

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Re: Reactions to foods since going rawpalaeo
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2009, 04:01:44 am »
When I don't eat nuts for a long time and try some. They taste more bitter than usual. Especially hazel nuts.
yesterday I ate nothing but plant foods after eating low carb. My stomach felt kinda crampy. Then I ate some nuts for fat because I am low on cash, I couldn't fall asleep. I at some bison meat with fat even though I wanted to save it. I felt great and fell asleep easily.


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Re: Reactions to foods since going rawpalaeo
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2009, 06:57:13 am »
does anyone else get that sour taste in their mouth along with bad breath and belching when they eat cooked foods? and the feeling that the foods sit in the stomach for way too much?

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Re: Reactions to foods since going rawpalaeo
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2009, 07:14:45 am »
does anyone else get that sour taste in their mouth along with bad breath and belching when they eat cooked foods? and the feeling that the foods sit in the stomach for way too much?

I don't get any more satisfaction eating cooked food.
It's more like experimentation or socializing or I'm caught out somewhere where there is nothing else and I wasn't prepared (darn.)
I notice that cooked food takes longer to digest. Belching yes.  Farting yes.
I will poop quite a lot the following day several times a day... it's as if my body is working overtime to pump out the cooked food.
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Re: Reactions to foods since going rawpalaeo
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2009, 07:32:53 pm »
does anyone else get that sour taste in their mouth along with bad breath and belching when they eat cooked foods? and the feeling that the foods sit in the stomach for way too much?

I get the feeling that the food is sitting in the stomach too much. It is mild with cooked meats and other paleo foods, and acute with cooked neolothic foods.


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