If one is truly gun ho about these issues I advocate to get off the food grid altogether. Do not trust any label and take personal responsibility for scouting out and obtaining the best food possible. These systems of food production are failing, and even the best intended grass fed producers often fail to reproduce the quality health and vitality found truly free foraging animals. Go beyond labels and visit local farmers in person, learn to check out the lay of the land, see the quality of the pasture in person. Learn to check out animals for signs of good health, learn to hone your taste so that you can avoid consuming sick and contaminated animals.
I advocate for simplicity, no need for any complicated analytics, or to take in vast amounts of comparative jargon. Most articles are of bunk and have little intrinsic value beyond imaginative speculation. Its difficult to extrapolate from the experience of others into some formula for success.... There are just way too many variables to ever cover complexly....So in this spirit I recommend going back to the basics of first hand experience, and learn to trust your gut reaction. Nature has given us the basic tools to discern shit from shinola. These latent attributes only need to be sharpened with will power upon the grindstone of experience, in order to revive the primal glory.
Ive gone to countless farms sampling the whole spectrum of animal flesh types...and have tasted the good, the bad and the ugly of the world...I am a practical man, who doesn't see much value in measuring Omega ratios, or speculating on the anti nutrient levels.....these notions are abstractions which will never account for the holistic health of the actual animal being consumed. As much as some believe that scientific study and analysis can lead them to manna, I would much rather focus my attention on more down to earth assessments.... if an animal is integrated into a healthy dynamic environment that has all the elements needed for surthrival, without contamination..... if the outward physical manifestation is impressively vital and energetic, if the inner organs are well formed without blemish or pox, and the taste of the flesh is pure and pleasurable, then the body of such an animal will be judged to have accrued the optimal qualities from which to prey upon.