My GF and I are prone to arthritis. Basically we maintain an Ayurvedic diet, in other words we eat the foods appropriate to our doshas. This prevents it.
If we stray and eat anything junk for more than a day or two depending on what it is, we get discomfort.
Basically it's like explanations for other issues. When you eat improper foods you get incomplete or no digestion and if the conditions in your intestines are appropo then some of this undigested food makes it through the osmotic barrier into the blood stream and collects in a weak area in the body which in this case happens to be the joints. Could be somewhere else and you would get another disease.
There are things that can help such as increasing the circulation in that area with massage and certain heating oils (the oils themselves have a heating effect.) to help mobilize the crap or toxins from the affected area but the best way is to cut it off at the pass by not eating improper foods in the first place.
Any other cure is a bandaid.
Certain foods will tend to naturally clean the blood. I would try to eat celery.
Other than that I would have some
triphala (three fruits in Sanskrit) which is essentially a body cleaner that is extremely mild. Take it with some sort of liquid. Here is a link to the
highest quality triphala at the best price. No I don't gain from that. Anything with the Maharishi Ayurveda brand name is the best quality.
Specifically for arthritis I would take this combo and rub the oil into the afflicted area.
Oil and
Really the cure is diet. Unless they want to be a drug addict : )
Recently someone came to the door collecting for the Artritus Society. I almost launched into a speech about raw diet and Ayurveda....... but I wimped. If they come around again I will launch. All the diseases that people want to have cured and hopefully a drug will do it.... Ah well.