I am curious as to how people have reacted early on to eating specifically raw meat. I am not on a 100% raw paleo diet as of yet, but have been focusing on raw meats for two weeks now. The only thing I haven't been eating raw is Wehani rice, because I feel I need the carbohydrates. Things I've eaten raw so far include wild caught salmon, bison steaks, grass-fed ground beef, and grass-fed smoked uncured bacon (probably doesn't count). Money is very scarce for me right now, so I can't be buying bulk products from sites like Slanker's.
A few weeks ago, before starting on raw meats, things were just ok in terms of health. I've had some severe health problems ever since taking antibiotics years ago which include leaky gut, candida, parasites, acne, chronic fatigue, bloating and weight loss. I've been fighting this for at least two years now with nonstop research, but rarely getting any relief.
The first things I felt from eating raw meats was a little more energy and a kind of euphoria which has only occurred early on once or twice. I pay attention to food combining rules, as my digestion seems like anything but optimal. I have had no digestive discomfort from any raw meats, especially compared to the heavy feeling of eating cooked meats. I usually ate my carbs (rice) in the morning/midday and proteins and fats at night (not at the same time though). I've now switched this since yesterday to eating my meat and fats in the day while eating rice at night. I absolutely know when I eat what affects my energy levels.
I couldn't find any fatty grass-fed meats around my area, but I did pick up some uncured, smoked bacon of very high quality and would go crazy for the fat on it. It seemed to give me a tremendous boost in energy. I've read a lot about raw animal fats and how important they can be for your health, so I really think this is very vital for me. Because I can't get any raw animal fats at the moment, I've been drinking a number of big spoonfuls of extra virgin olive oil, thinking it would help me out with my energy levels as I usually get extremely fatigued during the day, especially when I am at work. The olive oil does seem to be doing me some good as far as I can tell. I used to avoid fats as much as possible because of bloating and fear of fermentation.
Zero carb and high fat is something I've done before, but at that time, things were at an all time low considering my health. It wasn't doing me any good, that's why I eat rice. I did all sorts of cleanses, detoxes and enemas.. and only a certain colon cleanse did something for me.
Now, I love this paleolithic, raw diet, but I have yet to see how it impacts me overall.
How long did it take for you to notice any positive changes due to eating raw meats and fats? Did you experience any worsening of any kind of symptoms before they got better?
I hate to post another typical thread filled with worries of someone that is in a big mess of health problems, but I really am curious here. I also know everyone is different.
Just a while ago, I had some severe cramping after eating my rice for the night and was able to go to the bathroom. Fear of constipation already rose, but I was relieved by a mass of waste. I apologize for being graphic, but it looked extremely dark and murky and looked like it had parasites and some kind of bacterial colonies along with it. I could be mistaken.
My acne, which seemed to be close to being completely gone at the time I started this diet, has now worsened to an extent.
Maybe my body is in no condition to handle this diet, but hopefully my body is cleansing itself how it should..
I will see how things go for at least another week. I appreciate any responses.