Author Topic: Being thankful  (Read 8097 times)

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Being thankful
« on: April 21, 2011, 12:36:03 am »
Here's a thread to digitize your thankfulness. I'll start it off.

I'm thankful for this forum of likeminded people, and all the work that goes in to maintaining it.

I'm thankful to and for our mods and admins and the group owner if that's a separate entity, I gave a cursory look around but did not see an 'about' section other than the welcome message.

Thanks for Aajonus for introducing me to this, though I've never met the fella.

Thanks to my family who, even though they are brainwashed, will tolerate what I'm sure is pretty gross to their very conventional minds. That is some love right there!

Thanks to the cool people I've met on this forum.

And thanks for everything else everywhere! It's a fun ride, this life!

Ok, your turns, no rules, just tell everyone the things you're grateful for.

PS I'm grateful for our farm and the raw, nutrient dense, traditional, sustainable foods we get off of it, including the wild critters and the food produced for our wildlife (I'm thinking of the well fed foxes and coons here! haha)

Also for all the unpleasant experiences I've had and learned so much from, and experienced so much emotion because of.

Offline raw-al

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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2011, 02:18:35 am »
I'm thankful to Vinny for telling me about Aajonus, thankful to Aajonus for his ideas and a concrete starting point, thankful to my girlfriend who with zero hesitation jumped in and started with me on this journey which has improved my health although it was in good shape before, for the website Realmilk that led me to my current source of raw milk etc, to the aviary where we get honey, to the butcher where we get our meat, MMY for letting me in on Ayurveda and to whoever started this website for the opportunity to discuss things. I assume that it is/was Tyler [whoever that is : ) ] and Good Samaritan.

Thanks all !


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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2011, 10:04:20 am »
That was really great raw-al!  ;D

Lets have some more everyone, this shouldn't be hard, each and everyone of us has soooo much to be thankful for, you can start small, but aim big.

Gratitude is sooo important because it affirms that you believe life is a gift, and if the creator sees you with that attitude, they will be that much more inclined to give you your heart's desires. But the spiritual and material benefits aside, can't you feel in your heart, gratitude, just dying to escape? If not, then maybe consider taking a look at your outlook on life. Everyone is lucky to be here, no matter how they're experiencing reality.

I'm thankful today because i got to experience both the rays of the sun and the snowflakes falling on my skin, all at the same time! When the sun came out it was so warm I had to shed a few layers while moving the cow's paddock to fresh pasture, but it was also snowing and I was in a tank top so the flakes felt nice on my warm skin.

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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2011, 12:39:27 am »
I feel so thankful that my mother is very open-minded and not authoritarian even though she was born in a country with a bullshit culture that expects hive-minded conformity and academic slavery. I am eccentric in ways other than just diet, and I am happy that she has been supportive. I am thankful that she want me to do something that will make me happy and not what she wants me to be.
All I want is the truth... Just gimme some truth.
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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2011, 11:12:05 pm »
Great CHK, that is wonderful!

Today I'm thankful for all the little microbes that facilitate my body's vital bio-processes! Thank you viruses, bacteria, fungi and "parasites" (or my little buddies as I like to call them!) I'm thankful that even though I tried to destroy nearly every last one of them through years of chemicals, drugs, and SAD foods as well as emotional stress, they persevered and stuck with me through thick and thin.

I'm thankful for companies like Monsanto that show us how not to do things and make it easy to say "look, this is what genetic engineering does to nature"

I'm thankful for hitler and mao and all the other mass murderers of history, thank you for your lesson on how not to do things. Thanks for showing us what we don't want in a leader and what happens when no one stands up for what is right. Thank you for showing us the results of group think.

I'm thankful for the internet and the freedom it provides us. For the access to new ideas, new, untainted info, access to really anything at all anywhere on the planet. What an incredible tool for freedom and progression of consciousness.

I'm thankful for a special woman I met here on this forum who has taught me so much and proved to me that there is a creator and that she loves us and that life truly is a gift for us to follow our dreams and learn and experience.

I'm thankful for our local Traditional foods group that makes it so much easier to buy directly from small farmers, visit those farms, and build community while uniting to end food tyranny.

I'm thankful for all the animals on our farm, our cows Lena, Joni and Francesca. All of our amazing free range chickens who give the most incredible eggs with nearly red yolks full of flavor and nutriments. I'm thankful for my 9 accidental puppies who are some of the coolest dogs I've ever met. I can go for a jog in the morning and have all 9 of them plus the mama following right along beside me with no leashes! I'm thankful for the lessons they have taught me, how to be a leader, that pathogens are truly not to fear, and a host of others.

I'm thankful for all the little 'accidents' and 'coincidences' that i experience each day. I'm thankful for wealth and abundance, happiness, laughter, pain, tears, love and life.

I'm thankful for my car, the air I breath, my body which serves my spirit faithfully each day, the cells which serve my body and the elements which serve the cells.

I'm thankful for our earth, and the wonder She is. All of the miracles of the natural world that we take for granted each day. Vitamins and minerals getting sucked up out of the soil, in to plants, which turn in to animals which feed us and provide companionship, and then for the cycle to be complete. I'm thankful for birth and death and rebirth.

I'm thankful for all the little children in my life that teach me so much, and allow me to teach them. I'm thankful for elders and all the millennia of teachings they have passed from one generation to the next.

I'm thankful for awareness, primitive skills and entheogens. All tools to bring us back to our instincts and teach us about the nature of our creator and reality and the origins of life.

I'm thankful for everything, everywhere. From the center of the earth to the furthest reaches of the universe, I'm thankful to be here participating in it. And I'm thankful for you, reader.

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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2011, 12:01:04 am »
How nice it is to read this thread.

I believe that the expression of gratitude has the highest healing power of any "treatment" that we can use. I have an aunt who, when asked "How are you?" always replies, "I'm counting my blessings, I'm counting my blessings." Some years ago, I started actually counting my blessings, and my life has improved in every area since then.

My favorite blessings are the ones that come from things that didn't seem to work out at the time. For example, I had a hard time with an unsettled career for about 15 years. At first, I would wake up grudgingly every morning and curse my work. Then, I read the little book, As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen, and I learned that my circumstances were a result of my own thinking. When I started mentally blessing my work and the people that I worked with, miracles began to happen. Miracles? yes! someone offered me full tuition at a private university and living expenses for to learn a new profession. My gratitude was tested for another three years with entry-level jobs, but I was careful to be grateful every day. Then, my position was suddenly terminated, but by then, gratitude had become a habit! My next job was the one I have now, one that I look forward to every day.

Supplies (food, shelter, and such) are another area of blessings that I am thankful for. I am grateful for these supplies, and more grateful for the Source of these supplies.

Relationships are another basket of blessings. Cultivating love for all brings joy. A smile to a stranger is an expression of love; hearing an emergency siren and blessing the police, firefighters, paramedics and all those who respond selflessly to human need; patient and kind words for difficult relatives. Invent ways to express love.

I've only belonged to this forum for a few weeks, but I am thankful for all the members, and send brightest blessings to all!
"I intend to live forever; so far, so good." -Steven Wright, comedian

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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2011, 11:52:08 pm »
As a Man Thinketh
Free download of book.


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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2011, 02:10:21 am »
Thank you raw-al!

I'm all for anything in support of gratitude!

And thanks eveheart for your contribution and recommendation!


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Thank YOU, dear reader
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2011, 08:29:53 pm »
Thanks this morning for 'chance', for the incredible magic of everyday life, for learning to perceive it and once perceiving it, allowing it to abundantly color your reality.

Thank you birds, four leggeds, creatures of the sea, microbes, and all our animal friends who inhabit the margins between sea and sky and land. Thank you for giving us food, companionship, clothing, entertainment, and for facilitating decomposition, maintaining balance and putting up with all of the asinine and poisonous energy and chemicals that the human animal puts in to the environment. Thank you for being patient as we mature as a race, and learn to harness our reason, and spirit for love, health and balance.

Thank you for just the right people who come in to and go out of our lives at just precisely the right moment to teach us and learn from us, and have magical, amazing experiences. Thank you challenges for teaching us, and spicing up life so that it's not this boring, vapid experience, devoid of both ends of each emotional spectrum.

Thank you sun, moon, stars, planets, 'space' and the rest of the universe.

Thank you biophotons for keeping us young, giving us health, mental clarity and for amazing people in to giving raw foods a chance.

Thank you creator, whatever you (we?) are!

Thank you body for serving my spirit faithfully.

Thank you, and you and you, and you reader, for participating in this adventure!

Thank you internet, computer, technology.

Thank you plants, rocks, elements, water, sky, wind, clouds, rain, snow, sleet, hail, hurricaines, tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes.

Thank you energy, light, color, darkness, and everything else, everywhere, and every dimension.

I appreciate you, and eventually so will everyone!


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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2011, 01:15:25 am »
I'm  thankful for the torrential downpours we just had. I got so energized by it, that I stripped off all  my clothes and ran stark naked around the farm barefoot. I'm totally exhausted now but if you get the chance to run full throttle through knee high fields of grass barefoot with such amazingly powerful natural forces beating down on you do it, it is primal. Thank you thank you thank you!


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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2011, 06:49:42 pm »
Thank you for the birds singing cheerily this morning to greet the dawn. Thank you for all of my coworkers who make my job easier. Thank you for the patrons, for the tips, for testing my(teaching me) patience and making me laugh!

Thank you to the different families that have adopted my raw fed puppies and have agreed to feed raw themselves, what a blessing!

Thank you for my girlfriend, who is sweet, kind, smart, funny, strong, sexy, sensual, beautiful, feminine and openminded.

Thank you for sacred geometry, entheogens, consciousness, laughter, tears, pain, love, friends, 'enemies', family, and snails.

Also thank you for banana(or black ripe plantain!)/cream/triple or quad egg smoothies (mmMMmm, like drinking custard!)

And thank you thank you thank you, for this community to share knowledge and laughter with!


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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2011, 03:28:22 am »
Today I'm thankful for mushroom teachers and syrian rue. I'm also thankful for cilantro, Jerusalem Artichokes and jimmy peppers and heirloom tomatoes.

I'm also thankful for art, sunshine, love, friends (animals, plant, rock, people and other!) learning, teaching, laughter, pain, and 'life' (love).

I'm spending this most gorgeous bright sunny fall day with some P. Cubensis mushrooms and Syrian rue seeds.

I go on a voyage of the mind and body every fall and spring to celebrate the changing seasons and reassess the path I'm on. I always learn something very important and come back invigorated with new ideas and perspectives. Thank you all for your parts in this community and the things you've taught me and your varied perspectives, it is great to have like minded individuals so this world doesn't always seem so entirely backwards! I look forward to the day when raw animal foods and true health are looked at by the masses with the proper perspective and the truth is generally recognized by all!

« Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 03:42:22 am by CitrusHigh »


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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2011, 11:26:22 am »
When I think about you all I feel all warm and fuzzy, because you're like me!  I love you guys!

Thank you fellow raw carnivores for getting 'it' and getting 'me' haha!

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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2011, 03:03:45 pm »
I feel the same  :)

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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2011, 03:14:47 am »
warm fuzzies all around!


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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2011, 11:27:12 pm »
Happy Solstice everyone! I'm thankful for a new year. For this time of dormancy and for the coming growing season and warm weather.

I'm thankful for my girlfriend and food that nourishes and heals. Happy New YEar!


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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2012, 11:40:01 am »
Lol, now I'm thankful not to have a girlfriend and to have my freedom and my own schedule back. 

Thank you for and to my 5 dogs. I raised you all from puppies, you eat what I eat, we sleep in a big pile as a family, you give me companionship, teach me about infinite and unconditional love, help me to try to new foods, remind me to be present and playful.

Thank you for this forum, and this community, for the friends I've made, the things I've learned, the chance to teach what I've learned. Thank you mods for all your hard work, keeping the forum clean and uncluttered, mostly being fair.

Thank you for the awakening that people seem to be experiencing in droves. Thank you for the blinders being taken away from so many as they recognize how backwards things are.

Thank you for my health, the unending joy that comes from a fully functioning and energetic body and mind. Thank you cows, mine for the wonderful, rich, gold cream you give and the meat I get at the co-op that nourishes me and keeps my system clean and well oiled.

Thank you birds, four leggeds, trees, plants, microbes, bugs, reptiles, amphibians, water, sky, wind, earth, Sun, space and fire.

Thank you friends and family for bringing so much joy in to my life.

Thank you science and technology for the things you bring to us, the internet and the ability to easily connect with like minded people, and the opportunity to share important information and be exposed to the same.

Thank you laughter, smiles, sadness, pain, anger, love and fear.

Thank you to all the food that nourishes my mind, body and spirit. Thank you for light.

Bless this forum and it's members, thank you for truth.


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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2012, 09:44:39 pm »
Today I'm thankful for all of the random ass people out there who posted a link out there in the ether of the internet which has proved to be illuminating and indispensable.

Think about any time you've ever posted a link on the web, maybe in the comments of an article you read.  Then someone scanning them sees it and learns a whole bunch of new stuff, just because you took 60 seconds or less to post it on a whim!

Also thankful for all the troops who have fought for their families when it was the last option. This excludes combatants in extraneous wars like iraq, afghanistan, vietnam, etc  And I'm not referring simply to career soldiers, I'm talking about every person who has ever participated in defending their tribe, village, town, community or what have you. I hope I have that kind of bravery if the need should arise....or the wisdom to avoid it if that is the better option! 


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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2012, 08:21:26 pm »
This morning I'm thankful for the sun, for bubble hash, cacao butter, the lush green of the forest, the searing silver of the sun shining down, the rooster I butchered for dinner last night and life in art.

A few weeks ago I asked for life in art to the extent that it's absurd (line borrowed from the postal service..i think) today I watched this....

Spirit Science 10 - Math of God

It really blew my mind, especially since I'm all lit up on this bubble hash a med grower friend of mine in Cali gave me. I think it will blow yours too, if you give it a chance.

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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2012, 10:17:00 pm »
Nice vid thoth. Thanks.

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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2012, 12:59:23 am »
Today is US Thanksgiving Day. Among a vast number of reasons for my gratitude, this forum is most prominent. Here I have been guided to stop poisoning myself and start living my older years with a physical freedom that I thought had left me forever.

Brightest blessings to all! Happy Thanksgiving!
"I intend to live forever; so far, so good." -Steven Wright, comedian

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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #21 on: November 23, 2012, 01:39:01 pm »
Happy Turkey Day to you too, eveheart. 


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Re: Being thankful
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2013, 07:30:53 pm »
Hi everyone, I've been absent because so busy with life but I just wanted to stop in and tell you all I heart you a lottttttt, and can't wait to meet more of you in the coming years as I obtain some disposable income to travel. You all are a large part of the reason I'm so optimitic about humanity and where our planet is headed. You all are a microcosm of the future, and it's going to be a bright an very exciting future!

Miss you, and if anyone wants to connect anywhere between MN/WI and NorCal come may, I going to try and integrate some visits with raw paleo folk into my road trip. Going west Ill be hitting idaho most likely, then beeline to cali, on the way back to MN in Dec. I will probably take a southerly route to avoid weather.

Let me know, either pm me here, or email me at [mullikencc a.t yahoo dot com]


Love you allllll boatloads!


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