Uk farmers wont supply glands?
Then you must admit that you have already lost access to health freedom. The UK and much of the world is already under tyrannical conditions, and this supplement ban is just the next phase of the takeover of all aspects of human life.
No one expects everyone to follow the paleo bandwagon, I am just a lone advocate of a more absolute and uncompromising way of life that I believe could help certain individuals that come here that are in need of such a message. I like to play devils advocate sometimes and often exaggerate my stance to make a point, but that does not mean I am unaware of my own limitations.
I speak from my own experience, here in a backwoods part America and even though things are getting bad right now its still possible to gain everything one needs to make a paleo diet a feasible solution to many health problems that I see people suffering from. There are epidemics of the kind never before scene in my part of the world and the environment and food supply along with idiotic medical practices are primarily what I blame. So in response to such great adversity I have adopted an extremest raw paleo purist attitude as way to transcend all the the monstrously complicated and half-baked solutions that I see most everyone else in the mainstream establishment and the alternative medicine supplement business trying to push.
This is my personal struggle to find a more personal truth. I am not speaking out of any utilitarian ideal, of how one must always consider the needs of the many over the personal needs of the few. Its just some intuition of mine to believe If the proper foods are available then supplements are not necessary(in general) , If there are other people who believe differently then they should be free to buy whatever supplement they believe will help them. There is plenty of room to agree to disagree on that particular issue. At least until the Feds come in and start making these decisions for us.