I'm teaching a class at the end of the month on raw animal foods to a group of people from the traditional foods list-serve where I market our grassfed raw milk and pastured eggs. Over the years people have seen me post a lot of health related info and advice on the list and seem to generally appreciate the input with a sprinkling of the usual defensiveness people get when they think you're attacking their way of life (cooked, traditional foods). As such it's gotten to the point where they have enough confidence in me to attend a class (11 people and counting!) where I'll be giving an overview of raw animal foods, the concepts and theory behind this way of eating/lifestyle.
Most of them will be familiar with heat-created toxins from my writings on the site but I'd like to really drive that point home by bringing some foods cooked to varying degrees to show what heat-created toxins look like, ie browning in acrylamide. So it would be helpful if you savvy folks here could assist me in putting together a list of what heat-created toxins look, smell, taste, feel and even sound like (think sizzling when cooking in high heat, frying).
I will probably put together a field guide to heat-created toxins eventually, but it's just one in a very long list of to-do's in regards to this subject.
Also I'd like to encourage those of you who are veterans and eat this way successfully and confidently and with a good working knowledge of the various aspects of this WOE, to get involved in traditional WAPF minded groups near you who will be receptive to the next step (raw) in traditional foods. You can play on the fact that they're literally rallying to get raw milk, but then they'll gladly turn around and cook the shit out of their meats and eggs. Reminding them that it is completely arbitrary to be so ardent about having one food raw and then completely throw that idea out for all the other foods in their diet!!
Maybe this list of field marks won't be very long, I'll put the one's I can think of off the top of my head in this post, but I'm looking to give specific exmples like: acrylamide is the chemical responsible for the browning of sugars in carbohydrates and can be seen for example in the crust of bread or the outside layer of french fries.
Another example would be "blank" chemical is responsible for the smell you associate with meat cooked over an open flame, or cooked meat in general, etc.
So far all I've really got is the acrylamide and browning. I'll be doing some research in to what lipid peroxides and HCA's look, smell and taste like as well.