You didn't answer anyone's posts from your previous thread. I don't mean to insult you, that you likely have more preservatives and other toxins from many more vaccines on the schedule these days than in Owsley Stanley's time. I know people with the same last four digits, the last four in numbers with the rest in letters in their e-mail address, 1990, or born 1991/1992 etc who seem to wind up doing a lot more work cleaning up from the aluminum, mercury, viruses that people born earlier than that when many many less vaccines were used and not so early in life. I don't mean to insult by asking if you drink coffee and the rest, but you didn't put any post yourself into the welcome part, nor respond to the welcome in the only other thread. Everything is a shot in the dark that I'm asking you, as you say little. More people will respond when you make yourself more known.
Had you been trying all year to keep it 60:40, or did you hear about the 60:40 some time later? The more any of the members of this forum know about your health history and diet, we may give answers faster that you might find supportive to your health, unless you're only a troll. I don't see us jumping on this thread so far in droves. This may be why, lack of info about you to know what to reply to you.
If you live in a hot humid, hot dry, cold climate etc this may affect how much dietary fat you need too or carbs. I see you're in the US, is it generally cold or hot by you this past year? So, can you give any answers to anything? I very seriously doubt Mr Stanley was lying, but who knew but him? I wasn't in Australia.
Do you see ways eating zero carb possibly affects less tangible things like thinking or emotion so far? I'm not zero carb, never for more than a few days at a time, but I went super low carb from vegan, the first week ate butter and both drank and ate nothing but, and it definitely affected my mind in a good way from the first meal of it.