Author Topic: EU planning to lower acrylamide levels, a toxin created by cooking  (Read 1911 times)

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Offline TylerDurden

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Austrian restaurants are up in arms over this.Admittedly, previous draconian food laws in Austria have been truly idiotic, such as forcing all restaurants to label all dishes on the menu if they contain any common allergenic foods, or the law which forced partial smoking bans on restaurants thus compelling the latter to build expensive partion-walls etc.,  and then, only a few years later, enforcing a full-on 100% no-smoking ban on all restaurants.However, RVAFers should not be happy about this. Handing over power to the State just ruins our food-rights as individuals, even if some of the bans involve cooked foods. Various evil politicians have cynically used various  fake scares hyped up by the fake-news-media to  deprive RVAFers of their  rights. Examples thereof include:-

1) During a red-tide phenomenon, a Florida politician tried to ban the sale of raw oysters.
2) The big French companies have nearly succeeded in killing off the french raw-cheese industry with the help of new draconian EU laws:-

3) The hysteria-driven media-scare over BSE in the UK was ridiculous. BSE only occurred because of the idiotic, intensive-farming practised by UK farmers who had no problem feeding their cattle on cattle-remains, or in going in heavily for artificial insemination where 1 bull's semen would be used to impregnate thousands of cows. Even in non-AI situations, modern farmers think it is normal to have a 1 bull to 20-30 cow ratio. All this inevitably resulted in massive inbreeding which results in lowered immunity in the cattle, thus forcing farmers to use vast amounts of antibiotics(thus speeding up the advent of the antibiotics apocalypse), and now the cattle are so susceptible to disease that whole herds have to be slaughtered if just 1 cow gets TB etc.

The ongoing negative effects have been ruinous to the environment and RVAFers as well. For example, the arrogant UK farming industry cynically blamed badgers for spreading TB among their cattle and organised mass badger culls even though disease-epidemics are solely the farmers' fault. Plus, after the BSE crisis, the EU and the UK authorities cracked down on the whole industry with absurd red tape. For example, cattle must now be slaughtered at the age of 30 months old, no more. Since grassfed cattle need a few extra years in order to build up enough healthy fat unlike grainfed cattle who quickly build up lots of unhealthy fats in a few months, this has badly affected the  UK grasfsed meat industry. Even worse, farmers now are being forced to get their cattle to travel for 100s of miles to far-away(and rare) abattoirs where they are forced to pay both a EU-appointed vet and a UK-government-appointed vet to check the meats for ill-health prior to being sold. The excessive cost of it all means that most UK farmers just ask the vets to check the muscle-meat, and throw away the organ-meats as that would involve paying the vets even more per carcass, and, anyway, organ-meats are too cheap(and undesired by the British public) to be profitable.
4) Constant attempts by big government to ban raw dairy, such as in the US, EU etc.

The point is that if we support measures to ban cooked foods, or lower their toxicity etc., we just make it easier  in the future for big government to scream hysterically about the supposed perils of food-poisoning/bacteria etc. and thus force the pasteurisation/cooking of all animal foods prior to sale, among other similiar evil possibilities.

All this crap makes me more and more determined to grow my own food. Max Stirner was right, we are all slaves to all sorts of different concepts, and individual rights are strictly speaking mostly nonexistent, despite pretences to the contrary.
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Re: EU planning to lower acrylamide levels, a toxin created by cooking
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2017, 02:10:20 am »
It would be awful if producers only sold cooked animal foods. I actually worry about that. If raw meat ever got too popular that is what would probably happen in order to stop it. They already took away raw milk. It would be a draconian nightmare if they ever stopped selling raw meats. Unfortunately I can see that happening some day.


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