Most RVAFers seem to thrive best on a diet of mostly raw animal food and some raw plant food. Granted, a few do 100% raw meat diets or 90% raw plant/10% raw animal food diets, but they are in a minority. Obviously , experiment to see which percentages you prefer.
In my own case, my own 100% raw animal food experiments led to me always suffering awful ill-health after 3 weeks of doing them. The first 3 weeks caused a swift reduction in physical stamina but a massive boost to my mental altertness, mental sharpness/IQ(?) etc., but then it went all downhill, with me losing all taste for any raw meats, and getting vast hunger-pangs which could not be sated by raw meat consumption(I got the same in reverse, pre-RPD diet, when in my raw vegan/fruitarian phases.
If I overdo the raw plant food intake in my RVAF diet, I find that the sugars etc. make me less healthy, overall.
Palaeo HGs had a vastly greater level of variety than we do. I find I no longer find the taste of raw foods to be tasty if I overindulge in just 1 type of food all the time for weeks on end. I found via experiments that 10-40% of my diet should consist of raw wildcaught seafood, for best results, any less or more than that tends to not work. I also find raw animal fat from innards like raw tongue or raw marrow to be very effective for me.Point being that you should try out raw innards, see if you can handle raw meats/raw organ-meats in aged, "high-meat" form etc. Constant experimentation is key. After all, we are all different,with different DNA, different health-outcomes, different epigenetic outcomes etc.
Re 100% grassfed cows:- In the UK, I have had mixed results from eating 100% raw grassfed cows. Many times, the taste was dire, suggesting that the cows were fed grains except possibly in summer, and worse. In Austria, the grassfed meat industry is way more reliable, being better regulated, and even the non-organic, non-grassfed meats taste way better, as intensive farming re animals is much reduced there. I also am able to get hold of raw wild game, and raw wildcaught seafood(more expensive), which are far superior, quality-wise.