Author Topic: Are Flash Frozen Prawns & Sablefish Safe To Eat? Mercury levels acceptable?  (Read 7305 times)

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Offline roony

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I've been craving for fish lol, i found a supplier with flash frozen giant prawns in their own sea water , with the shells still on & some sablefish, are the mercury levels a problem?

I'm getting them from here :

Or if anyone can recommend a seafood supplier in the u.k


Offline TylerDurden

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The above website debunks all the usual nonsense claims made re mercury-toxicity.
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Offline roony

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Came across this article ....
Farmed fish is probably the worst, tons of chemicals & antibiotics & filthy recycled water ...

"these restaurants are only the final link in a long chain that begins in the polluted salmon lochs of Scotland and the filthy seas of southern Europe and the Far East.

The stench of old fish and diesel fills the air in a busy fish processing plant in southern Spain. The incessant hum of machinery is so powerful you feel they might shake your teeth loose.

Every half hour or so a truck roars into the factory laden with tuna from the warm, yet polluted, waters of the Mediterranean. Dozens of workers clad in white overalls rush to attention and start toiling alongside conveyor belts liberally covered in tuna blood.

Each worker grabs a 5ftlong fish and slices open its pinkish belly before reaching inside and ripping out its innards. Within a few minutes, the tuna has been cleaved, beheaded and 'flash frozen' into rectangular blocks, ready for the sushi bars and supermarkets of Britain, America - and Japan.

In the intensity of the processing factory, the workers can be forgiven for overlooking the odd fish infested with parasitic worms. Spotting their tiny larvae is even more difficult, if not impossible, so the tuna bound for supermarkets is frozen for 24 hours at minus 20C to kill off the worms.

However, if diners are sensitive to worms - as many people are - they react to the dead worms in the tuna. Initial queasiness will swiftly lead to severe stomach pain and vomiting which will last for a few days.

Small worms

There is also fish - particularly that which is prepared in small restaurants - that is not frozen and still contains live worms. Eating this can cause serious intestinal problems. In extreme cases, the worms will trigger anaphylaxis, a potentially lethal reaction similar to that suffered by people with nut allergies. Vicious bugs such as salmonella and even typhoid can also be passed on through sushi, largely because the flesh is eaten raw.

However, in the long term, these bugs and worms are likely to be the least of your worries. Tuna and salmon are loaded with mercury and a mix of nasty industrial chemicals such as dioxins, pesticides and PCBs, which have been dumped in our seas and oceans.

And once eaten, these poisons stay in the body for decades, reducing fertility and steadily weakening the immune system and potentially causing cancer.

Professor David Carpenter and his team at the prestigious Universities of Cornell, Indiana and Albany, recently studied the levels of these poisons in salmon fished from waters around the world. His work makes for uneasy reading.

Out of the 15 poisons detected in frighteningly high amounts, 13 are carcinogenic. These poisons have also been linked to falling sperm counts, rising birth abnormalities, testicular and breast cancer, endometriosis and early puberty.

And if all that wasn't enough, some scientists worry that they may be acting as 'gender benders' by making young boys more feminine and girls more masculine, which may also affect sexual orientation later in life.

The scientists also found worrying levels of these pollutants in farmed salmon, especially those from Scotland. Professor Carpenter's team was so shocked by the findings of their study, which remains the biggest and most comprehensive so far, that they recommended people eat farmed salmon at most twice a year.

His findings are brushed off by the Scottish Salmon Producers' Organisation (SSPO). Spokesman Ken Hughes says: "The health benefits of eating oil-rich fish, such as salmon, outweigh any potential risks from contaminants that are ubiquitous in the environment."

Mercury levels

Like salmon, tuna sushi is often touted for its healthiness because it is rich in the omega three fatty acids. But it is also loaded with a particularly toxic form of mercury. An analysis of sushi from restaurants in Los Angeles in February, found dangerous levels of mercury in a quarter of the samples tested. Three quarters were above limits set by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and its US equivalent, which permits one thousandth of a gram of mercury per kilo of fish.

This may not sound like a lot but it is two and a half times the amount permitted by the Japanese government because mercury has a cumulative effect and can build up in the body.

The FSA advises pregnant women not to eat shark, swordfish or marlin - and to eat only two tuna steaks a week - because of the high levels of mercury found in these fish. Although no one has analysed mercury levels in sushi in the UK, given that tuna is traded internationally, it is reasonable to suppose that they would be much the same as in LA.

In adults, the most common effect of methyl mercury poisoning is paresthesia, a sensation of prickling or tingling on the skin. People may also feel sick and generally off-colour. Children - and foetuses - are particularly vulnerable. Mercury can reduce their intelligence and lead to behavioural problems.

Disturbing though Professor Carpenter's findings are for humans, the environment may be paying an even higher price for our new found love of sushi.

Every year, thousands of dolphins turtles, sharks and seabirds drown in tuna nets. Several species of tuna have already been driven to the edge of extinction.

Salmon farming can cause massive environmental problems, releasing chemical pollutants into the sea and consuming vast amounts of 'fish chow' - made from young fish caught at sea - leaving bigger fish such as cod, herring and mackerel to go hungry.

All of these problems have led some experts to conclude that the pleasures gained from eating sushi come at too high a cost."

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I think it's a conservationist scare, or a Japanese ploy to bring down the demand of sashimi so they can horde it all for themselves.

I'm typing this while eating my dinner of raw tuna sashimi... yum yum.
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Offline TylerDurden

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First off, this is a highly controversial topic so should go to the hot topics forum, I'll move it there. Secondly, it's really a total waste of time to try to scare off rawpalaeos with b*ll about the supposed dangers of bacteria and parasites. Rawpalaeos, as a whole, have had such great experience with bacteria and have had no serious issues with parasites, despite hysteric claims in the media, that this sort of post is just pointless and needlessly scares off newbies who want to eat raw fish, for no good reason.
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Offline roony

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I wasnt trying to scare off newbies, i just havent eaten raw fish for a long period of time before

How do you tell if the raw fish you're eating is ok to eat? i remember someone stating, that raw tuna excretes 98% of its mercury, before you eat it anyway, if its flash frozen should i just leave it in some water in the fridge for a day or so?

I'm particularly concerned about this

"Like salmon, tuna sushi is often touted for its healthiness because it is rich in the omega three fatty acids. But it is also loaded with a particularly toxic form of mercury. An analysis of sushi from restaurants in Los Angeles in February, found dangerous levels of mercury in a quarter of the samples tested. Three quarters were above limits set by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and its US equivalent, which permits one thousandth of a gram of mercury per kilo of fish.

This may not sound like a lot but it is two and a half times the amount permitted by the Japanese government because mercury has a cumulative effect and can build up in the body.

The FSA advises pregnant women not to eat shark, swordfish or marlin - and to eat only two tuna steaks a week - because of the high levels of mercury found in these fish. Although no one has analysed mercury levels in sushi in the UK, given that tuna is traded internationally, it is reasonable to suppose that they would be much the same as in LA."

& this :

"these restaurants are only the final link in a long chain that begins in the polluted salmon lochs of Scotland and the filthy seas of southern Europe and the Far East."

Offline TylerDurden

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As a forum, we generally frown on recommendations by government agencies precisely because they despise our diet. As for any such claims, read the site as it debunks all the various mercury-toxicity claims and gives reasons for why those claims are based not on scientific data of any reliability but on political motivations by environmentalists etc.
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Offline goodsamaritan

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I have personally experienced mercury toxicity with my amalgams when I asked my old amalgam fillings to be removed and replaced by a regular dentist and not by any biological dentist who had special equipment. 8 teeth. 4 quarters of my mouth.  Each quarter done per week.

There was the feeling of ill and the gushing of my then active right leg eczema... every time.  I experienced this mercury toxicity 4 times.

So far I haven't experienced that same mercury toxicity with raw fish.

When I started raw paleo with Wai Diet, my meat was exclusively ocean fish with large quantities of tuna from Jan 2008 to March 2008 and I experienced only the best of health.

This is why in my own personal experience I can say the mercury scare in ocean fish is untrue.
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Offline roony

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So basically, as long as its not farmed & caught & flash frozen at sea, its ok


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